Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)

so BUSINESS Vont rowed trom preceding pagel Sr ICIP. Al I 'T Al AV! i NTRAN AC-1 lAt LS MANAGERS, Exlielieticrd Suarntscmon-44ualitted in Se es Cants An ExcluMt Washington. D. C. and rearty Maryland-Virginia Area.

Nlitat Gd. Dtstrri WO Grade: Surf Fire tine Interestrd in Any blew Product SerAlcr. Please Giving Full Details. AddreLs 34.Irthunc. 'St ELL establarte-dChicago naU oei se 're an Item or Items attiTanie tnr sale direct to dealers or n5uvrera Will finance production It dethed.

We have the selling -known hoc, anti It you have the rJght product. mutusPy attlattve arrangement can he out Send Information enrevint pruct and Interview wilL be Give phone nutnher AtA1)PaSSi 401 11111117Ng. NEW ENGLAND av VtU ttnance. merchandise. and Cstnhuta internationally any worthwhile 1Tn Tne Lauer Company, 546 W.

V'estinron-bl Chicago. 111. Represent MinnSales OT 17 t1( tut established costume jewelry watiled to handle exclusively Ene sterling slicer and brass line tot mblivevt rrtrry. (Mil, a too-ncteh out-need apply. Precinue Jewelry Mfg.

ea New Erns. 7. N. Y. WE ate thanclacturere represeritative-s selling to lewyd drug and variety and retailers in Texas.

We are npfit for new Haag. What do you IlaVt tt, otter? Smithwest Engineering aZO Exrgent-st Ft. Worth. Tex. large raw stack Inventors, No other sow.

oge in (Thlsto at preaent. Parts elerted must be interested In establishing tAtoirteto on a permanent basic 'roe to btog term, hard wort, propotottion f'r r4ro Intorsted In earniora in dir-t root, tr, yeti quality, write us Itn'l writ at FIMi I alia Central-AV Toledo )r to I AKERIES-BOTTLERS CUCARINE sato. free of restrietion. up to 50 per rota increase wItro cao s. sugar.

rrn GALLON. t3 50 rf 4 pat, minimum orders. t- to P. O. ft Chicago plant, Cl-dsra arrpfrd to our arrommodariono F4.

WA IX LABORATORIES all 113111131 OPPOIIIIIIITIll am.s! 11311111t OPPOITIIIITIES 1111SINESS OPPORTUNITIES wommomilm rthtors Manntartarina---ml Wanted Beverage Distributors compLETE NEW 'UNE WOOD CARBONATED BEVERAG4S. A 7 oz. and 32 oz. NATIONALLY KNOWN BEVERAGE SOLD ALL OVER THE V. S.


4 OTH.ST. DREXEL 2S 1 I Ur, i 47.1. V' JIM I CM wra.oit. iDISTR I BUTORS WANTED. toiiiis and if you have the right product.

Men or women; unlim posa big eriuturiPy attrattve arrangement can Money mkt In all statesi be keihrxeci out. Send ininrmation entity-ADDRESS 153, TRIBUNE. ins vour product and interview will be -enneeslona and Imentiona. Giya phone numher Mahon PARTNERSHIP OF NATIoN- AI.ORFSS 401 1111B1INE 'WIDE BOOK -rttintrrokt FOR SALE NEW prominent Text and Library Jobbing business well accepted and catering to Pepresentativeillsh grade inanufaettre- the Cathot ic. elementary and high sehools representatiet wtth many years of of the natinno Weil extablished.

and oria otwociattrn with New England leader In the Catholic Library field. Cir. hardware and mill tipple hititiers went ClilatPl Mr()C1117ed elltilli)Xl. EMMY' top notch notionally known cial privileges and dlacnunta with meny Lore C' mmission only. No gadeets publishers.

Low operating costx. Inert' Jonn Gillis 110 Stale- rustomers. growl income in Li neton 9 Mow Mantle! profit. Sale price $40,000 for a ATTENTION partnership share. Opportunity of MANUFACTURERS.

a lifetime! Located near Chicago book ex-si art rational whoiesate distributors center. Address 7. Tribune. rti-ot are Interested In adding a few midi- rN-FAYitrrEintle, ArkraisosBeautiful t.rnar tInfli et furniture, home turnish- large nine room residence surrounded by fres. houotoares and appliances.

acre of gardens and lawns. In one of Wor niterNational distribution. travel our finest neighborhOods. a hort block 43 men. offices.

romplete sales off IL S. biway 71. Stritable for highest financial responsl- dential hotel, tourist lodge, doctor office Address 45. Tribune. end clinic, etc.

COmpletely furnizthed at ARE YOU SATISFIED- $20,000,00. HAMMOND REALTY CO, ertiri results you now receive In the Itaam milidanx. FayettevHle. Ark. iiiincis area? Aegreesive store fixture OWNER AblH15--RETTRING--- nianrung organization ready to take Modern hatcnery.

cap. 90.000 chicks. on dea.erstupInto A-1 fr several more commer- items Crow. batteries cap. about 12.000.

6 ist; refrigeration line scales gliders Partic-Oariy egrated in i brood hite 1 hatch. as. h. 0.f-service fixtures. etc.

Replies coati- rit. bus: teb001; mod. home. 2 entte tess 43e. Tribune.

Add Inc. $25.000 yr. net: 642.000; Vs Um. Have you partner? Anna can oeti your proiTict or service by ler. with W.

Gray. 920 S. suttee. Stocei letter-1 can produce for yell a Pcwer" VIII. Cal.

Ph. 66SR2 until p. nt IL') "Ptal bulit Ynur "in RECORDFe aliand a Itiriceshop need. 30 yeaes experience in PP an pare and Toys. hardware.

1 unfurnished rm. mai; sales, I pl. p.kce advertising In all publications, for tan be used for living quarters. Good noica results risli or Fend detail's. business: 61.500 plus stock on hand.

CAPL 0, JOHNSON. Must sell because of health. Low ten- 411 5 Draft, rn, oom 0 tel. 3 vr. iease.

Send name and phone s---- -to home address. ATTENTION, TOBBERSI Box 317, Palos Heights, M. brew York buyint office illterrilted in TIANwherdesliei-In gn into true-fine enresenting lubber of ladies coats, business will sell 1 or more tractors tints, dreatres, sportswear and under- and trailers. Steady hauling contract. wear.

Exper ienced trained buyers for Must have $2.000 or more. We are a rich department. Have entre to Wilt growing concern, operating Interstate. reanufacturere in New York. Murray Ready Truck Lines.

139 W. 114th-st. 421 N. Y. I 1 I.

I Waterfall 3400 is- DESIRED COIN OPERATED Radios for hotels offer oppnirtunity for full or part time bust-Bove available Immediately 5,0110 aq nem E-Radio otter best features; immeft tocr space: tood dieplay windows; Mote delivery: attractive ntAtt, South Shore dietrict. desire dis- Write. wire, or phone todey. Reese, 1261 trthutorsillp or to act ma last retaMng Loyola-ay. Rogers Park 4010.

OUtiet Lir manufacturer or wholesaler. AGENCY DESIRED COIN OPERATED Radios for hotels off ATTENTION, MFRS. er 0Oncetunity tor full or part time torsi- YOUR PROBLEMS OF w. eve available Immediately 5,0130 sq nem E-Radio offer best features; imme- MACIIINE AND HELP SHORTAGES ft finer space: tood display windows; diate delivery: attractive now. cats be solved by contaciing us.

We lorated Soutts Shore district. desire dia. Write. wire, or phone todsy. Reese, 1261 are equipped to do your cutting and tributorsilip or to aet as last retailing Loyola-ay.

Rogers Park 4010. sewing. Address 0 550. Tribune. glitiet for manufacturer or wholesaler.

SHIPPING limitatinns affectini your Address 1 400. Tribune. and Ilaii7lbag ShopLong est. and profitable in promin. street "lurce Of kuPPIlef If in.

we have Imme- -AVAILABLE level loop loc. Owner leaving city. Must diate open time locally for plastic la- REPRESENTATIVE sell, Good lease, 315.000 cash req. bricating, light assembly. small hand 1th establoined awnless with manu-I Agent.

Room 1600. 7 S. Dearborn. and power operations. silk screen print- fa; turing pants In So.

Ohio and East- ORDKRGoing Mg, flocking. etc. A. As P. Specialties.

errs to hand.e an iditional Chicago. Includes sub Jtensacola 3261. stantial inventory line gibt tel products aut is as and layout for assembly csi attractive. RUBBER MFG. I tIvrts rt other fastener line preterred, exclusively held product.

Fully equip. do Mix. mold, and finish Address 39. Tribune. Address 121Tribune.

rubber parts, has opening at present for ELD'G MATEHIACMFGH'S. 11AMBURGER SHOP. 20 molds in hydraulic presses. "a- Chk-1100 tin 9 stools: 1600 moi4lisly income; competent engineers and rubber comhywn isles room add bldg. lines quortcrs in rear, 130 month rent.

Call pounder et your service. Arm. 1765. for commercial. Industrial.

and housing Forest 1550-W, after 5 p. wk. dark; 15EIRE individtaii-or organizatlim- wa 10,4 PlywiAKI. Asp-Tile. Bath! Saturday and Sunday.

any time. can put on market and promote the sale Fixtures. Lighting and Allied Imes. Only se rIESTAURANT concessWiTi retrn of a product for which I have the Feasible Manufacturers considered. colcaed cocktail lounge.

Must be good formuleIt really works. Call Lake Address 13 4(1. Tribune. cook. Wonderful opportunity.

Restau- Zurich. 4144 between 5 and 6:30 is. in. 0E1'3 menutriCtui'eforttiarautic nii7Elf; rant already established. or write Mr.

Carr, Box 242. ory devares representation by aggressive ADDRESS 0 498. TRIBUNE. Lake Zurich. Illinois.

Ind-istrial 'machinery sales organization rear 10171-Wil OPEN time On punch presses from 10 to tn alive' east oil Rockies. Write giving in 2 exp, auto repair men. Must under- 65 ton. automatic feed; spot welders. information or own organization, grand their business; good spot year riveters, kick presses, and assembly; rresent lines represented and territorY around: money maker.

Rental 2150 mo.I tumbling and degreasing facilities. Have crvered. Address 155. Tribune. complete toolroom to make tools and O.

346, Charrin Valle. Ohio. FULLY equipped kitchen. steam-517W, dies. Kedzie 4884.

TO SWEDEN. Write. coffee ums, cash registers. FecrurrEs OPEN small elec. or mech.

Pet yeti have goods for export to Sweden ing concern. Lease to responsible party assembly work. by experd mechanics. rt, re in the future? Let us then or- with some capital. Heart of loop.

Open time 5. 10, 15 too puncn presses. rarLre distribution. We have large Address .1 430. Tribune.

spot welder, drill presses. Will pick WO. ex7wrienre and capital. Reply in LA ONLRY has opening for mars who has deliver 100 mile radius. Ion.

German. or French to Industrt- tult knowledge of inside and outside In Address 41. Tribune. bolo get use. (7.ct nen burg, Sweden.

IME. old, established firm. Very little cash OPEN attrtre.s industrintse Investment required. RAND SCREW MACHINE WORK. AtTENTioN.

MACEAcTLIHEits. Address 223, Tribune. Long or abort runs; fully equipped shop: riablithed New York distributer looking MANUFACTURING. can make Mimed. deliveries, first come.

one cc two new last selling items Established niter, wants man with ex- that served. Call Mr. Thompsen Long- 1s-1, tt ril Of and vartety chain storm de- poutive sales experience preferable for beach 1396. partrnent stores. stationers.

jobbers. Car- triterests. Investment required. OPEN time on punch pressesUp to 50 ry on secounts. ADDRESS L.

140, TRIBUNE. ton: have complete tool room equipment: Aridness 13. TribUne. Partner wanted with experience Immediate delivery on dies. tools.

ligs. rnaliura-cturersEstablished in light machine and assembly opera- and fixtures: also have facilities for light saies gnu needs odditional Items 'cos- lions able to Invest $5.000 In business. assembly and secondary operation work. sBerisHics ftesseh'0 Investment fully protected. Ref.

lst let- Sall for free estimate. Hay.3044. gplisneeiti for current xpension pro- ter. Address TIMEOpen on 10" to-16" lathes, ver- gsm. West Coast or national distribu- w- take-over meat depart- Mai and horizontal milling machines.

Write cc wire Gro Salta, 115 W. ment in South Side grocery store: Per- drill and punch presses, hand screw ma7th4t LOS Angeles. centage basis. Phone owner for appoint- chines up to 112" capacity and assemtALEsmEN. distributors and mfrs.

agents ment. Saginaw 2266. bly. Leclaire Machine Co. Established firm offers complete line LEASE sm.

hotelCol. 26 121 N. Pulaski-rd. Van Buren 3221. of salable mdse.

(cosmetics. tither. auto. oil ht 3 yr. lease: expires RAVE facilities for produ-ction -r-ursIn a 1- i'll' '49.

Pr. 13:000 cash. 3751 Lake Park- wood, aluminum bronze casting, maehin- weelleble many excellent side line avenue. Livingston 2543. trig, finishing, router shaper finishing Items.

Write fully. Gro Sales, 115 W. rs- OR- Rent-L-Furnighed 24 rm. fine guest p.l.ant, engineering designing. Patterns.

L6s Angeles. rite Plano, Illinois, Box 69,, appOint- house. Near North. 6850 per mo. Gross ment, ora CAPCCirTall order- BrinlacraTrested in income, 11,400 per Inn.

Liv. qtrE, veil. call Plano 2-5602. rrprtiot it; noveity ideas and gadgets Address 187 Tribune. LACQUERSPRAYIN d---- I 1 l'' A dIrert TOStil and pUblication ad- RADIO, appliance and repair -store Open time available in our spraying auei 75 direct salesmen selling Going business; cheap rent.

IOC sale; shop to spray wooden or metal ape- Ttall tsde. If s'ou have an Item we can other business interest. cialty parts, Presto Engr 1012 N. use. a mutually profitable deal may re- Address Marshfield-ay.

Write. Address 0 397 Tribune POULTRYWholesale and retati; soil PLATING Mt mine; partners disagree; good price. A et etrAaa It ti It rri hung. Going business; cheap rent. 'Or sale; other business interest.

Address POULTRYWholesale and retail; gold mine; partners disagree; good price. Address 90, Tribune. FOUNTAIN concessionIn large Logan Square drug store; available to qualified party. Belninnt 9200. PEK-Ner-maelitne opportunity for GI, bargain.


CO. 025 MILWAUKEE-AV. HAY. 7170, OPEN-lime an all type industriar Ins-We specialise in japanning. enamel.

Ins. laolucting. hantmeriold, and wrinkle finishes, synod Or mciel; modetn plant. Callyirginia 50'40 Mr, Rio. WELL -engineered -Chicago ma-aline shop equipped for light medium stampings tool diem, assembliee, solicits emitacts.

ADDRESS A 337. 1i.T1TE 3 employes. supervisor and-ITISOO sq. IL space tor assembling. packaging.

or what have you, Aridness 0 425 AgW1NG wanted-Leather- goods, plastics, etc. Experienced operafnrs and Stapes-Mon. Large or sniall Job. Dearborn (134 9. Mr.

Linschults, 1 ATIENTION. Wsnt wood mtr to moduce fast selling attitle, lathe neceseary, IntitiNSt)N. ATLANTIC 6354. -WANT Insnufrieluiii'to make -and sell 110.111 hatehird tOoth brush on royalty. Can be made for Mg each.

Address 17, Tribune. SPRAYING LACQUERS AND ENAMELS. tont or short runs. Bittersweet 2626. PORCELAIN ENAMELING on sheet steel: job shop has open time.

Porcelain Enamel Finishers. Pis. 3221. WOODWoRKINCI shop has open time. Prefer long runs.

Routing, shaping, etc. Address A 372, 'Tribune. TOOL AND DIE SHOP WE CAN SELL MODERN YOUR BUSINESS WELL EQUIPPED 307 Has open time at present for tOols, dies. gauges, futures. internal.

external, and surface grinding: lso open time on modern milling machines, lathes, and shapers for production work: facilities for assembly or to manufacture complete units. Excellent engineering department. 12.600 sq. ft. floor space.

Address 241, Tribune. HIGH DEMAND ITEMDrug and dept. store and beauty and barber shop market. Nothing like it. Made of nyinn bristle; combs hair End brushes scalp.

Have orders for 100.000. have offer from chain stores for 14 to ki million. lave E. patents. World patents apPlied 10T.

Want some one to mfr. land distrihute. iernon. N. Nordica.


11 NO Roscoe-st. Div. '74 OIL LARGE organization. natlonal ollstribution. Unlimited funds.

Interested In manufacturing metal household. automotive. or consumer goods items. Large volume expected. Only interested in Items of merit.

Partially or completely developed. 1810 promotional schemes. Address 0 459. Tribune. PROMPT POWER BRAKE SERVICE.

Open capacity on 10. 12. 14 and 20 foot power brakes up to 16" thick steel. Material available in some gages. HARRISON SHEET STEEL CO.

4718 W. 501-av. Est. 6400. VREE engineering service: no Item too large or mall: metal stamping job ahoP has open time for complete development and manufacture of your product.

22 presses. 6 to 75 ton. battery of Spot welders. assembly and wire forming. GENERAL METAL SPECIALTIES 4103 W.


4718 W. 5TH-AV. EST. 6400 Aliiminum Castings Production runs wanted on permanent mold aluminum castings: designing, engineering and complete machining iadlities. Nevada 1484.

norizontai milling macnInes.I TO-BUY-OR-SELL ANY BUSINESS drill and punch presses, hand screw ma-i QUICKLY AND CONFIDENTIALLY. chines up to 11,42" capacity and auem-I Cox Co. 30 N. La Salle. Dee.

1052. bly. Ledlire Machine Co. 121 N. Pulaski-rd.

Van Buren 3221. STAMPS AND COINS RAVE facilities for produ-ction --full-lzi STAMP ALBUMS-Modern loose leaf. wood, aluminum bronze casting, machin- 2250. International 85.00. Ink, finishing, router shaper finishing $8.00: American 22.00 and $3.

O. plant, engineering designing. Patterns. I Catalogue. Vol 1 and 2 $3.00 Write Plano.

Illinois, Box 69. appoint- I a. Stamp packets by countries, 25e to ment, or call Piano 2-5602. S25. Send postcald for tree hit.

BgN'S LA-CCKIER yrN SPRA Stamp Coln 72 W. Washington, Chicago 2, Ill. Open time available in our spraying WORLD'S Largest Diamond and Triangle shop to spray wooden or metal ape- Stamps-Free atamp magazine: stamps natty parts. Presto Engr4 1012 N.I from lighting Fret French: 28 stamps Marshfield-ay. flom 25 different countries; pictorials.

PLATING I ail mails. A real bang. be with approve. Stamps. apital Dept.11, Little Open time for production runs on JUST ACQUIRED big U.

S. collection- GOLD. SILVER S. RHODIUM PLATING. Old comm.

blocks. scarce covers. EVOLNER PLATING. DEA. 2775.

s. complete. Canada. complete V. S.

Pw' ollection. etc GARDEN CITY PLATING BUFFING Stamp 68 W. Wiahington. C-A-S-1-1. Open time; gold.

rhodium. copper. bright COITRTEOCONSMERAT1014 nickel. and the benefit of 20 years' experience Longbesch 3622. to those wishing to sell their stamps.

Walter Emerson. Room 1503. 7 South ComrtrntLy equipped shop wants item Dearborn-st. Central 1988, to manufacture from material to auern- WI SILL bled unit; have source for material. 5.400 sq.

It. of manufacturing area; U. S. At ore gn Stamps i and supplies. also 1.200 sq.

ft. of assembly space UNITED STAMP CO. I Estab. 189 MAYWOOD 2160. 22 W.

Monroe. Rm.1706.AND. 3817. PRESS WORK REITIEM-BER-Clad-or brother with STAMPS for XMAS Air Mails. U.

S. and Foreign. Automatic or hand operation-on long COTTAGE STAMP 3134 N. Cr short runs Minimum cost. Long-ay.


On metal spinning. 7 5. Dearborn. Chicago. Andover 3126.


Vir. 4500. 127 N. DEARBORN. RM.

731. tuNoi press work wanted-Have priiit.RINEW arrived-All philatelic supplies 1-iral up to 30 tons. Can get material; have precancels; 6 collections from 310- 24 ga. steel and brass on hand. We 3125 Garden City.

151.L4At.ylashineton can make dies to your specification. rb cio GRAB-AdS. 15c MAYWOOD 2160. 25c. Andy.


Intercity Port Washington. N.T. 10 TO 70 TON. INSTRUCTION ,0 a.m.... Open time tor production rune on GOLD.

SILVER St RHODIUM PLATING. ZVOLNER PLATING. DEA. 2775. PLATING BUFFING Den wliti- established costume jewelry Xedzle 9382.

Open time; gold. rhodium. copper. bright beach 3623. ton wanted to handle exclusively nEAUTY shop concession in department nickel.

tre, sterling silver and brass line for store-Equipment for 3 saris. SI543' CommrntLy ed shop wants Item -lchsest tercitery. Only a top-netch out- moll. 6762 or Nat. 3982.

Pt need apply. Precious Jewelry Mfg. --w Nt.W'SPAPEft. candy. triagaiTne CtaleaNalati to manufacture from material to uerm 7' In Austin station for ed unit; have source fnr material.

ale- Donglas 5.400 ace It. of manufacturi rea; ng a are anotactureis representatives Park line. Call Austin 0884. also 1.200 sq. ft.

of assembly selling to food. drug and variety Ion- KdORN-1-5iG newspaper stand-1 cor. 67th- MAYWOOD 2160- space. and retailers In Texas. We are Cottage Grove; due to illness.

open for new Haag. What do you IlaVt PRESS WORK Inq. at stand morns. or at. night.

ci1er1 Soutnwest Engineering Co-. strong willing vet. tut partner in Automatic or hand operation-on long Ft Tex. furniture moving business-Some cash or short runs. Minimum cost.

11.ODEL AND ENGINEERING req. Address IC 54Tribune. MERCURY METAL PRODUCTS, rt work wanted; mechanical and electro- riALF interest-In radio, refrigerator. and ARMITAGE 3479. mes-banical devicrs, any materials ex- electrical applance store; silent or ac- OPEN TIME parent rights respected.

Lakeview 7077. On metal spinning. Address A 8 412. Tribune. -RUT-CriER --shop--Pully equipped; will TRIPLEX DRY CLEANING WHart-rave you -that- yr---u want rci-ITti lent or well; Austin-Chicago-ay.

MACHINERY CO. In Florida, either staple or novelty the Cali Mulberry 6291. 3601 S. Racine. Vir.

4500. year arremd I either an agency to-rent-030 South Chicago: UNCH preas work wanted-Have presses dies wnoo dtobDryatakosoons ticainndeitiWort or arraign' wiling. Clive full partlem busy ttatitt, heavy traffic; ult. many up to 30 tons. Coin get material; have loirs.

Mires 0 222. Tribune. kends business. Levtl. c2a4n Irria.skiletmee;11 ZATD0LOS.

folders, as expertly planned ()OD shop-Living quarters: War sceal. ph. Web, 2967. reasonable. 3122 FIST-ACRANT --reaCti 111Irttal SPACE for meat Market concession- TIME OPEN 2551 W.

Harrison-at. 1542 S. Kedzie. Roc. 8335.

ON PUNCH PRESSES. Dintribritorn tEAury Side; 10 TO 70 TON. DsTSIPtlyciRSHIP of patented te leseop- 'seen. oppor. to righ party.

Pull. 3728. 4243 HUFF RoTOOL ENGINEERING CO. osevelt-rd. Crawford 3243 i int steoi tube aratTOidli tt ()Pan tat Chl-IFOOD CONCESSION in cocktail lounge.

foi-iiiiret lithi and cam Prefer man or company lamillarl 5243 IrvIngPark: after 42rn. lathes 3 tn. bar cap; 18 In. chuck wItn scaffold problems and AND 2 DINING R061-1A cap; and tapping. Car rs In cont earring or contractors' sales.

kOR RENT- COMMODORE 2100. rnake nee. tooi s. Essn Mil rex Engineer. lwroonstr atatat atio stork Under hve hundred nOTEL for rent------lining Sg57000-101 Ing Co 1255 Campbeli ARM 4067 Eglai la rion-compelltive liens.

Telephone Drexel 1.133. Immediate delivery assured because of fountain and OPEN TIME Imra i. raw stock Inventory. No other env- ori live lunch. BUCK INGHAM fl 496.

on engine and turret lathes. shaper line ro Er to oricagn at party select- Manutsictorlins ryillinAr. liaberKarnp Grarts PRESS WORK Automatic or hand oncratiOnon Iona Cr short runs. Minimum cost. MERCURY METAL PRODUCTS, ARMITAGE 3479.

OPEN TIME On metal apinnina. TRIPLEX DRY CLEANING MACHINERY CO. 3801 S. Racine. Vir.

4500. tuNoi prom work wantedHave presses up to 30 tons. Coin get material; have 24 ga steel and brass on hand. We can make dles to your specification. MAYWOOD 2180.

TIME OPEN ON PUNCH PRESSES. 10 TO 70 TON. HUFF TOOL ENGINEERING CO. 4243 Roosevelt-rd. Crawford 3143.

for turret lath-ig am lathes 340, in. bar cap; 18 In. chuck cap; milling, drilling. and tapping. Can snake nee.

tonic Esso Toot as Engineering 1255 Campbell. ARM. 4067, OPEN TIME on engine and turret lathes. shaper and milling machines. liaberKarop Gram 157 W.

Wendell-at. Mic. 8757. MANCirllittEtt. W1h afiit swedsing and welding equipment.

to make pat. conapsible tubular wheeibar. row and outboard ntutor carrier comb. 11.1N2 409 MadtmonMaywood 257. PLASTICS A.I.I..1-:11-1----- ss Material and pre time available.

Cali Virginia 50'40, Mr, 5395. CIJCARINE tiTELLeniineered --Chicago roe-cline sh superior cf kora-tea, safe free of vestriettrin, equipped for light medium atampin 3.000 MANUFACTURING PLANTS f'. tip to 50 per tent Increase tool diem, aasemblieg, solicits contfacta. WANT UR-CONTRACT WORK. tritlt cart.

sugar. A ES rt 337. RWE RP to) Spy -cW0AmRm EPRRcOnCoTii5o tic rrn GALLON. t3 50 ii.TITZ 3 emploies. supeivisor and -373'0 0 OP QUEENS, LONG ISL.

CITLY N. Y. sq. ft sPace for assernbling. Packaging.

walRed Well 4 gal, minimum orderg. or what have you. i equipped shop with finishing dept. No P. 0, ft Chicago Want, Addicsa 0 425.

furniture or large cabinet work, Paull 0- dcrs copied to our accommodation. AgWING wantedLeather- goods, Pli-aica mtg. co. 426 N. Armour II500 west I LABORATORIES ate, Experienced oO1e1prat ors and pupae.

mo 44.15 Larige Or S11 Iota. Dtarborn to 1 0 lAillf Chicago 5 6149 Mr. I inachuli WOO s. DWORKING plant. employing 30 3I03, people.

available for6 weeks'. contrart "tit-- A it. pork nn small and medium 171011 litnt tie' ctisToM MADE VENETIAN hooseliont article. lathe necessary, ass.ullit wt. I 220 EK Tribtme.

iii: INDS, kb-wri In in eteatt floisiNsoN. ATLANTIC 6354. ctiels unlimited inosno TIE FOR TOOLS. DIES. ntab.e.

year teund selling. Bund up -WANT manuffieldier to make and sell new patented tooth brush on royalty. AND STAMPINGS. STANDARD TOOL, buoinees for punkeit ori lull eon be made tor ac each. er part time, This is sin excellent fipper- Address 17.

Tribune. 826 N. MAPLEWOOD. HUM. 0582.

----ATLIMINUM PLATING to bee(rue aftilate4 with on ag- firganization. No xperienee re- SPRAYING Open time. quired Every home. effice, and lectnry LACQUERS AND ENAMELS. Ravenswood 4148.

11 PrIP'a and laal Long or littort runs. Bittersweet 2626. ler hien quality bilnda. Liberia SCREW MACHINE FACILITIES um-onion. Call or write tor ppoint- PORCELAIN ENAMELING available for immediate Production.

reient, HoME MiorS, 100 V. on sheet steel: job shop has open time. NATIONAL MANUFACTURERS riot' AGO-AV, PilieNit DELAw ARE 1'381. Porcelain E-namei Einishers. Big, 3221.

1622 W. Division-at. Brunswick 4934. resi.EssiAN--bLsTRIBOTOR-WANTED. W5OD-WeeltKING shop -has open time STEEL ON HAND IT II'S Prelet lone rung.

Routing, shaping, etc. 14 TO 20 GAUGE. OPEN TIME ON PATENTED NEON 6 von operation Address A 372, Tribune. POWER SHEAR. Franklin Park 3378.

6-PIElTi irri-le-on punch presses-Fast-de-- cremes possib.e 'nominated advertising cut-oft-Plus or minus .0025 on hitt or top of talicabs or businetisl in, fin length plus or minus 12 degree livery. Send prints or samples to Pertu11 eats divert farriery exclusive Iran- en angles. Address I. 60, Tritiune. liable Metal Stamping Company.

6830 rhino available to man with GRINDING WANTED. W. Berwyn afibity, with eer. in 1111114,4 or adminin MA-STUFACT'URING In-feed. thru-leed profile; any tolerener.

and assembli plant mates interested, qualified patties will' any ernaritirer good delivery. Mon.2991 with heavy machint ry. fully equipped. InLet'itwed t1'" Tartu'''. time on tooi s.

diem, nen. and $6,000, low rental, 3 yr. lease. Green- ate age, fence. preeent business natures.

aped welding. light stamping. leaf 5608. and vel" bel light shearing. Euclid 3016.

PRECIS ITIFF5I-N-rd-W nid stlictest Address 6 Tribune 'WOOD- liave-time and meter- .0002 in limits elec. welding; tal for turninga under 1" diruneter. plein Binned plug gage: 2-3 cloy deity. EXCLU SALES AND Michigan 4884. ALSO HAND SCREW MACH.

WORK. SERVICE FRANCHISE WILL OPERATE AND PRODUCE NOW- DIRZIUS MACHINE SHOP. ROC. 4357. Plastic sheets available inunediMe PLASTICS requirements make 80.3 of milli holiday delivery.

Seeiey 494o5. merchants your proxpects end enebies A Open time on Injection. compression PEN time for glass cutting' Proonction lieu to build a pernianent pnintable re- molding. Address A 397 Tribune. and belt machine work.

Will help fur- noir business cl your own, You mind be WINDING TIME end have sufficient capital to nishglass. Irving 0937. Intes: ll 000 i Merchandise Invest- STEEL on--band 16 and--1--8 gage 'Myr. ASSEMBLING AND LIGHT MFG. ment I.

Call Mr, Kelly. SaKillaW 87P13, 22 and 24 rage gene Open time On 1118 W. Taylor. Monroe 4617. between 1-5 er 7-9 today and blonder power shear Franklin Pk.

3378. tbNTRActs for dies, stampings, moida. rip-Vitt PUTORSHIP Op EN. kTAMP-ING time open On 50. 40, so mach models engineering patente solicited to fill es acit le New ultra-modern juke box fit superior 20 ton presses.

Everglade 0200. B. i Y. II M. end design, for public J.

Itandel ToolCo. 622 W. Lake-st Ran. 2247, roves. presents be fipportunity ItTNIP! avairable-in eqiiiii-FA OPEN time on production of heavy outlets will bottline, packaging, and assembly plant tical and horisonat milling drilling and so-on be selected for teen city over ADDREsS 3 208.

TRIBUNE. tripping. dies figs and fixture. Advance non nor In lit Itiwa. and 1-aa, 6I'EN time on arc wilding-LSteer--e-ii Eng- N.

Aberdeen.Seelee 3600. reunite. Inel requires nitro. replied of stainless; prefer steady item. Call Hest- OPEN- Spiaying, baking enamel, $3 750: sive see, previous bus.

ern-. well Electric. Beverly 3443. and lacquer finishes. Production nine.

name addrest and phone. WANT- hale bending-Small size up to Tri-Ed Finishing Co. Cra. 3944. Address 0 470, Tribune.

La, precision bent. Call Beverly 7431 OPEN tirrTi-on B. 8-i- S. auto. screw ma- Ot-o-15-Scieclattles Sersioe-Weekly truck after 6 p.

In. or all day Sunday. chinos. Noe. 00 2.

Have some brass, to netslier Trutt: popular. fast turnover SPACE and equipment Transformer rod rd. mat. on hand. Monroe 8643.1 Berns.

115 to $25 daily profit. Dont i winding and electrical assembly. d-e-i-S and arc welding fori unieu experienced. Must reside Address 123, Tribune. production run.

306 W. 1081.13-PI- 1 South end $1.350 necessary for late for time on production I 1 I Put. 4026. model own business with tood Berl let truck and daily tuinovor stock. 1 turret lathe.

Bar capacity 212 Inch. LATHE work wanted--On small forgings Tou mu lull articulars references 8866. or castings: Iron or braise; 2 1012 gp. iV p. your hen in letter tor quick actirm.

OPEN TIME. running orders preferred. Yards 4896. pe Address 145, Tribune. Sheet metal fabricating and spot weld- ALUMINUM foundry has open time for Rig.

Iludson 1304. match plate work. Ballard Foundry, rIpms IDI I. TEo ESTED A time-Spray lacquer finishing. nov- Rt.

1, Box 136, tea Moines. Ill. IN OBTAINING A DEALERSHIP. IN PE 1 se In assembling: by Small wood- FOR AN F. H.

A. CON- city OPEN time in woodwork shop. cabinet. worki STRUCTION APPROVED PRE-EABRI- ng shop. Buc.

4860. and finishing any kind of molding nick- CATED HOUSE. CONTACT REVIS CON- 1- AN deliver printed cartons-Small sires intr. 2423 W. Fullerton.

Brun. 3438. STRIXTIO comANY, only-inntlantity. Monroe 2272. XPERIMENTAL modeM -GT-die work NEWMAN.

ILLINOIS. OPEN TIME-Sheet metal. fabricating. wanted. Solday 1117 N.

Western. NATIONAL concern with branch offices welding, or production work. Arm. 3777. ARM.

8558 here will set up several men in bilainessl OPEN TIME-On spot welding. punch Wanted in Chkago and metropolitan area. We prose and assembling. Arm. 3Tha.

SALESMANAGER-52. will invest $5- furnished MI capital. Your profit will 6PE-N-time on ii s.Tho. 0 auto. screw 110.000 in est.

whelesale or retail bus. depend on your ability; no investrneuL hand screw. 1 lathe. Hay.0056 ADDtESS 479. TRIBUNE.

Webster 2000 tor appointmenL iii TIME ON SIX GORTON ENGRAY- Vat' timall-nTair-order bus. of merit. BEER -DISTRIBUTORS 6957. Give details. Address A 443tTrinune.

ri-AVE open time for esin set-Up ch wl ip- WANT 10 buy-Currency exchange. A- territories radius 200 miles Must et-tted Chicsign brewery: exclusive hoard bo xes fit it 222, tin 8314 or address A 351 Tribune. established and financially responsible. INDIVIDUALS want--iii-Taisem. wk.

Give PHOTO STUDIO-To Elly or rent space Address fe Tribune. particulars. Address with equip. AddressT 307. Tribune.

BEI 1 it --A-G 0 -D-T-TRIBUTZ-1- -OPRIV time available-Wire forming end dyeing plant; city or sp-nt veeldine. Address 0 out of town. Address we have open territories for ex-, 6Pglit time On 2 for job-and CA--S-11 PAAID FORThram. BUSINESS. perienoed soft drink distributors.

imprinting. Address 393 Tribune. Quick action. Ace Auer. Canal 8625.

MANHATTAN 1St ITTLING CO. OPEN-time-Tor light and--Feavy welding. NEED CASH? FOR ANY 30d 29T1I-ST. IRVING 9820. CALL RANDOLPH 4144.

trq.Ft Slistributorswanted for Illinois. 6P1--Thrne-Polishing and 743 WILL buy or sell establiiihed vending Indiana, lewa, Wisconsin, on well es- Southport-ay. Buckingham 0639. machine routes-All types. State 7943.

4ronther'l patented items. $3.000 In- altri-ent recessare for merchandise. WOODWORKING-OPEN TIME. tri7E-B UV-OR-SELL-any ti-Pit--busineirs ADDRESS 8 2021 N. Rac'ine.

Diverse? 2790. CASH AT ONCE Mr. Lewis. And. 5346.

VA--NTED-4 dealers -10r-fi-nd PRINTING on-plasties. TO BUY OR SELL itRAIrrt-SHOPS. sere Erighimist vegetable stands. Webber Co. 2248 Belmont.

Due. 1937. NNA PARKER. LINCOLN 3383. Most be ready in cover territory by WOODWORKING SHOP HAS OPEN BOOK BINDERY WANTED Jan.

1.. Forret 651. TIMIL PlIONZ ZIJetklURST 4157 C. KROWN, 333 N. BANK-DIL Ova 35 years of experience.

Our wide variety of QUALIFIED buyers enables us to sell any substantial business in strict confidence. no matter where located. ASK FOR Confer with us; no obligation, no advance charges. Apple-Cole Company A Nationally Known Organization." 53 W. JACKSON-BLVD.

MIRROR OPPORTUNITY. 44 yr. old 'stab. mirror sales concern In market for a greater source of supply of wall mirrors. venetian and framed styles for retail furniture end dept.

atore trade. Have splendid showroom in American Furniture Mart for past 23 years. Will take entire output on gel. iv. jobber or comm.

basis. Not Interested in direct mfg. but have splendid road organization and big (OtluwIni. Reply should be specific as to your reliability and need Address 437. Tribune.


It Boor space: good display windows. located South She district, desire distributorship or to act as last retailing Outlet for or wholesaler. Address r402. Tribune. AUTO body painting and repairingEst.

automobile dealer desires experienced associate in separate business as stated; bldg. available soon; equipment available; best of territory. Address 0 115. Tribune. IFTMICTION contract available to mfr.

with presses and plating to produce patented fast selling Moe appliance. Cost to be paid from unAlled orders from national distribution. ADDRESS 123, TRIBUNE. TO INVEST with services; man 60; es-tavern owner; will consider tavern or ANY butiness Address A 376 Tribune. BRAINS OR CONNECTIONS will tnvest In any good deal, idea or speculation, All replies considered.

ADDRESS 165. TRIBUNE. HAVE up to $200.000 and services to Invest in well managed and profitable business. Address 413. Tribune.

IF you have an idea to start a business or now have a business and lack capital I will furnish same. ADDRESS 0 484 TRIBUNE. LAUNDRYMedium sized; inC-hicago, commercial operations preferred Please list equipment. approximate age. and price.

Address 473. Tribune. 2 EX-GIs have money to invest in going manulacturing or wholesale business. What have you to offer? Call Humboldt 3160 or Humboldt 1722 Sun, FAINTMfg. businessWill buy outright or share interest in small est.

business; have available each; reliable people. Address 0 Tribune. WANTED to buySteel bins or shelving suitable for laundry or linen supply stock room. Union Linen Supply, 4131 Ravenswood. WANTEDSmall machine shop equipped with punch presses and spot welders for sheet metal assembly; will pay cash.

Address A 451. Tribune-ADVERTISING agency man wants to buy Interest in small advg. agency. Will Invest cash. Address I 318.

Tribune. tOSMETIC businessManufacturing and selling all lines; powders, creams. and liquids. Address 0 560. Tribune.

WANTEDImprint catalogue for rural trade; send sample. National Advertising Company. La Grange. Indiana. 1-STbRY brickblag.

with tavern -oral: icatessen, in city or country. ADDRESS I. 228, TRIBUNE. SALES mgr. wants part or full interest in med.

to small mfg. jobbing or wholesale bus. Address A 481, Tribune. 1-VANItED to buySmell oprtg. screw mach.

slip. Reply giv. ear. etc. Address 299 Tribune.

SHEET METITEmecharTic wants -IAor whole interest in going metal mfg. business. Keystone 2550. flOYS'camp-wantedModern in every resPect. Write 3.


Heim Beauty Schools LOOP; 6 E. LAKE-ST. CENT. 4906 SOUTH SIDE: 6552 S. HALSTED WENT.

7060 AND 479 BROADWAY, GARY, IND. COME IN. CALL OR WRITE. AMEIAIC-AN SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE OFFERS JOHN MUELLER Known thruout this profession as the outstanding TEACHER in HAIR STYLING HAIR SHAPING and the FINEST staff ot instructors in the beauty Reid. A training of the filsbest Quality.

The prestige of our diploma Is the prized posseasion ot our graduates. Course offered under GI rights. Visit this beautiful school. Day, evening, or part time classes. 9TH FLOOR.

30 E. ADAMS CENT. 5446 BEAUTY CULTURE OUR IIAIR STYLING AND SHOP. Management courses give you additional qualifications. Get your training where It counts the mcst.

Enroll now! MARINELLO Graduates till Better Paid Pogitionst The MARINELLO WAY Is easy to learn and easy to oar for. Day and eve. ehtleell. Position waiting. Approved tor G.

1. training. GERTRUDE HALE SCHOOL MARINELLO SYSTEM visit phnne or write tor Fr Pe Booklet. 162 N. STATE-ST.


Day and evening classes. E-Z terms. my e-vt rn VOGUE New Fashion SYSTEM OF BEAUTY CULTURE. STATE ACCREDITED. 2553 Milwaukee.

Belmont 2020. 3304 Lincoln BUC. 7070. 11.,,...,. Learn Beauty Culture NOW AT SELAN'S CLASSES STARTING NOW DAY PART TIME OR EVENING CLASSES PREPARE TODAY To Be Independent FOR LIFE We Can Prepare You to Be an Outstanding Beauty Culturist with Our Advanced Hair Styling Course ALSO Our Special Course in Business Sales and Shop Management INCLUDED IN BEAUTY COURSE WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE SELAN'S WORLDS LARGEST MOST MODERN Beauty Culture Schools LEADS THEM ALL See for Yourself Why SELAN'S GIVES YOU MORE FOR LESS MONEY WITH THE LARGEST TEACHING STAFF Therefore Means More Individual Instruction See for Yourself Why SELAN'S Enrolls More Students POSITIONS WAITING FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE FOR LIFE Visit Write or Phone for Booklets DOWNTOWN 32 N.


NORTH 4066 MILWAUKEE-AV. at Irving Park, Phone AVEnne 3200. WEST 4101 W. MADISON WEST PHONESACtamento 2727. The Star Makers in Beauty Culture Classes Starting Now Day, Part Time, or Evening Classes SEAN'S Beauty Schools BURNHAM "Established 18711 75 YEARS of WORLD FAMOUS LEADERSHIP in BEAUTY CULTURE A qualified Burnham traduate is is-lured of steady work in refined surroundings with an income limited only to her ability and ambition.

This in the face of "rowing competition for fobs in every line of work in every part of the country. REMEMBER A Burnham Diploma in Your liand Is a Big Bank Roll for Your Lifetime LEARN WITH THE LEADER SINCE 1871 BURNHAM Offers All Six Exclusive Features 1. Unique system of personal tutorship. 2. Only experienced authorities on our training staff.

3. Only standar nationally known products used. 4. Much more practice on living models. 5.

Large reading rooms with free reading books. 6. More thorough training in Permanent Waving. Burnham Trained Operators Demand! For Bigger Pay, Learn The BURNHAM Way Inquire About G. I.

Training Day and Evening Classes Come in and let our 75 YEARS EXPERIENCE guide your future. You have everything to gainl WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET E. Burnham 140 N. State Ran. 3355 LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE.

If you are one of the many who are Planning On entering the beauty profession but who are putting it off until after the holidays, we have a message of importstnce for you. At the present time we are accepting enrollments at a new low introductory tuition rate. In Order to accommodate those who cannot call during the week we will be open SUNDAY AFTERNOON FROM I UNTIL 5. Easy Terms. Free Placement Service.

VISIT. WRITE. OR PHONE TODAY. Mode Academy ht Beauty Culture. 1532 W.

Chicago-ay. Hay. 7884. za33 wiliwanaer. AtrAV 3304 Lincoln BUC.

7070. Learn Beauty Culture LEARN SCIENTIFIC MASS-AGE In Exceptional money making advantages CHICAGO'S FINEST SCHOOL. for men and women. Fine positions in ElegantModernStreamlined. hospitals, clubs.

sanitariums. or operate Day and evening classes. Terms. your own profitable office. Learn in few VeteransApproved for GI Training.

day or eve. Diplomas awarded. State Accredited. GI training. Ask for catalog T.

Visit. Phone. Write COLLEGE OF SWEDISH MASSAGE. 100 E. Ohio139th year).

Del. 7112. GRETA DEAL SCHOOL iXPERTtutor for regular. retarded. ill 5248 N.

CLARK-ST. or problem cam grade and hien school LONGIREACH 2376. students; your home or our fidqtrs. Na- titAtrnt CULTURE l'ully accredited tional Youth. Sup.

3238. school In vacation wonderland. Limited INROanowRecognised college of enrollment. ApProved for Veterans. But.

SCIENTIFIC SWEDISH MASSAGE. letin on request. Tampa College of Coo. KELLBERG COLLEGE. Tnetology.

1706 Cr. Tampa. Rat. 1881. 32 N.

State. 9th IL Dea.8985 Fla. AUTODRIVINGDual controlled- cam. SPANISH lemonsFor easy bus. conver.

GREER COLLEGE. sation and your traveling. Lin. 15643 460 S. State.

HARIllen 8070. OFFICE FURNITURE AND DEVICE' LEARN AUTO DRIVINGBorgeson AUto mere PlirINE-TRA NSCRIBER, AND School 4116 N. Clark. Key. 4378.


Physics. ANTEDTYPEWRITERAND ADDINd hi. sehl. and college subjects. Bit.

4314. MACHINE. ANY KIND. MON. 1237.

algebra. geometry. WANTED-13Ortaile typewriter; any make, calculusphysics. Eng. Graceland 3236.

private. Columbus 8940. Mr. Price. A-SSOCIATEDFRIVAtit TEACFIER8.

WANTEDOffice furniture in aniiiiral Arithmetic. reading. Fairfax 6650. Hon. Mr.

Gibson Humboldt 0801. gUS. inertPub. speak rillin-1-0-15weeki. G-60D get.

cheap; tither ra. Prot. 25 Aedrtes li. 445. Tribune.

Ira reactants. Lon. 9554. GRETA DEAL SCHOOL 5248 N. CLARK-ST.

LONGBEACH 2376. illEAUTY ULTURK-u1ly accredited school in vacation wonderland. Limited enrollment. Approved for Veterans. Bulletin on request.

Tampa College of Cosmetology. 1706 Cr. Tampa. Fla. SPANISH lessonsFor easy bus.



1237. ANTEDPortable typewriter; any make. Private. Columbus 8940. Mr.

Price. WANTEDOffice furniture in anyco-TXHon. Mr. Gibson. Humboldt 0601.

dei015ellaithone vet. cheap; other iiIra raacidnes. Loa. PS 54. OFFICE FURNITURE AND tINICIS NEW WOODSTOCK Upright Typewriters FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AND UNDERWOOD Noiseless Portables LIMITED SUPPLY A small dtposit will hold tor Xmas.

AUTHORIZED FACTORY REP. Belmont Typewriter Sales and Service 1520 W. Belmont-ay. Grace kind 6400 land 6646 DUPLICATORS riot nffset And relief printing I and Folding Machines DUE TO FRATE SITUATION CAN RE DFLIVERED AT ONCE IN CHICAGO AREA. F.


Th. HAYMARKET 6026-6072 A. E. dictaphone, electricard machine; 2 cabinets; 1 cameo transscribing machine; 1 S.12 dictaphone shaving machine. Excellent condition.

$700. THE M. B. AUSTIN CO. 108 S.

DES PLAINES CLOSING office and have for irruTariire delivery following items: I electrtc 8 bank Monroe calculator. also 10 bank electric Monroe calculator; 2 large enamel metal cabinets 363E1 gage. 36x lait77: 5 costumers: adiustable drawing board; 5 pedestal mahogany desks: 1 large maple deak: swivel chairs. and arm ehairs. I Remington Noiselesa typewriter and other miscellaneous Items.

Era. 2628. NEW CHROME BAR STOOLS. Chrome chairs and tables. 4-6-8 ft.

bottle coolers. Hobart grinder and vegetable slicer. Koch reach-in refrigerators. Deep sea fryers. Perth direct draw systems.

Jordan deep freeze. Stainless steel workboards. Quirk. 1166 W. Madison.

Monroe 3373. TYPEWRITERS Portablesbrand newXmas delivery. Rentals, All Standard Makes Late style office models for sale. America's Leading Distributors. INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER EXCH.

Sales and Service. 5th 8. 231 W. Monroe. Central 3170.

5-4-3-2 DRAWER STEEL FILES Plat top. secretary. typewriter desks. tables and chairs. folding chairs.


3768. TYPEWRITERS ailPORTABLE AND STANDARD-46. New and rebuilt. Immrdiate delivery STAR TYPEWRITER Co. 189 W.

Madison. Rm. 611. Dee. 8444 150 NEW WALNUT DESKS 60 AND 48.

Davenports, tables, teleph. cabinet'', etc. Write or illustrated folder. FURNITURE S924 N. Clerk-it.

Bittersweet 0528. SELLTNG-OUT-ALL USED green 4 door tiles, 815 up: metal sterirs.1 posture chair. $7 up: desks. $20 up; rue. swivel chairs, leather davenport.

card Ales. $2 up: tables and misc. Items. Sale hours, 6:6. 512SL State.

FORTAlkir--add itandard typewriters. 822.50 ulw; checkwriters, small adders. elec. Monroe calculator. typewriter tables for home and oMe, desks.

chairs, steel files. Darroeh's. 1131 W. Madison. SAFES New safes for Immediate 73 and up.

Various sites. HERRING-HALL MARVIN SAFE CO. 227 N. Michigan. Franklin 7932.

LIQUIDATION SALE. Safes, vault doors, money chests. mimeograph, fanfold billing machine, 855 Kardex cabinets, elec. fans. typewriters.

Ediphones. elec. water cooler. 4078. Dearborn.

Rm. 200, Web. 3040 Elite type. less than two years. old.

as good as new. Also model 2709 Electric Addressograph. Addressing Machine and Supply 122 E. Ohio-street. Indianapolis.

Indiana. LI 5660. -NATIONAL BKKPG. MACHINE Ditto duplicators; Ediphmie transcribers. Dictaphone; Photostat machine; receipt registers; wood Allot cabinets.

A. Lipman, 61 E. 8th-st. Wall. 3080.

ARE you starting In business? We build paneled office partitions. other partitions. shelving. work tables, with or without covering; benches. library tables.

directors tables, bookcases. special cabinets, etc. Mr. Nettles. Lincoln 5574.

SAFES Late model. double door. crackled finish. fitted Interior; underwriter's label. McGrath.

1665 W. Ogden-ay. FOR sale-20" Remington Woodstock; 12" Smith typewriters; Model 58 Electric folder: No. 77 Mimeograph hand: Hand sealer: Mallometer; 20" Varityper. Superior 2901.



McGRATI-1. 1855 OGDEN-AV. SEELEY 4080. STEEL Ales and blueprint cabinets; leather davenports and chairs: wood office desks and chairs; all finishes. WEBER.

HILMER JOHNSON. 1 217 W. Monroe. Randolph 3785 NO ITNCEPTIONIST WANTED: Photo electric annOtilleer for offices, stores. Interruption if light beam announces person entering by ringing chime.

Superior 2779. 2. 37-A-ND 4 drawer -steel Visit; li Carries; Acme and transter toes, sates. desks. typewriters.

Business Furniture Co. 172 W. Monroe. Dearborn 1627., TYPEWRITERSGALORE. Bum.

delivery. 10" to 18 machines. TYPEWRITERS. INC. 2918 N.

Cicero. Store open 2-5. Ph. Spring 1334. Mit A.

B. Di-eir B. electric mimeograph duplicator with stand and motor. $100. G.

Ries. Virginia 1900. YottiviltOGRAPITtTiber 7813-poiier-allP sheeter. extra drum, large eland rninwotome 111114 number 79 rointeograpti.1 Supply of paper. BO.

8745, MODEL 1250 MulliiithPiitectcomtition, less than fon year old. 31,500. Apply Peerless Press. 818 West Milweuker. 'Wisconsin.


CIRECTORS leather covered table. 12 teeth. chairs. elec. water cooler, 3 cosh.

teeth. oph. davenport: check protector. 5330. 4-0SfEEL LOCKERS, 2 desks with eheirs.

Royal typewriter. steel file. vial. posture chair. chrome arm chills.

coaturners: all excel. cond. Buck. 0181. NEW SAFES.

$30 AND UP. For Immediate Delivery. THE Most.ER SAFE CO. 214 W. Jackson.

Central 3748. iworT No. 150 post card printing machine. together with Elloscope for stenciling Illustrations. Slightly used.

$100 cash. Phone Homewood 660. kiRTABLE photostat outfitComplete, like Rem. Rand. l'ortagraph, selling for half cost.

Ern. 1201 111 W. Monroe. FOR saleModel 40 Multigraph duplicator and 58 folder; both Al condition. 1908 Belle Plaine.

1-0---LEC A Lh les, steerielth or wrihR7.3 locks; slightly used; 1 underwriters safe. 2 dr.AddresiE 102. Tribune. 14F.W VARITIrPERAnto. adluatitter; carbon ribbon attachment; 14 type laces.

Call Harrison 0058. RECEP. rm. 2 and 3 seat chime settees. chairs to match; any color: 5 day deliv.

Darroch's 1131 W. Madison. Can.7792. MR SaleNo. 17 Universal letter folder wIth motor.


owned noiseless late model Underwood typewriter. Pert, cond. at about 14 cost. Address 51. Tribune.

SIATIONA-Lbcrokkeeping machine Style No. 3049-118-8NSIFTRB, serial No. 3-14606. Sacrifice $650. State 1338.

itikHOG. wood, 4x6 card cap. 35.000 cards. Rm. 2201.

211 W. Monroe. CYM WIRE 11-Askrtgtiiiiir1iateri: shelving. storage factory stools. CENTRAL.


100 TYPEWRITERS. Adding Machines-- 1115 to $50. 4523 N. Broadway. NEW Rem.

rir. slide action casei185. Spa. 4847. BRAND trade.

Address 294, 'Tribune. I13151N-TiniacA-TieinW Allis, '46- 1150. Call Lin. 7920 or Pen. 3796 ALL M-Aiti-S Typeiveliiliiir We buy.

4237 N. Western. Irv. 4060. WANTED FOR CHAIRS FILES.

ETC. DEA. 3371. RTSTIONAL Machine With 20 totals. 60 W.

Lake. Fra.1262. JEWELER'S-SAFES-- IN ALL SIZES. 1647 Milwaukee. Brunswick 8620.

TYPEWRITERLate mode); party; good pond. Dearborn 35115. -STORE AND BAR FIXTURES214 ICE cream mixer for saleFor Information rail Atlantic 1886. and tables. show cage.

Cali CORthestet 32311. AND BAN COMPLETE OUTFITS OR SINGLE ITEMS. NEW AND REBUILT. Eixtures for Taverns. Cocktail Lounges.

Restatitant, InduNtrial Catetrtiss. Hamburger stands. Tables. Charm Leatherette Booths. Barhe-q Machines.

Ranges Steam Tables. Electric Dist Ral Cases. Jewelry and Cigar Cases. etc. Store fixtures of every description.


SUPERIOR 2381. COMPLETE SELF-SERVICE STORE FIXTURES. New walk-in coolers and freezers. self-service dairy. cases.

glass top freezers. shelving. D-13 display cases. vegetable cases. new scales.

grinders, meat saws, registers. and slicers. Free estimates. TERMS. UNITE STORE FIXTURES.

4614 ft. vvENTwoRTti-All. ATLANTIC 7900. SPECIALFor immediate delivery; Urge selection of modern wall and floor showcases for jewelry. dress Chops.

lingerre. infants wear. gifts and gents' furnishings stores. All in natural blend finish. Store fixtures for all businesses, Complete tavern sod restaurant outfits.

JULIUS BENDER, INC. 901-913 W. Madison-st. Mnn. 1710.

BLOND STORE FIXTURES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. New and used well cases. counters. suitable for lingerie. men's wear.

gilt. shelving, floor cases, window displays. Jewelry. and stationery stores. R.

W. McGRATH 1565 W. OGDEN-AV. SEELEY 4080. S.

S. SODA fountain. 20 gal. ice machine; earbonator: 6 chrome and leather stools; 6 booths; 2 ranges: glass display cases; counters. 6 and 8 frozen food cabinets.

Cola bottle cooler; pore. home table top bed. springs. mattress: dresser: glassware: other misc. items.

AUCTION. Monday. 2 p. m. 3638 W.

Chicago-ay. ON MARX-- Get set for a quick delivery on butcher. and tavern outfits: refrig- reach-ins. walk-ins. display cases.

registers. french fryers. stools. tables and chairs. bar outfits.

METER PAYMENT PLAN. MARC. 6242 Wentworth Normal 5718. TYLER FOOD CASES Frozen food cases. reach in boxes.

home freezers. meet cAses. open dairy cases. McCarty Bros. Equip, 7801 W.

Lake. Austin 1161. Forest 3600. Display rooms open Tues. eves.

IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New reach-in boxes with glazed doors. Deep freezers. 'Molar cases. Bottle coolers and walk-m boxes. Available on meter plan.

ELKO REFRIGE'RATOR SALES. INC. 2248 N. Western. Everglade 0077.

bCOMPLETE tavern outfitsIncl. drain-boards. direct draw boxes, leather booths, chrome stools, tables, chairs, ranges. Immediate delivery. Cash or terms.

VICTOR BENDER 509-517 Milwaukee. 0688-0689. FOR SALESTOREFIXTURES tlardware-automotive store wood wall cases and counters; for store 20)(65 like new; latest design. Buyer to remove. Special price.

CALUMET 7373, EXTLrNSION 41. ARE you starting In business? Let us build your partitions, shelves. counters. work tables and benches. display cases.

backgrounds for show windows. cabinets. needed repairs. remodeling. Mr.

Nemec LINCOLN 5574. ANY TIME. 10E12 WALK-IN cooler; 8 ft. shOw case 14 h. p.

compressor: meat grinders and slicer: coffee grinder: 2 scales; self-service shelving and carts. Call South Shore 2744 between 10-5 p. zn.dailyor sunder. AVAILABLE JANUARY 1 1,650 SQ. ET.


WABASH BLDG. sopa tountaTriTcompt. with carbonalor, and compi essor; lunch counter with stools; bottle cooler: tables.1 chairs, booths. cash register. malted milk mixer: cash -or terms.

5819 IRVING PARK. SPRING 2170 FROZEN FOOD DISPLAY CASES. Meat cases. beverage coolers. soda foum lain, ice cube makers, walk-in rooms.

milk coolers; Mimed. del. Haskris 64 on N. Washtensw-av. Amb.

3828. COMPLETE set of Grand Rapidshstures Now located In a room 120x40; cape. daily adaptable for men's and boys' clothing store. JOHN SUNSTRUM. OSKALOOSA.

IOWA TAVERN KEEPERS, ATTENTION. Beautiful nthireacent pillared 42 ft. bar: chrome tables. chairs and stools: bar refrigerator. Price Is right.

Call Prospect 2411. SELLING OUT AT 20c ON THE Sl. Wall cases, partitions, mirrors. ceiling light fiat office chairs. tailors elec.

Irons. mannequins. metal stands. Monday. 29 W.


Immed. del. 1 Interocean Cabinet 326 S. Pauline. John J.

Farrell. Pres. Seeley 4417. NATIONAL cash register. model 599 131 EL.

rings up to $99.99. electric or manual; reasonable. Minnie' Cloak Co. Yards 2934. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL.

Straight booths with formica top table. SI10. Noble Booth Products, 924 N. Noble. Arm.

2887. FROZEN food cabl. Frigid Freeze-20 Cu. ft. glass top.

'46 S750 or dairy cab't plus cash duff. Call Monday, Hyde Park 6731. NEW CHROME BAR STOOLS 1165 W. Madison-st Monroe 6373. JOHN P.


goods, ilogerie; tables. chairs, lunch atm. tsbles. booths. bun warmers.

bar stools. Billighelm Store Eqpt 126 S. Halsted. g-PORTINGgoodsgnd tire store fixturel. Practically new.

Built of plywood with maple flnish. De Lott Tire A. Supply 4730 N. Kedzie. Keystone 5044.

MEAT case-8 It7-3 plate double duty: excellent condition: 3400. Anderson 260 Elgin. HI Elgin 5635. IComel.Ert sea bf bar fixtures. 2 bars, waht-In icebox.

stands. tables, chairs. priced to sell. 1157 E. 63d-st.

Dorchester 4550, PLAYROOM BARRicolly pine. Cihapcd, incl. 6 stools and neon lighted wall liquor shelf. Best offer. Greenleaf 2469.

1405 Evanston. IIILL.Try told Cu. unit and box like new. See 1824 Irving Park-rd, or call Wellington 6521. Store open 2-5.

Pn. spring . MARKING MACHINE. 5-blit A. B.

131-Cit B. electric mime- Monarch standard pin on ticketing ograptt duplicator with stand and motor. D. C. 1,5 h.

110 volts: bar6100. gain. CENTRAL $070. EXTENSION 1. G.

1. Ries. Virginia 1900. tavriii out-tit-1nel 35 ft. klETICDGRAPIrliTimber 71413-poirer-slip bar.

24 ft. back bar. 20 stools, 2 worksheeter, extra drum; large stand rninwo- boards. 1 3-bbi, elec. direct draw box.

scope and number 79 mimeograph. 8033 Northwest-hwy. New. 0755. Supply of 814'11" paper.

Bri.8745, c- Hat bars71-droir drawirT-5 1250 Multilith-Perfect condi- work benches. 12 stools. 1 cooler box.1 tion, less than one year old, $1,500. 1400 W. Hastings.

Seeley67140 I Apply Peerless Press. $18 Weat it---he corGRAIr-it ft, refrigerator: 1 is meat Milweukee. Wisconsin. counter. xi Ir.

both Eelvinators: tYPEWRITERS AND A numa MACHS. Militant. Mei-. 523S. FOR RENT OR SALE.

BLUE FLASH electric coOler-For beer or STEWART. The Great Typewriter Man. pop; 8115. 331 E. 69th-st.

Stewart WA8AS142344. 10325 atter 11 a. m. 5TRECTORS leather covered- table. "3-1 tfoR-sa-le 2 lountain check throwing 12 lath.

chairs; elec. water registers Fisher Pharmacy 1070 Der- cooler, 3 cosh. teeth. uph. davenport: wyn-av.

Edgewater 7260. check protsctor.Korsttak,State5330. mfirusrneds for 9. in. if0h-RiSrli: fEERnLyal LCpKewERriStr, r.

tien diesit. wwiatin 4 3 7 8 Elston-ay. posture chair, chrome arm chant cos- turners: all excel. cond. Buck.

01.6L. LINE -new cabinet 78 In. Melt, 36 in. wide, 18 in. deep: NEW SAFES.

$30 --AND UP. 4 removable shelves. Dear. 7125. For Immediate Delivery.

TE MoSLER SAFE CO, tiSED delicatessen and meet cases-- 214 W. Jackson. Central 3748. units. Balgain.

Victory Store FiXturea, Milwauket-av. kLLIOTT No. 150 poet card printing rtARDWARE fixtures; Duluth: 4-it-ft-sec- machine. together with Elloseope for Ilona and 2-el it, bases with dwrs. Army.

stenciling Illuatrations. Slightly Used, 310 S. Halsted. Era. 7831 Key.

373.1. $100 cash Phone Homewood 660. r. tar-NT-and 16 ft coil box, 2 PoRTABLE photostat outfit-Complete; work benches. 5 stools, National Regis-like FIPW; Rem.

Rand. Portagraph: sell- ter. Baker. 2812 Congretss-st. Ing for half cost.

Ern. 1201 ill W. FUR vault. used safes. money chests, and Monroe.

Vault doors cheap. 609 N. Milwaukee. FOR---sale--Model 40 Multleraph dupli- llaymarket 6480. eator and 58 folder; both Al condition.

24 yj back and front bar: 4 booths; 1906 Belle Plaine. leather back and seats: 2-3 faucet coil 5-0--LEAL--hles, steer-With Or va-thRETI boxes, etc. Will separate, Elmhurst 4202, locks; slightly used; 1 underwriters i Pill-WALK-IN cooler with unit, $400. Cafe, 2 dr. Address le 102.

Tribune, 22 ft. super-cold meat counter with unit. -VEW VARITYPER-A-tiro. adjustiller: car- 116 Main-st. Park Ridge 750.

bon ribbon attachment; 14 type flices LEC-TREFRIdr 73 In. high, suitabie Call Harrison 0058. restaurant. bar. etc.

Rests. Liv. 2715. RECEP. rm.

2 and 3 seat chrome settees. Sat- or Went. 6964, Sunday. chairs to match; any color: 5 day deliv, 's 1131 W. Madison.

Can.7792. POULTRY pickers' new and used scalding Darroch tanks; tendefetors; new scales: new Pis Universal letter folder hp. chopper. superior 4896. with motor.

National Advertising 4x5 WALE-IN Ice box. $75: 14 walnut i.e Grange. Ind. restaurant chairs. uphol.

'lentil. SS en; WANTED TO BOY-ADDRESSOGRAPII 17 met. stools, $2 ea. 3448 Fullerton. Volt CATALOG MAILING.

PHONE MODERN Batt oterpty-stainiess steel CALUMET 6800Mit. FRANK. work boards; chairs. stools. 5E-LUXE nolaeleas late model CASSEL its SHERE.

1225 Underwood typewriter. Pert. cond. at SODA FOUNTAIN. about ii cost.

Address Et 51. 'Tribune. Late maid, stainless veal. complete; machine-Style 10 malted milk mixers. NO.

3049-116-8NSIFTRB; serial No. a- cu. ft. In: 3-14606. State 1338.

side. Outside dimensions. 61x51x2042. card Pract. new.

Norlipp Lowe. cap. 35.000 cards. Rm. 1201 111 W.

A shoi Stands: chrome chairs. PAIDAR, Hui N. Wells. CYM wing loCkerc TAVERNS attention--NeW 26 dice table shelving. storage factory stools.

for sale. Reasonable. Capitol 2852. CENTRAL. 20 W.

Hubbard. Del 849. JEW KI.Fit-rS -SAFES All BOOEEEPING machine-Burroughs; good 1647 Milwaukee. Brunswick 8620. working condition; private party.

an NEW- trelf-service and-teat-id -dis- Mr. Lewis, Franklin 9868. play stands. Commodore 3238, 518 karaex7arili7litiWr i it keg- di riser---4 grEld.outlets; file, check coin char. coin elite.

Crontable. 34711 N. Clark-st. 537 S. Dearborn.

Room 908. Wab. 8082. Fr -ozen ood TYPTWRITFIIS IA FOR SALE. Arctic Air 3847 Harrison-st.


Arctic Air 3847 Harrison-st. MUNSON. 181 N. Wells-it. 10-110LE ICE CREANI-CABINET.

WAL. cal. exec. sec- 7 7 11111 1 5 ENGLEWOOD 5108 desks: steel desks; 84" draft. tablea.IFIX.

for sale-Drug. liquors or grocery Anderson. Riley Sava. 175 N. weits store.

AVe 0531. 3148 WANTED--Five offie-e desiiii-iiiir-in-airs. BEVERAGE- copiers. freezer cabinets. tables.

filing cabinets, steel lockers. ABERDEEN 0100. Ask for Anderson. Dearborn 6706. WALK-IN freezers-Reas.

wr. ovnadisks.wainut and oak: chalTi. 950 Madison-st Oak Park. Col. 4676 steel filing cabinets; retail Mil.

Sub-I 2 dairy scales. fax-type. way Store. Monroe 8023. 2632 W.

Division. 3-NATIONAL-electrie-cash TeirsteTs----T-6- 2 BRAND new. never used Reivinator Wirer. 1 and 2 drawers; reasonable Bev. coolers: priced right.

Div. 6336. price. Cali Longbeach 0040. WEBER freezers-Ice cream and foods.

WANTED FROM PRIVATE PARTY- Elmers. 5932 W. Nortii. Tuxedo 8525. 5 desks, safe.

adding table. file. ICELVINATOR-bevirage Will pay your price. Humboldt 6642. condition.

6500 S. state. or sale-Diefiold, dble. SODA fountain-Knight; A-1 shape. MO-high, 34" fiee2.

State 5965. berry 8510. WESTING-HOUSE cooler-30 cu. ft. $135.

2105 E. 79th-st. MA. DAY SUNDAY. CALL side.

Outside dimensions, 61x51x2042. Misicelinnyoun ROGERS PARK 2894 Pract. new. Norlipp Lowe. FOR sAl E-Conn fiat trumpet and fIARBERme -Bea-uty- shoe Stands; new.

Blue Island 4335. CENTRAL 2-9-84 chro chairs. PAIDAR.1120 N. Wells. MOENNING bassoon-Exeelletit- condition.

TAVERNS attention-New 26 dice table iced to sell Immediately. Oak 9729 HIGHEST PRICES for sale. Iteasonable. Capitol .2852. VIOLIN.

FOR YOUR GRAND -SiliATELER7-S -SAFES IN ALL SIZES. SAGINAW 3030. 1647 Milwaukee. Brunaw irk 8620. 3 IMPORTED VIOLINS 5-15-071 '3-, SPINET, OR UPRIGHT RENY- lelf-service sh-eives and bland dia.

AND S50. BELMON1 073a. ttl 1 HERMAN SAVNER SO play stands 3238. et, 'iv At.ORD-111 perfect COo LE keg dispenser-4 outlets; rea- sunnyilde PIANOS WANTED amiable. 3471 N.

Clatk-st. fOR sale-king U'EBR Fr Eozen Food- Insole y---CiaTineta. Excellent condition. Bev. 2141.

ALL MAKES-Top prtees paw a Arctic Air 3847 Harrison-st. nous. -English' horn. MERRIMAC '2'811 -10-110LE ICE CREAM -CABINET Mueller, 1311 Byron-st nr. N.

Clark. ENGLEWOOD 5108. D- BUM FOR SALE. ACCORDION from private Party; sill Par FIX. for sale-Drug.

liquors or grocery Republic 6226. highest rash price. store. Ave.0531. 3148 N.

Cicero. 48-B ACCORDION-Like new; sacrifice. Any sue. any make. Call BEVERAGE copiers.

freezer -cabinets. 110. 5516 W. North-ay. George Brown.

Doi. 5700. any Pastat ABERDEEN 0100. Fi-EED-C-AS11--4CCORDION. 1-13 SW-ITC-K, WILL PAY HIG-RE-ST PRICE WALK-IN freezers-Reas.

pr. 6395. 5452 HENDERSON. FOR YOUR PIANOS 950 Oak Park. Col.

4616, a PetE-WAR- Bluepeari drum stt and! SHELDRAKE 8414 2 -TOLEDO dairy scales, fan-type. trumpet. era. 7256. 1 -1YOU WILL Grr MORE CASH PC 2632 W.

Division. tUITAR. MARTIN: LIKE NW Di YOUR PIANO FROA9 VOSS S. 2 BRAND new. never used Relvinator CASES PHONE AVENUE 8599.

PIANO CALL COLUMBUS 113044 Bev. coolers; priced righL Div. 6336. I oCCORICION Imported; like nev77-Ton playing -11arver- WEBER treezers-Ice cream and foods. 350.

754 N. Damn. 1st Boor. Joe E. Brown wants good make trend Elmers.

5932 W. North. Tuxedo 8525. 1311-fit tenor; lee. bell; high! or small uprights; cash.

ROG. 5281. ICELVINATOR-bevirage c'noler-Extelient kercase ard 046 Ys 7. WA-STE-13 FROA1--PRIVATE-P--AR- T77 condition. 6500 S.

State. 'CONN alto saxophone-Very good condi- GRAND OR SPINET PIANOS. SODA fountain-Knight; A-1 shape. MOI- tion. Call alter 6.

Cut 3950. PAY CASH. DEARBORN 6149. berry8510. ACCORDION-120 base.

Used 3 months; GRANT3--PIANOS Itill FOR sale-Show cases and cigarette case, will University 1778. itnm prtvate party. 5terrimac 8313. Reasonable. Mr.

Baer. Jun. 2410. 120 BASS Cellini Accordion-Strearre WAN'rED-e1rands spinets. cr rztircl-Cp glass show cit.

clogs sh-eRes. 2 sw. Slice. $225. 2244 W.

Harrison. rtehts: this week. Lakeview S498. 860. 5112.

Lake Park. Ilyde Park 6995. 80-BASS--ITALIKN --mzeotiDION, C'TtED GRAND OR SPIN ET-P I 13-CASE bottle CoolerINew, Immediate Sacrifice. $120. 307 S.

Wabash, 24 fir. From pa party for cash. Austin extiirjet delivery. Kildare 0875. computing con: .130 BASS.


4687. KAtillt-WE TirEiss accordion Sod Wil: iANcill1 WANTED AND RI.7d. ivert -MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS- cox Gay recorder comb. Spa. 3248 PAY CASH.

LAKEVIEW 0774. Piano, sand little used. WANT GRAND PlsernS se, St Csill LESTER BETSY 'ROSS SPINETS. 1419 Darrow Evanston. Green.84191-ERoM PRI.

PTY. SHELDRAKT 117(61 IMMED. reconditioned Grande, up- FEADTIFUL-tne string bass violin. Call stl1: wotcd---Elom P1-1011te Part, folt rights. Norton Plano Serv 915 E.

791h. Kenwoe4 4274. cash. Amb. 9691 s.

GRAND piano-Mahogany finish; Louts 5- HAWAIIAN GuITARs, 375 FOR ALL. WANTED-Grand cr spinet pianos froelli 15th. After 6 p. tn. Ravenswood 2628.

ROL. 7509, privateparty; cash. Diverse, 0648. baby grand-Walnut; $465. PIANO ACCORDION----I20 "bass, exc.

io-a-: RGENT NEED-GOOD VSED PIAV. 10232 St. Lawrence. eve. 7-9.

$195. Irv. 8014. WILL PAY YOUR BIT, 93114 grand. tor sale; priv.

party. USWIT111 ACCORDION-------E-xcellent mai-. AVE you uprieht or grand ilaticalt Like new. Crawford 9066. Merrimac 8740.

Prefer a large stze. Lilt, 1300 aft. 21 T. E- STEINWAY Walnut: $1.500. ft-FLAT Warne it---117-nor aTist aito saw YOUR P-TAN(S0-Ng7ACI Saginaw 4650.

from 10 a.m. to 3p. m. phones. Bishop440.

YO CE UR OWN PRI strYsrOerts 9510, VOSS: iiiiiid-----SiTiceSany; good con-d-ition; ACC.0.---1-20- 0. latest-initio-r---retTvier. A-MALL--Grand-Geoci---make---excr-st-rent 1 S650. Farrasut. Sun.146alt $200 or trade.

DIV. 3939 eV. PrIvae Ches. S373 Memetat. WEIsER and Son grand planO-Bealt EAXOPRONE-14nitan 2---- fiat- alto.

and --WiNTED-Sraists or aroati Unrie tone. Ixcellent cond. 4uc1i4 S3921, elaaa pre-war. 100. 4145.






Kenzie. Vila Buren 9000. OPEN DAILY 10 -ru. 9. OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 P.

M. SUNDAYS 10 TILL 7:33 WAREHOUSE PIANO SALE Just releasedBrand DPW Spinet pianos. Pay only down and buy on club plan. Take 54 full weeks to Pay. Good used stands.

uprights. and player pianos. With one-fifth free delivery in Chicago. WAREHOUSE NO. 39.

corner! Ashiand-aventle and 39thstreet. Open SUM 11-5 p.m....wk. days 9-9 p.m. ExCEELENT values in fine Grands sucn as Julius Bauer. Bechstein.

kiazelton. Mallet Davis. Howard, Bush Gerts.I Apollo and others as low as $450. OPEN 3 TO 6. MOIST PIANO 5509 Broadway.

SACRIFICE gorgeous carved walnut LGuis XV. blason Hamlin grams Band rubbed finish; 5 It. 8 nettlie point bench: pert. cond. $2.000.

Hollywood mirrored fireplace. $100; large walnut Cedarcrest 1475. -IDEAL XMAS 6IF1 Mirre Pianos. Grinds. Uprights: terms trade-in ailowances.

Midwest Plano. 1708 8. Halsted. Vitt. 0076.

SACRIFICE Mason Hattliin grand. model Bil; Steinway model both Has new. Also large selection of used grands. $400 and up. 6243 W.

Grand-ay. Open evenings and Sundays. LOUIS XV7Steinway GrandAl condition; Iktb0 MRSOn fit Hamlin, Knabe. Chickering, and other grand'. 3826 N.

Pulaski. ORIGINAL Julius Bauer piano. Large mahogany up right. Very beautiful tone; perfect condition; recently tuned. Price $100.

A. Shelden phone St. CharleS 470. gtEINITIAt- grand Wealthy estate will sacrifice for $950.. Also Louis XV.

French period model. like new, $875. Terms. WYMAN'S. 209 S.

State. 1 Ith floor. WE HAVE 12 GRAND PIANOS. Fine tone. excellent condition.

which will be sold at very reasonable prices. North Shore Plano Mart. 6230 Broadway MAGNIFICENT Steinway apt. grand. Louie 15th Model 5 It.

7 in. an- tique walnut. snatching bench. $1,1400. Address 127 Tribune.

CA BLE-N ELSON-5 fr. 2 batty grand piano; excellent condition; must see to appreciate; S750. 1311 River 'Forest. gitertIfIcE wuRLITZER IttrlosTON BABY GRAND PIANO; ELECTRICAL REPRODUCER ATTACHED; PRICE $825. PHONE PAL 5374.

SPINETS Newl Used! Famous tit-al-tea make. Sun. only 12-4. 3107 N. Cicero-ay.

13ALDWIN spinet Latest modelMsed only few weeks. Reduced $100. Terms. WYMAN'S. 209 S.

State, lath floor. e-ONOVER grand planoSolidmaliniany: bench to match, beautiful tone: private party; must sell. Bayport 5747. FINE splectioiT of used gran Hamlin, Baldwin. Chickerms.

Kimball. and small uprights. 5137 Diversey. ACHAIrr-ba-by grandBiauTcarved Welte Mignon elec. player attach.

$750. Phone Village 3041. $300 CASH Apartment size upright, Starck make: walnut finish; 21-fs years old. Kenwood 2011. BALITWIN GRAND-5 3 mahog- any: physically and mech.

perfect; but otter. Rol. 5017. minuet consoleMinY color, pert. only 20 mos, o2d.



ASHLAND Mate Solidity ft INS Part 1Page 65 IieII DON'T BE MISLED DON'T BE MISLED-- WHEN BUYING AN ACCORDTON'. see Arberica's tartest and most comildatitt stock of Accordions BEFORE YOU BUY NEW and USED: ANY SIZE. ANT MAXI 120 Bass Soprani streamlined Z2P1. 120 Bass Rohner stream1lned 11,148 Lady 's model Italian 3 santcrti, 2195 80 Bass. like new 11241 48 Bass: he new SOS New imported lions', accordion I BUY WHOLESALE; SAVE UP TO 8038, Convince Yourself 1 AT riut Chicago Accorchon Center 754 N.



COLORS SWITCHES 2-12a 2151 W. MoNROE-ST. r.iz!unday. 10-6: Datty. 0-9.

FRENCH 110tS Buescher double, No. 292066 01 Es and F. clear lacquered finish. slidts2 mouthpiece. mimic holder.

brown Karatz! covered. purple lone plush lined 1.14) with nickel plated hardware. R. R. 2.

Htnsdale 1240 Open SIM. 11-5 p.m....wk. days 9-9 p.M. VIOLIN-FOR SALE ETXCEELENT values in fine Grands sucn Superb "Stradluarius Come" by EMI as Julius Bauer. Bechstein.

kiagetton. greatest violin maker in Europe. Tote of overwhelming grandeur. Utmost its, Mallet Davis. Howard.

Bush Gerts. quality and but of finish. 1400s Apollo and others as low as 1450. Private party. Palisade 6580.

OPEN 3 TO 6. NorgeneuTt.e.ar5v5-49wia317117tw Lltils ouT OF PAWN Ca -11DcAa in 1,21.10 3isl 5XACVOR. I aCsi PEo 1 An Hamlin gran Hand rubbed finish; 5 It. 8 nesdie point LEVINSON'S LOANS bench: pert. cond.

52.000. Hollywood 741 mirrored fireplace. 1100; large walnut CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. dresser, $45. Cedarcrest 7475.

NPW 120 bass 014411 tope IDEAL XMAS 'GIFT miniature model. with 6 months frees lessons. 1 year guarantee. Price $38a. Mirre Pianos.

Grinds. Uprights: terms. Open 10-3, Del Prtnet-va, terms, trade-in ailowances. Midwest Accordion, 31 S. Cicero.

307 S. 0-FLAT tenor clarinet Piano. 7706 S. Halsted. Vin.

0076. th. iACRIFICE Mason Hamlin grand. 135; drum outfit. 155: 41 bass model II: Steinway model both like dims.

$95; trumpet. 145: guitars. 14 new. Also large selection of used trends up. bugles.

15 up. KrupP Music $400 and up. 6243 W. Grand-ay. 3448 N.

CICERO. PAL. 779. Open evenings and Sundays. cash: Bacon I-20 BASS Savona accordion-2 XiIIIS XV.

St co einway Grand-Al ndi- white Tweet like $200 Matildsnothater kigarm antld. 3 ns. Kn6ab2e6. tenor banjo. 150.

Welamte ton 3122. N. Pulaski. valve trombone; mets171 ORIGINAL Julius Bauer piano. Large piece clarinet: banjo use, let skates.

mahogany up right. Very beautiful tone; Euclid 2484. 924 N. Harvey. Oak Park.

perfect condition; recently tuned. Price CONCERT harp Hexagon. good con.d.- $100. A. Sheldert phone St.

Charles 470. tion; best offer accepted. FrEINWAY grand-Wealthy estate -will 155, Tribune. USED-I20 BASS ACCORMONI Address ib une, 4 switch; must sell; reasonable. 1411, AlliseowLosuals7X5V.

Terms. WYMAN'S. 209 S. State. 1 1th floor.

s. Wenonah. Berwyn. Sunday WE RAVE 12 GRAND PIANOS. GERMAN-vicil t1-1-7- ---Com-firite oeffit.

Fine tone. excellent condition. which Flute. Hanie-i-kl Itoo71 150. Also nice French violin bow will be sold at very reasonable prices.

150. Irving 8466. sy SILVER occic. Clarinet. Trumpets.

Trombones. Sass Seq. j2u0p.s4A8s157aFecoullerdrtionnn. Bet iNisiGrutiNheISFitiotrEheNl5c PTmiri od nospre Mart. 62 It.

3apOt7 rad tique walnut. matching bench. $1.600. cABLEAsdEtsesosNEK5 1I2t.I. a 4 grand H.

letenob private party. el. Crwaford piano: excellent condition; must See to ELEIIHTC-Itawilan gultertloteakTit appreciate: 1750. and accessories. 2933 S.

Christians. 1311 Ashlr. River Enrcst. av t. 4.

ItITICE wuR Lrrzr. accordion. Iger Satit 8, Sun. tit BABY GRAND PIANO; ELECTRICAL private party. must set.

Rogers. 3,1 REPRODUCER ATTACHED; PRICE ij -AC KIN-- ci-sTON 333 W. Con gresa-st. Wan. 5440 1625.

'TONE PAL. 5374. it A FL -o 1 d-iloliii-tiir SPINETS- New! Us ti ed! Famous CaTt i i vs tins Cremonentia. Eaciehal Antei only; from $395 Lowest terms. 1736.

Address 23. Tribune. WY1sIANIS209 S. State. 1 1th fihor.1 FE 1 st: LnW end-a 11 vii3lin MI- how-lifil, STIUST SPII bill)), grand case.

185. Hand made 1, size violin en good make. Sun. only 12-4. 3107 N.

bow and case. 120. Stewart 5445. Cicero-ay. ACC6RDIoNS-----120-Ei1s72 stre--- B-ALDWIN spinet -Latest model: used lined; thee DPW; 1250.

only few weeks. Reduced 1100. Terms. 2140 W. Eri e-st.

lit Er. WYMAN'S. 209 S. State. Ilth gione, -7----A C-ONOVER gi-and Itan-o-Solier mahiCgany.

bk. finish. Gloria mcdel. Must sell -34 bench to match beautiful tone: private 3031 N. Ebridge-av.

leveninrs I. party; sell. Bayport 5747. IMPOlUsE15-1-20-bass-Cellini aceordara er-av. Belmont 2365.

LINE splectiorT of used gran as Moil: with 2 switches. Inquire 1155 N. Kee Hamlin Baldwin. Chickerine. Kimbali.

l. and stnall uprights. 5137 Diversey, -A-CCORINIAN 1 lb-bass Itallo.Arneriegss CHAFF-baby grandtliauT-earved cierrier. 3 way switch; like new. 5400 Langbeacis Weite Mignon elec.

player attach. $750. 8530, 2300 innemac. Phone vins se 3041. flEAUTTEUL- antique rosewocel Me ikdeori f3-00-CASII Apartment size upright.

very exceptional instrumenL fine condi. Starck make; walnut girlish; years Hon. Phrne Euclid 6031. old. Kenwood 2011.

VIOLIN BARGAINS. 103 awfriks iTALITIAT IN-GRA-ND-8 3 mahog- 55 up. Day and eves. Atlantic 32214 any: physically and st mech. perfect; be Inspect at 5314 S.

Halsted. Call Regent 2045. otter. Rol. 5017.

COMP. drum set. back goot ecn els NmL-1-W-DinYos. old. RARE old cello.

Crept. ex ApNeSr IE'N. cmonidn With matching bench. 1437. Cert.

2334. tone. Hum. 3734 wkds. aft.

6 p. a IMF 11. IlLir t. 11, im- i Ried-11 stop. in eiceptiortilly I TENalt S8 1-'75.

P. A. ant tine playing newt dull finish. solid Ede. 5595.

walnut iliac, S225. Reg. 1470. FINE collectitin vi-Olins and bows: iiir-iit --smii-tr-PYA SI 01tURCIA, A trade; priv. party.

752 W. 2311-st Like new. Fine tone. Direct action. N)NN Alto Sax.

S. Cash. Private party. Austin 5332. NEWCASTLE 399 4.

V4 25 BUYSlinemahogany Bac 10118., Cal A-1 condition; fine tone. Independence 1959. North Shore Piano Mart. 623.0 Broadway PRE-WAR Conn Saxophone and ease Exc. cond.

Call Mr.h. 5185. STh-E-- INWAY mahogitny-grand pianO-Mid- nac corns. trtit win. 3155.

die sized: excellent condition. Sunday. AcCOPDION-120 bass white pearl: 'babif 1-6. 1342 Forest-ay. River Forest.

grand; 2 switch; case; 8300. Reg. 5198. t- -A TT I I grand pia-no-Like i20 BASS professional soprani Castel vate party. Stephens.

5101 S. Drexel. accordion-Csed 9 Alb. 5458, Phone Butterrield 2121. ITO BASS Bohner accordion-Use new.

SIENT-a- plano-65 a mo. Apply rent in Hemlock 6713. you buy. Chicago Rental Shop. WeILITROMBONE-Boltem: like new: beateitut 2160; all parts city suburbs.

brass finish: reasonable. University 4019, Ft mile I 1 Story Clark. Cable- t.14.t.m0ENMtdolitryTa4b I Gnoy Nelson. Chitkering. new spinets.

SNEATIVS. 7822 COTTAGE FRIvATEparty will sell medium size cordion 80 bass. Merrimac 6631. reproducing apt. grand for best offer.


7636. UPRIGHT mahog GRANDExcell. cone': pat. pty. Hyd.

9146 aft. 6 111. Me6: -PRIYITE litrty Iiis J. Bauer-grind-plan-0 rrimac 402 worth 6800. Kil.

8604. J. 'STEINWAY baby grind tor sale. Brie IraR Park 0822. IlEAtitIFLII.

new 11-a Rii TOP PRICES MOIST PIANO 5509 Broadway. ON SMALL studio- on-rights-827S and 8373-. MOIST PIANO 5509 Broadway. LIFRIGHTS, GRANDS, 1iksoNriAmLIN-1--Ezcill, cond. 61.200.

SELL NOW Phone Lonsbrach VICTORIAN walnut -reed -Plitier WHILE YOUR OLD PIANO originmtv $3.200, real. Kildare 2466 STILL MEANS CASH IlAti)wiN 'Baby IIPW. Si. Independence 745,5. Private Party monson Piano Co WARY' Grand-Plano-LYon ik Wooly.

Appt. Graceland 2133. chteago's Oldest Usod Plano Deaier. EYON and -Bealv-Brambach Apt. Gra-TX Exc.

cond. 5550, Call Ra1.5346 att. 11 AUSTIN 3023 6 R-Told-Cable Baby Grand ea. condition. Lakeview 5517.

tr.AND ptano-ApL size. good condition. BEST PRICES: Lakeview 3888. GOOD- sr1Ntr.TrrAsta295CASII Schwartz Storage, 7012 Stony Island, Spot Cash tot IkINGSTON baby grand-Gd. 6350.

GRANDS, SPINETS, UPRIGHT3 Folt atisournt BEST OFFER Witinen, 226 Imperial-at. Pk. Ridge. -1IPIIIGIFT----ritit its 5. Rocit WEILL 2288.

American Plano Mart Lincoln 1480 IVER- bany-grandlies Lift NI mahogany nnish; exc. cond. Div. 2164. MALL mean.

good 6600 installed. Longbeach 7557. K1ASoN grand Radff 3626: custom built: 61.500. Wilmette 2727. cli GRAND PIANO-GEORGE STECKT8250- BOLLYCOORT 0746.

BABY Grind piano In eaCCIlent-itirditiMi. Vincerms es 0076' Phone Estebrook 5585: TOP PRICES PAID small. 6550. Oak. 5790.

SMALL upright piano-Like new: best FOR (RAND, SpnirTs. uenrawriL, cash offer. 3421Medill.Albany9062. AU Styiea-Ail Makes-Cash SMALL uptight planoLike new brat' FOR GRANDS. SBntrys.

cash offer. 3431yied111. Alhany9062. AU StyleaAll MaitosCash Wisittnts 1k -UR-LITZERMtri. SPiner Mann: phony.

MIDWEST PIANO CO. finish: like new, 5395. Lats. 3437, I ALL nAT SIINDAlt CALL RAND -player, $425. cond.

Crawford 2212. 1 BAYPORT 3974 PIANOUpright, excellent etlipittion; real Cirr-WMB AND SUBURBAN sort srarvil able price. Yards 6786. MAtiottANY IffitANI1 I DIVERSEY 2283 --d-Tt AND DIVERSEY 2Z83 AFTER 10, KEySTONE 0153. ALS Itt Chit Ira Fredrricit st.1F1-7rire AMEPICA9 -MP PittrE9 new; samitirr, Vtrtor.

4809 Lake, FOR YOUR PIANO FORGE P. ItENT grand piano. 350W. CALL TODAY. WHY After 10 a.

m. Sat. or Sun. Sri. 2808 I ATLAS PIANO Co.

gTEIN-W A Y-- grand ntikno'--Model- htli- 441- ') alit; lige new. Capitol 0667 Sum. or SOUTH SHORE 7411- PIA-1S1----MEDIIIM SIZE: GOOD' CON- 41 mom. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-. amelUSINISS InTaurnol---- MICR FURNITURE AND DEVICES AND BAN Clime Seedily Tnis-treettleGIL Int erom paint 1011Iirthliora Misauferetarlaarl Want COMPLETE OUTFITS and 0 Learn Beauty Culture Part 1-Page 65 KIMBALL FACTORY Beverage Distributors ed TOOL AND DIE SHOP Al toN Al i Al 'I i Nitrite WE CAN SELL NOW Lounges OR SINGLE ITFMS.

NEW AND REBUILT. Otoo Orr. AC-I Uttioto- Pot-tiler ORS -Fixtures for Taverns. Cocktail OPEN TODAY, SUNDAY eAl Es MANAGERS, CoMPLETE NEW UNE OF HOLLY- MODERN YOUR BUSINESS AT WOODSTOCK Restaurant, Industrial Ceteteriax. Ham- istramcgsmen-Qualifled in WOOD CARBONATED BEVERAGOS.

Ova 35 years of experience. Our wide burger stands, Tables, Chairs. Leather- 1 TO 5 P. M. DON'T BE .5.

Vents Art Excimits 7 oz. and 32 oz. WELL EQUIPPED variety of QUALIFIED buyers enables ua sELAN fate Booths. Berbe-q Machines. Ranges.

NOW ON DISPLAY Fisto hoe. Washinginn. D. C. and to sell any substantial business in strict Upright Typewriters Steam Tables, Electric Retries- Disolal WHEN BUYING Al ACCORDION'.

natty Maryland-Virginia Areas. Must NATIONALLY KNOWN BEVERAGE Has open time at preeent for tools, Cases. Jewelry and Cigar Cases. etc. KIItIBALL SPINETS confidence.

no matter where located. See Arberica's finest and most coingnitigi Be God. SOLD ALL OVER TIIE V. S. A.

dies. gauges, futures. internal. external. ASK FOR PROOF.

I Confer with ua. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Store fixtures ot every description. stock of Accmdions Dtaires Onli High Grade: sure Fire arid surfirce grinding: 'rho open time LOW COST. EASY TERMS. SPECIAL USED BEFORE YOU BUY il Line Interested In Any New Product eitteT HAVE OWN TRUCX.

AN ION- on modern mling machines, lathes no obligation. no advance charges. CLASSES STARTING NOW AND CHAS. BENDER CO. UPRIGHT PIANOS.

.4 Co Soto Ire, CSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE and shapers for production work: edit- Apple-Cole Company DAY Platte Advite Giving Full Details. WIRE ANYWHERE IN ILLINOIS- ties for assembly or to manufacture UNDERWOOD ins N. WELLS-ST. SUPERIOR 2361. KIMBALL FACTORY 1 000Accordions Adciteu 34.

TrIbune. VETS WELCOMED. complete units. Excellent engineering A Nationally Known Organization." PART TIME COMPLETE SELF-SERVICE STOR 2611 SCA 1 department. 12.600 sq.

ft. floor space. LIFNIA OR NEW and USED: ANY SIZE. ANY MAXI i ELL este birthed Chicago mail air 53 W. JACKSON-BLVD.

Noiseless Portables FIXTURES. Address 241, Tribune. OR EVENING CLASSES se' csantration wants item or items Premier Vernon Beverage Co. New walit-in coolers and freezers. self- OPEN DAILY, 9:30 TO 8.

120 Bass Soprani streamlined S2103. sultan. tor sale direct to dealers or ern E. 40TOOST. HIGH DEMAND ITEM-Drug and dept.

MIRROR OPPORTUNITY. PREPARE TODAY LIMITED SUPPLY service dairy. cases. glass top freezers, I 120 Base Rohner i Wel finance production if DREXEL 2A1 1. store and beauty and barber shop frier- 44 er.

old 'stab. mirror 'min concern A small deposit will hold tor Xmas. shelving. D-I3 display cases, vege- SPECIAL SALE Lady's model Italian 3 untch $195) derned. we have the selling 'linOWn ket.

Nothing like it. Made of neion In market for a greater source of supply AUTHORIZED FACTORY REP. table cases. new scales, grinders, meat GRAND PIANOS. 80 Ban.

like new 11241 DTSTR I BLTTORS WANTED. To Be Independent saws, registers. and slicers. Free esti- LIKE NEW. 48 Bass: tete new OS 1 noa anti if you have the right product.

Men or women; unlimited bill bristle minter hair end brushes scalp. Of wall mirrors. venetian and framed enutusoy attracrtve arrangement can Have 'orders for 100,000. have nffer styles for retail furniture end dept. Belmont Typewriter mates.

TERms. CHRISTMAS DELIVERY. New imported Henan accordion a II, 1 money 'mike'. in all states. UNITE STORE FIXTURES.

STEINWAY. BALI-Arm BUY WHOLESALE; SAVE UP TO d011ar i be ormed cut. Send Information corev- ADDRESS 53, TRIBUNE. from chain stores for lia to SS million. note trade.

Have splendid showroom in FOR LIFE H. s. paens. Werrid patents ap- Americen Furniture Mart for past 23 Sales and Service 4614 N. WeNTWoRTH-AV.

CONOVER. Convince Yourself I'd ing product and interview will be i and Locesti. nos.o. I years. Will Nike entire output on exclu- ATLANTIC 7900.

ADAM sCHAAlle. GULRRANSEN. rran ive phone number Plied fOr. me nn to mfr find jabber Can Prepare You NIAJM1 PARTNERSHIP erF NATIore- Want so nee jobber or Conint. basis.

Not inter- aDooess distritm te, N. 1520 W. Belmont-ay. immediate delivery; lure NEW KRAKAUER SPINETS. AT rets WIDE BOOK DISTRIBUTOR OR SALE fated in direct mfg.

but have splendid selectinn of modern wall end floor show. SEVERAL MIDGET UPRIGHTS. 1 road organization and bis folloWing. Graceland 6400 and 6646 CO Chicago Accordion Center VOSS WEEG PIANO NEW ENGLAND prominent Text and Library jobbing busloess well accepted and catering to HEARING Reply should be sperific as to your to Be an Outstanding canes for jewelry. dress intone, lingerie.

infants' wear. gifts and gents' dfurnigh- Peprenetative-Hish grade inanufaetur- the Catholic elementary and high sehools reliability and need. Beauty Culturist DAVIDSON ings stores. All in natural Men finish. 5665 W.

Madison 754 'N. DAMEN remesentattet wIth many years of of the natinn. Well exteblished. and SLITTING-FLATTENING Address 437. Tribune.

Store fIxtures for all Niftiness's. c-ne U. S. biway 71. us etwociatinn with England leader In the Catholic Library field.

Cir- Complete tavern end resteurant outfits. OPEN DAILY, 9-9: SUNDAY. harovrare and mill impel, limbers wenn ciliates recognized estaloxs. Enloe' "Pe- ALL METAL IN STRAIGHT LENGTHS. with Our Advanced DUAL DUPLICATORS Columbus 8200 1,.., moo top moth notionally known root privileges and dlacnunts with Meny TRUCK OR R.

R. SHIPMENTS. WILL BUY riot' nffset and relief printing I JULIUS BENDER, INC. SPECIAL SALE Discounts to Teachers and DreCers. re mmistIon only.

rIn gadrets publiahers. Low operative InYal NOLDER STEEL CO. FURNITURE STORE Hair Styling. Course 9.1-913 VE. Madison -et 171n PINE SELECTION USED GRANPR.

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL -term Glilis Coo 110 State- rustomer's iron incarne lino Roams -St. Div. '7400. DOING APPROXIMATELY $100.000 Folding Machines -a BLOND STORE FIXTURES STEINWAY. MASON HAMLIN.

BUY FROM NATIONALLY. Boston ti Maas. etential pront. sale price $40.000 tor st. RA! IN.

CONOVER. KNOWN RADIO ACCORDIONIST. i- LARGE organization. national dtstribu- TO $200.000 ANNUALLY; ILLINOIS- ALSO DUE TO FRATE SITUATION ATTENTIoN tiotO partnership share. Opportunity of IMMEDIATE DELIVERY.

KIMBALL. KRANICH BACH, SIGNOR tion, unlimited funds, Interested In man- INDIANA. ALL REPLIES CONFIDEN- 'MANUFACTURERS. lifetime! Located near Chicago book CAN BE DELIVERED AT ONCE New and used wall cases. counters.

CHICKERING. LYON BEAM ufacturing metal hougehold, outomotive. TIAL. Our Special Course- V-0, art rational winuesele distrtbutors center. Address 7.

Tribune. IN CHICAGO AREA or consumer woods items. Large volume WILL PAY CASH. shelving, floor cases, window displayx. AND OTHER FINE Makes.

THE MAN WHO REALLY KNowit rroa et InterYsted In adding a lest midi- IN FAYETTEVIL-LE-, Arkansas-Beautiful expected. Only interested in items of ADDRESS 0 559, TRIBUNE. F. M. BOUGHTON suitable fnr lingerie, men's wear, gitt, SEVERAL sPINETS AND MIDGETS.

lines el furniture, house tarnish- large nine room reeldence surrounded be merit. Partially or completely developed. in Business Sales and jewelry. and etationery storms TERMS AND TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES. lora.

hourteoares and appliances. Sere of gardens and lawns. In one of SALES AGENCY DESIRED DAVIDSON MFG. CORP. ACCORDIONS offer-National distribution, travel our Arrest neighbortmods.

Short block No promotional scheme. R. W. McGRATH HERMAN SAVNER SON Address 0 459, Tribune. Have available Immediately 5,000 sq.

Shop Management 1040 W. Chicago 7. III. 1665 W. OGDEN-AV.

SEELEY 4080. 117 14.SVABASII. ELOOR. AT WHOLESALE PRICES 11 43 men. erIllne offices.

romplete $ales ot7 Suitable for rest- Menem financiel responst- donde! hotel. tourist lodge, doctor office PROMPT POWEB BRAKE it floor space; good display windows; HAYMARKET 6026-6072 s. S. SODA fountein. 20 gal.

ice located South Shore district desire dis- INCLUDED IN TO EVERY ONE machine; carbonator: 6 chrome and bOltv. Address SC 45. Tribune. and clinic, Completely furnished at SERVICE. tributorship or to act as fast retailing A.

E. dictaphone, electricard ma- JUST ARRIVED FROM ITALY leather stools; 6 booths; 2 ranges: glass SUNDAY SPECIAL OPEN 1 TO P. M. ART YOU SATISFIED-- $20.000,00, Open capacity on 10. 13.14 and 20 foot outlet inr manufasturer or wholesaler.

BEAUTY COURSE chine; 2 cabinets; 1 cameo display cases; counters. 6 and 8 ALL SIZES. COLORS. AND FROM HAMMOND REALTY CO. power brakes up to als" thick steel.

Address 3' 402, Tribune. frozen food cabinets. refr- Cola brittle NEW SPINET. beautiful 1-18 SWITCHES orhh results You now receive In the Eason Buildinc Fayettevi'lle, Ark. transscribing machine; I S.I2 Loncts area? Aegressive store fixture Material available in 'tome sages.

cooler; pore. home ref ro table top sty SEMI -VERTICAL: LIKE NEW Ow NER HARRISON SHEET STEEL Co AUTO body painting and repairing-Est. WITHOUT PULL GUARANTEE. ono p.anning Organisation ready to take Modern hatchery. cap.

90.000 chicks. 4718 W. 5theriv. automobile dealer desires experienced as- dictaphone shaving machine. bed, springs, mattress: dresser: glass- oa on desnerships tor several more items Est 6400.

LOWEST PRICES O- Partrouimoy Integrated In A-1 commer- Grow. batteries. cap. bout 12.000. 6 yotEE sociate in separate business as stated; GULBRANSEN FACTORY ctst; retrigeration line.

Scales, gliders. brood use. 1 hatch. bldg. Gas.

ngineering service: no Item WO bldg. available soon; equipment avail- dirge or male metal stampins job eholt tae; best of territory. EXTRA CHARGE Excellent condition. $700. ware: other misc.

(terns. AUCTION. Monday. 2 p. m.

3638 W. Chicago-ay. GOO 13 USED UPRIGHTS. FRott" 820 N. Van Buren 9000.

OPEN DAILY 10 -rn. 9. t-service extur es. etc. Replles uncoati- Inc $5.000 yr net $42.000 nr.

bus, sebool, mod. home. 2 has open time for complete development Address 0 115. Tribune. THE M.


Address 43g. Tribe. 2. and manufacture of your product 22 a--- Get fo qui dltry On butcher. 100 PIANOS 5252 IRVING dro tint Have yoti partner? Anna Mil- rRODUCTION contract available to mfr 108 DES PLAINES grr a am, ck eve est.

and tavern outfits: ran tied your proZict or service by with' Gray. 920 S. Sutter. Stocu presses. 6 to 75 ton.

battery of Spot with presses and plating to produce pat CLOSING office and -have for immediate UPRIGHTS, GRAND letter-I can produce or you a power- ten. Cal. Ph. 665S2 until fis30 p. m.

welders. assembly and wire formine. GENERAL METAL SPECIALTIES ented fast selling office appliance. Cost delivery following items: 1 electrac 8 reach-ins. walk-ins.

display cam registers. french fryers. stools. tables fol sales appeal built to tit yoUr own R-ECORD-repal-r and -appltinie short- 4103 W. Lake-st.

Kedzie 5913. to be paid from unfilled orders from na- WORLDS LARGEST bank Monroe calculator. also 10 bank and chairs. bar outfits. SPINETS, AND STU- ACCORDIONS spectel need.

30 yeaes experience in done) distribution. man sales. I a Iso plan, piepare. and Toys. hardware.

1 unfurnished rm. electric Monroe calculator; 2 large METER PAYMENT PLAN. DIOS; ALL RECONDI- p.sce advertising in all publicattons. For Can be used for living quarters. Good OPEN CAPACITY ADDRESS 123, TRIBUNE.

MOST MODERN enamel metal cabinets 36x18x66. 36s MARX. 6242 Wentworth Normal5718. I IMPORTED DIRECT FROM tome Leann, cell co Fend denials. business: 11.500 plus stock On hand.

rant Already established. or write Mr. Carr, Box 242. truef ,00 TO INVEST Beauty Culture cools rs; adiustable dw- TIONED; $55 AND UP WHOLESALE TO EVERY ONE; ALto SHEARING-UP TO S10 0 la" PLATE. Cl Schools Va ra ptuedeestal mahogany desks: CARL 0, N.

Must sell because of health. Low ren- SIZES. COLORS SWITCHES 1-124, ALSO PICKLING. with services; man 60; ex-tavern owner; I large maple den: swivel and TYLER FOOD CASES 5441 S. ASHLAND JOHNSO 2151 W.

MONROE-ST. 411 rn. Poem S09. tal, 3 Yr. tease.

Send oame and phone LEADS arm ehairs, 1 Remington Noiselesa Frozen food cases. reach In boxes. hnme A I TN To-8-BEns Ill I to home address. Boz 317, Palos Heights, HARRISON SHEET STEEL CO. 5TH-A 471 8 V.

EST 400 A 6. will consider tavern or ANY butiness, ddress A 376 Tribune. WAREHOUSE PIANO SALE 0 ruilounday. 10-6: Daily, 9-9. FRENCH HORN.

Nese York buyine (ghee interested In A go into ialit Cas tings BRAINS OR CONNECTIONS THEM McCarty Bros. Ecru Vepmewsritevrta. ag2cother miscellaneous freezers. meat ages. open dairy cases.

ip COrP. la01 liV Just released-Brand DPW Spinet pianos. Buescher double, No, 393046 in fled Lake. Austin 1161. Forest 3600.

tubber of ladies' coats, Mildness will sell 1 or more tractors Will tnyest In any good deal. idea or NEW CHROME BAR STOOLS. end F. clear lacquered finish, slides, totes, sportswear and under- and trailers. Steady hauling contract.

Production runs wanted on permanent speculation. All replies considered. ALL Chrome chairs and tables. Display rooms open Tues. eves.

priaayn.o4l.slykp inn tbougpaoyd 4cti.odub used gr ands. uprights. and player pianos. mouthpiece. musk holder.

brown Karate! 4-6-8 ft bottle coolers. towered. purple long plush Itned Cain wear. Expet lenced trained buyers tor Must have $2,000 or more. We are a mold aluminum castings: designing.

an ADDRESS 185, TRIBUNE. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY With one-fifth paid. free delivery in with niekel plated hardware. each depertment. 'lave entre to toot growing concern.

operating interstate gineering and complete machining edit- to soSc'ee for Yourself Why Hobart grinder and verretable slicer. Koch reach-in refrigerators. New reach-in boxes with glazed door. Chicago. WAREHOUSE NO.

39. corner R. R. 3. Hinsdale 1240, in New York, laturrayl Ready Truck Lines.

139 W. 114th-st, ties. Nevada 1484. HAVE up to $200.000 and services lirione Cro. 421 N.

Y. II 1. Waterfall 3400 Deep sea fryers. Deep freezers. Display cases.

Bottle VTOLIN-FOR SALE sELANis Perlick direct draw systems. coolers and walk dn boxes. Mailable on Open Sun. 11-5 p.m.,wk. Superb "Stradivarius Conte' by the Z.

ALES-A GENCY DESIRED COIN OPERATED Radios for hotels offer YOUR MFRS. Invest in well managed and profitable 413 Tribune Ashland-aventle and d3attytsh-costr9ee p.m. EXCEL-J-EN't values in fine Grands sucn YOUR PROBLEMS OF business Address Jorden deep freeze. meter plan. greatest 'violin maker In Euu'ope.

Tote oPPnirtunity for full or part time bust- lave available immediately 5,0110 aq MACHINE AND HELP SHORTAGES Stainless steel workbnards. ELKO REFRIGERATOR SALES. INC. as Julius Bauer. Bechstein.

liazelton. of overwhelming grandeur. Utmost Its nem E-Radio offer best features, imme- IF you have an idea to start a business Quirk. 1166 W. Madison.

Monroe R373. 2248 N. Western. Everglade 0077. Ballet Davis, Howard, Bush ft Space: rind dieplay windows; can be honied by contacting We quality and beauty of finish.

$48Mr diate delivery: attractive -prices now, or now have a business and lack capi- b-C-01C(PLETE tavern outfits-Incl. drain- Apollo and others as low as $450. located Sown Shore district desire dn. are equipped to do your cutting and TYPEWRITERS Private party. Palisade 6580.

Write, wire, or phone today, Reese, 1261 tat I will furnish same. GIVES YOU MORE OPEN 3 TO 6. or to art as last retailing sewing. Address 0 550. Tribune.

boards direct draw boxes, leather booths, Lovola-av. Rogers Park 4010. ADDRESS 0 484 TRIBUNE. Portables-brand new-Xmas delivery OUtiet Vq manufacturer or wholesaler. chrome stools, tables, chairs, ranges.

MCLIJNERY ancl-Haiid hag Shop-Long SHIPPING limitations affecting your FOR LESS MONEY C.7-FIDARDO 120 bass Italian and case; in volt stood Address 1 400. Tribune. LAIINtitt-Y-MeditTm sized; in-C-Ilicago; Rentals, All Standard Makes Immediate delivery. Cash or terms. salvigt1ISBTI-CPEIA- OUT OF PAWN est.

and profitable in promin. street aut." Of supply? If an. we have Imme- commercial operations preferred Please WITH THE LARGEST Late style office models for sale. VICTOR BENDER XV. blason Hamlin grant' Hand LEVINSON'S LOANS AVAILABLE level loop loc.

Owner leaving city. Must diate open time locally for plastic la- list equipment. aproximate ae. and TEACHING STAFF America's Leading Distributors. EXCH.

0 rubbed finish; 5 It. 8 needle point gelorOginCutOst.coa,15,5e0d9w walnut 741 N. CLARK-ST. REPRESENTATIVE sell. Good lease.

315.000 cash req. bricating, light assembly. small hand price Address 473. Tribune. INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER bench: pert.

cond. $2.000. Hollywood V.Ith established 'swollen with Mann- Agent, Bramt 1600. 7 S. Dearborn.

and power operations, silk screen print- Ing. flocking. etc. A. At P.

Specialties. fait-urine merits In So. Ohio and East- 2 EX-GI's have MOney to invest in gOing Therefore Means More Sales and service. 5th IL 509-517 Milwaukee. FOR SALE-STORE-FIXTURES mirrored fireplace.

1100; large wainut CHRIS TNIAS SPECIAL. NI AIL ORDKR-Going butinessi-loceted 231 W. Monroe. Central stve. Hardwar utomotive More wend wall Cedarcrest 7475-- New 120 bass organ tope ern Indiana to bandit, an midittonal itensacola 3261.

manuracturing or wholesale business. Individual Instruction Chicago. Includes substantial inventory What have you to offer? Call Hum- miniature model. with 6 months line Mt tal produets such as boas, 5.4-3-2 DRAWER STEEL FILES cases and counters; for store 20x65 -IDEAL XMAS GIFT and layout for assembly ol ttractive. RUBBER MFG.

boldt 3160 or Humboldt 1723 Sun, See for Yourself Why lessrms. 1 year cuarantee. Price 63411a. sleets cr toner restener line preterrtd. like new; latest design.

Buyer to remove. exclusively held product. Flat top. secretary. typewriter desks.

Mirre Pianos. Uprights: terms, Open 10-3, Del' Fully equip, mix. mold, end finish FAINT-infs. busineas-Will buy outright Special price. Address 39.

Tribune. terms, trade-in eilowancel. Midwest Accordion, 31, 5, clam 307 5, mortes.5 Address rubber parts, has openIng at present for or share interest in small eat. business: sELAN, tallies and folding chairs. CAI UMET 7373, EXTLNSION 41.

ELD'G MATERIAL -MFGRS. I1AMBURGER $110P. 20 molds in 24x24" hydraulic presses. have available cash: reliable people. CHROME SKTTEES AND CHAIRS.

with chll'alo dawn 9 stools: 6800 monthly income: competent engineers and rubber corn Address 0 34,6 Tribune. LEATHER DAVENPORTS AND CHAIRS. ARE you start in in business? Let us es-. n-le FLAT tenor sint. $-7Si-Botsrun clarinet.

SIN: drum outfit 155o 46 bass acorn. tawn Isles room daires add bldg. lines GEISER OFFICE FURNITURE CO build our partitions counters shelves quarters In rear; $30 month rent. Call pounder at your service. Arm.

1785 a xtanistaied.namV sOrttaIned: model Ku; Steinway model both like mon. $95; trumpet $45; guitars. lita for Industrial. and housing WANTED- to- bity-Stiel Min or shelving 124 W. LAKE.

DEA. 31R6. work tables and benches. display cases. new.

Also large selection of used trends. up, bugles. $5 op. Krum) Meste Ca. Forest 1550-W, alter 5 p.

m. wk. days; 'DESIRE individtat-i-or or-ginned-on- wit suitable for laundry or linen supply backgrounds for show windows. cabinets. $400 and up.

6243 W. Grand-ay. 3448 N. CICERO. PAL.11729.

C. Plywood. Pane lint Asp-Tile. Beth Saturday and Sunday. any time.

can put on market and promote the sale stock room. Union Linen Supply. 4131 Enrolls More EA' Sm. needed repairs. remodeling etuures.

liehting and Allied Imes. Only re ES roTAURANT concession-V7iii ret7r-r of a product for which 1 have the Ravenswood tudents TYPEWRITERS Mr Names. Open evenings and Sundays. I-20 BASS Savona accerdion-2 LINCOLN b574. ANY TIME.

PeJable Olenufacturers considered. colored cocktail lounge. Must be good formule-lt really works. Call Lake e- LOUIS Steinway Grand-Al condi- white pearl finish: uke new $200 Address 4e0. Tribune.

cook. Wonderful opportunity. Restau- Zurich. 4144 between 5 and 6:30 p. in.

with machine shop equipped POSITIONS WAITING S-PORTABLE AND STANDARD46. New and rebuilt. Immediate delivery. don; ilia0 Mason 4 Hamlin, 'thane. caste Bacon tenor banjo.

$50. 0E1'3 -hydraulic niiTETri-- with punch presses and spot welders for SO h. p. cempressor; meat STAR TYPR. 10XI2 WALK-IN cooler: 8 ft.

show case ery desires representation by aggressive ADDRESS 0 498. TRIBUNE. Lake Zurich. Illinois. sheet metal assembly; will pay cash.

FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE EWITER CO grinders and slicer: coffee grinder: 2 Chickering, and other grand'. 3626 ton 3122. BUESCHER valve trombone; meta17-t Indoetrial machinery sales organization GABAGE-ST-MiChigan-avs rear toi-T-7ir ti OPEN time on punch presses from 10 to Address A 451. Tribune. 189 W.

Madleon. Rm. 611. Dee 444 N. Pulaski.

scales; self-service snewing and carts. ORIGINAL Julius Bauer piano. Large piece clarinet: barrio use let aAttn. tn Slates east of P.ockles. Write giving to 2 exp.

auto repair men. Must under- 65 ton. automatic feed: spot welders, ADVERTISING agency man wints to buy FOR LIFE 150 NEW WALNUT DESKS Call South Shore 2744 between 10-5 mahogany up right. Very beautiful tone; Euclid 2484. 924 N.

Harvey. Oak Peet. Information of own organizatton, stand their business; good spot year, riveters, kick presses. and assembly; a trite in small agency. Will ViSit 60" AND p.

In. daily or Sunday. CONCERT harp- Hexagon, good made- rresent lines repreoented and territore around; money maker. Rental $150 m0.1 tumbling and degreasing facilities. Have einvest cash.

Address IC 318. Tribune. Davenports, tables, telepts cabinets, etc. AVAILABLE JANUARY 1 3100 A gheldenpnone St. Charlee 470.

lion; best offer accepted. os- so orguiar.v covered. Address 155, Tribune. complete toolroom to make tools and LOSMETIC business-Manufacturing an Write write or illustrated folder. 1,650 SQ.

FT. 5 PRI. OFFICES. St EINfirAY- grand Wealthy estate-will perfect condition: recently tuned. Price Address 155, Tribune.

0 Box 346, Cheerier Valle, Ohio. FULLY equipped kitchen. steam tables. dies. Kedzie 4884.

selling all lines; powders, liquids. Address 0 560. Tribune. creams and or Phone for Booklets I. FURNITURE NEVER USED-I20 BASS refric.

coffee urns. cash registers. Gn- FACILITIES OPEN small elec. or mech. S92d N.

Clark-it. Bittersweet 0528, De yru have good. for export to Sweden log concern. Lease to responsible party assembly work. by experd mechanics.

ED-Imprin WANT catalogue for rural DOWNTOWN 03 WABASH BLDG 2 i 4 12. C. a in the future? Let us then or with some capital. Heart of loop. Open time 5.

10, 15 too puncn pr sssss trade send sample. National Advertis- SELLING-OUT-ALL USED FLOOR COVERING; PRI. TOILETS. AlliseowLosuals7X5y. TFreernmcsh switch; must sell: reasonable.

14 WYMAN'S. 209 S. State. Ilth floor. s.

Wenonah. Berwyn. Sunday garize distribution. We have large Address 430. Tribune.

spot welder, drill presses. Will Pick 111. x- tog ComParlY, La Grange, Indiana. 32 N. STATE-ST.

and compressor; lunch counter with -WE HAVE 11 GRAND PIANOS. GERMAN-vita t1-1-7-- Com-61ite oeffit E. Fine tone, excellent condition. which cond 150. Also nice French Munn bow.

exberience and cannel. Reply in Ern- deliver 100 mile radius. a oSToRY -bricii-b14 ---(1- g. with tavern or DOWNTOWN PHONE-ANDover 4560. chair $7 Up: desks.

$20 WO green 4 door Illes, SI 5 up: metal steno. soDA foun-t-irr-o-compi. witn carbonator Monts; but tie cooler: tables. torieNuRY bas opening tor man who has rpuortgt.urgewicyht will be sold at very reasonable prires. $50.

Irving 8466. Ion. German, or French to Intiustri- icateasen, in city or country. full knowledge of inside and outside in Address 41. Tribune.

Chairs. booths. cash register. malted milk North Shore Piano Mart. 6230 Broadway SILVEft Flute- --Pi 11 ff- ret tee.

(7.0 nen ourg, Sweden. ADDRESS L. 228, TRrBUNE. SOUTH card hies. $2 up: tables and misc.

Haynes orclm al leather davenports; mixer; cash -or terms. old. established firm. Very little cash OPEN TIME i es attest-se inriusirintiie. Items.

Sale hours 9-6 512 N. State. 5 819 IRVING PARK SPRIN 2170 MAGNIFICENT Steinway apt. grand. Clarinet.

Trumpets, Trombones. Sess.Sal. Investment required. HAND SCREW MACHINE WORK. SALES WarTts-Part or lull Interest 6404 HALSTED-ST.

it Louie 151h modal 5 ft. 7 tn an- up, 4817 Fullerton. Bet 406S Werner, A ENTIo ----ti-d-i --ii PORTABL and stan ar apewr er l-TN. Address 1. 223, Tribune.

Long or short runs; fully equipped shop: In med. to small mfg. jobbing or whole- FROZEN FOOD DISPLAY CASES. tique walnut. matching bench.

$1,800. 4 a 20-BASS-S ccordion2-- I Signora reasons taatetthed New York distributer looking MANUFACTURING. Can make Mimed. deliveries, first come. sale bus.

Address A 481, Tribune. SOUTH PHONE $22.50 no: checkwriters, small adders. Meat cases. beverage coolers. soda fouls.

Address 127 TribunEs--- able; priva 7741 te party. tor one cr two neW fast willng items Estorblished mtge. wants man with reg- nraf served. Call Mr. Tbompsen.

Long- to buy-Si-nail oprti. aliTg. ZiORmal 2500. elec. Monroe calculator.

typewriter tables lain, ice cube makers, walk-in rooms. ------1-- by SON-5 ft 2 ba grams H. Lenobel, Crwaferd ew for drtig and variety chain stores, de- beech 1396. for borne and oMe, steel mak coolers: immed. del.

Haskris Co. CABLE-NEL ecutive sales experience preferable for screw mach. stip. Reply giv. cond see.

NORTH lano excellent condition; must see to ELECTRIC Hannan gulter-7-loureakeE par-orient stores. stationers. jobbers. Car- Interests. Investment required aPEN time on punch presses-tip to 50 MO.

leto etc. 29Tribune files. 6406 N. Washtenaw-av. Amb.

3828. ry own accounts. ADDRESS ton: have complete tool room equipment: gilEet METITE-mecharTi Address Tc Wants --r 4086 MILWAUKEE-AV. Darroch's. 1131 W.

Madison. COMPEETE set of -Grind-Rapids-fixtures i $750. prec ate. and accessories. 2933 S.

Clutsuanwo 1311 RIVer Enreet. av, Sat. 8, SUn. tit 4. Addrau 13.

Tribune. 1 40- es e- -Now located In a room oAcrtITIce: wuRLITzEit ItfinFi-s-r-ON 20'11ASS-Soniani. accordlen leW ACTIVE Partrier-winted. with experience Immediate delivery on dies, tools. ligs.

whole interest in going metal mtg. SAFES manutarturers-Established In light machine and assembly opera- and fixtUrel: also have facilities for light business. Keystone 2550. at Irving Park, Malty adaptable tor men's and boys' New safes for Immediate delivery. GRAND PIANO El EGTRICAL BABY private party Must 11 pr va pa y.

us se ours, ad sales ore. needs odditional Items IC a- Ilona able to Invest 15.000 in businesa. stagembly and secondary operation work. BOYS -camp-Wanted-Modern in every re- Phone AVEnue 3200. 73 and up.

Various sizes. clothing store. REPRODUCER ATTACHED; PRILE it. 3103 W. Congress-it wan.

5440 mettos, hdo.e. household jnvestment fully protected. Ref. 1st let- Sall. for free estimate.

Hat3044. stied. Write J. Mitchell 4742 Wood- WEST HERRING-HALL MARVIN SAFE CO. IOWA OHN SUNSTRUM.

OSKALOOSA. S625. PHONE PAL. 5374. hi Far old-tioliti-irri fer current expulsio pro- ter.

Addrese 138 ibune. TIME-Open on 10 to-16 lathes. vet, Norwood. Ohio. 4101 VT.

MADISON 227 N. Michigan. Franklin 7932. ERS ATTENTION. SPINETS- Newt Used! Famous ni-iiiii hearing Crememenfia.

Facielsal Armee a m. West Coat Or national dietribu TAVERN KEEPBeautiful fluerescent pillared 42 ft. bar: Von sau-ItollER-To take over meat depart- Mai and horizontal milling TO-BUY-OR-SELL ANY BUSINESS LIQUIDATION SALE. 1 95 Lowest terms. on iv front 3 1738.

Address 23. Tribune. 'A'rt" or 11" GI Ikle-a 115 merit in South Side grocery store: per- drill and punch presses hand screw ma- chrome tab' es chairs and bar 7th-st LOS Angeles. QUICKLY AND CONFIDENTIALLY. WEST PHONE-SACramento 2727.

Safes, vault doors money chests, mimeo- VaYalANOS 209 S. State. I Ith fleor. ait.INe-s-owendall-vi-blin with-hew-1A centage basis. Phone owner appoint- chines up to lha" capacity and alum- COX 30 N.

La Salle. Dem 1057. graph, fanfold billing machine. Sx5 11 refrigerator. Price is right.

Ca Pros- MUST it'll Maby gi-and cases $85. Hand made or, size violin wit.a tALEst.IEN. distributors and mfrs. agents merit. Saginaw 2266.

bly. Leclaire Machine Co. The Star Makers -Established firm offers complete line 121 N. Pulaski-rd. Van Buren 3221- STAMPS AND COINS- Kardex cabinets, elec.

tans, typewriters, Peet 2411. good make. Sun. only 12-4. 3107 N.

bow and case. $20. Stewart 5445. LEASE sm. hotel-Col.

26 ruts RAVE facilities for rod Ediphones. elec. water cooler. SELLING OUT Ai lc ON THE Si- tree' salable reds. (cosmetics.

ficlwe. aut'o. oil ht 3 yr. lease: expires pu-ctio --r-un-In STAMP ALBUMS-Modern loose leaf. st Cicero-ay.

stre-- 40 S. Dearborn 200, Hong mirrors cellin Web. 3040 Witil caseg, i Latest model: used like new; 1250. houeehoid aPPlances l- Alec '49. Pr.

cash. 3751 Lake Park- wood, Muminum bronze casting. machln- $250. International $5.00. Also in Beauty Culture 7 arb i ht Int office chairs tailors' elec.

BALDWIN sp ne lined KEY-Ii-OARD graphotype. model 6383. 1g 2140 W. Erie-st- ist ler. only few weeks.

Reduced $100. Terms. rotor avelleble many excellent side line avenue. Livingston 2543. Mg, finishing.

router shaper finishing $8.00: American 82.00 and $2.50. as irons mannequins. metal stands. Write US'. Gro Sales.

115 W. a tilant, engineering designing. Patterns. 1947 Catalogue. Vol.

1 and 2 $3.00 Classes Starting Now Elite tent. less than two years. old. I 4710 VOMAN'S. 209 S.

State, Ilth floor. --t---- A CORDION-Itio-Amertii-n-T20- ettort L6s Angelea. FOR Rent-Furnished 24 rm. line guest good as new. Also model 2709 Electric Monday.

29 W. Hubbaed rite Plano. Illinois, Box 69. appOint- ea. Stamp packets by countries, 25e to piano-So ma ogan lid h- y- b'k fl I it.

Gloria model. Must sell -ate house. Near North. 6850 per roes Gross Addressngraph. Addreseing Machine and NEW PLATE GLASS SHOW- CO gran utifut tone: private 3031 N.

Elbridge-av. LARGE-Mail nrder firm is-TriWrested In ht II 00 Li II ment, or call Plano 2-5602. corne, .4 per mo. v. ra.

a $25 Send postcard for free list. BON'S Day, Part Time or uly Ohio-street Indian spp Coo 112 E. CASES FOR ALL STORES. Mimed. del bench.

te matchi t'eall 5747. IMPOR's X15-fis-base-Certilii-at'reoritieTa- nrorrootitir novelty ideas and Address 187 Tribune LACQUER SPRAYING stamp a Coin Cm. 72 W. Washington, polls. Indiana.

LI 5660. Interocean Cabinet 326 S. Pauline. party, rust sel aypur Masoir- with 2 switches. Inquire 11155 N.

Keel. ero 1 seb re, mall and publicration ad- Chkago 2 III John J. Farrell Pres. Seeley 4417 eINE se ectioit of used grands 3 RADIO, appliance-and repair --store Open time available in our Evening Classes NATIONAL BKKPG. MACHINE K.A-.1 er-as.

Belmont 2 65. veruotrig, also 75 direct salesmen selling Praying WORLD'S Largest Diamond and Triangle 'RONAL cash register. nu Id 1 599 131 Hamlin, Baldwin. Chickerine. retail trde.

If eau have an Item we can Going business cheap rent. For sale; shop to snray wooden or metal ape Siam re-Free Mem in magaz e. a amps sELANis Ditto duplicators Ediphone transcribers EL. rings up to $99.09. electric or, and small.

uprignts. 5137 Diversee, ACCORIHAN 120-bau OtatimAlinerbraes other business 'interest. entry part's. Presto from 2 use. a Mutually profitable deal may re- 1012 N.

rromPlighting Free French: 28 stamps Dictaphone: Photostat inechine; receipt manual; reasonable. Maurice Cloak Co OCHAFF-tia-by grandBiauT-eanved ceiiiir. 3 way switch; like new. 1400 Longbesch Address 111 Tribune. Marshfield-ay.

Write Add-ens 0 397 Tribune ---o-. 5 different countries; pdals registers; Mi wood Sling cabinets. Yards 2934. Waite Mignon elec. player attach.

$750. $530, 2300 Winnernac. s- POULTRY-Wholesale and retail; gold PLATING air malls. A real bug. be with approv.

Capital Stamps.Dept.11. Little A. Lipman. 61 E. 8th-st.

Wale 3080. 7titt eon starting in buelness? We build -CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Phone Village 3041. TIEAUTIFUL-antique rosewood Idei.odeone very exeeptional instrument, fine argil? Strai ht booths with formica top table, woo -ei Apartment size upright, Mt mine; partners disagree: good price. Address 90 time for dtI CQ Tribune.

open nroucon runs on eoe will finance. merchandise. and dis- FOUNTAIN-cofiCeiiiiiii--In-lerire Logan GoLD. JUS AUIRED big U. S.

collection ffice partitions other parti- Slittg. Noble Booth Products. 924 N. Starck make; walnut finish; years IL on Phrne Euclid 6031. ILVER RHODIUM PLATLNG.

Old comm. blocks. scarce covers. eau I. Schools dons.

paneled oshelving. work tables, with or Arm. 8 Noble 2 87 old. Kenwood 2011. VIOLIN BARGAINS.

103 swfrae voleute internationally any worthwhile Square drug store; available to qualified ZVOLNER PLATING. DEA. 2775. U. S.

poss. complete. Canada. complete without covering; benches. library ta- $5 up.

Day and eves. Atlantic 32214 noon The Lauer Company, 546 W. party. Belmont 9200. blest.

directors' tables. bookcases. spectal EloctoEFO-tritad cabl. Frigid Freeze-20 ITAIEwre-GRAND-8 3 mart Inspect at 5314 S. Halsted.

Chicago, 111. PEA-NUT-Iiiieliin-e-littife-Great opportu- PLATING BUFFING bureau collection. etc. GARDEN CITY Stamp 68 W. Wagbington.

cabinets, etc. Mr. Nemes. Lincoln 5574. cu.

glass top. '461 modal, any; physically and mech. perfect; best set. tacit got4 ctitas SAlE-S--PTeiresetTletionSilei Ormani7a- silty for GI, bargain, $395; latest type p-- dairy cabl plus cash ff. as otter.

Hot. 5017. ASH. C-013-RTE0IIS--CONSMERATION SAFES Call Regent 2045. rico aqui established costume jeweire Xedzle 9382.

Open time; gold. rhodium. copper. bright Hyde Park 6731. GULBRANSEN minuet console-eany RAKE old- 1-1 --Crem ex.

end fiia Wanted to handle exclusively o' zr EMOTE Mimi' -concession In department nickel. and the benefit of 20 years' experience Late model. double door craekled fintsh. BAR 0, coo-test 1V.1.ri volt ea a sat0000- color, pert. only 20 mos.

old. ee 0. 6 p- to those wishing to Sell their stamps. ...334 tone. Hunt.

3734 wkds aff. eer. sterling silver and brass line ha store-Equipment for 3 stets. $1.500. Longbeach 3623.

se fitted Interior; underwriter's Monroe 8373. With matching bench. $437. Cern os "Established 1871 label. 1166 W.

Medisomat -Reed-1 stop. in eiceptiniiillY TENOlt A- nitera and easieroo terrttory. Oniv a too-noteh out- pooh. 6762 or Nat. 3982.

Comm equipped shop wants Item Walter Emerson, Room 1503. 7 South Dearborn-it Central 1988, JOHN P. QUIRK CO ORGAN. et need epply. Precinus Jewelry Mfg.

--m- to mamulacture from material to engem- wory McGrath. 1865 W. Ogden-ay. laying new dull finish. solid Nr-WSPAPER.

candy. triagraine cunceaSlon WI SELL 75 YEARS -El An" New Vora 7, N. Y. bled unit; have source kr material FOR ReMington FIXTURES Walnut case. S225.

Reg. 7470. FINE collection violins and bows: setr-is In Austin station for sale. Douglas U. S.

at Foreign stamps and supplies P. are manufacturers' representatives Park line. Call Austin 0884. 5.400 so. It.

of manufacturin area: Woodstock: 12" Smith typewriters; FOR SALE. APPLY trade prtv. parte. 752 W. 33d-sr oteinns to rood, drug and variety job- so, --o---, also 1.200 sq.

ft. of assembly' UNITED STAMP CO. 1 1895 .1 -1I-A NO-BURL-W A LNUT. Model 58 Electric folder: No. 77 Mime- 1032 N.

DEARBORN. NaNN Alto Sax. $65. Mots and retailers In Texas. We are 1'''''IONING newspaper stand-1 cor.

67th- MAYWOOD 2160. Pane' 22 W. Monroe, Rm.1706.AND. 3817 of Like new. Fine tone.

Direct action. Cottage Grove; due to Illness. REMEM-BER -did-or brother with StAMPS ograph hand: Hand sealer; Mellometer; WALL CASES. suitable jewelry, elec. goods, Cash.

Private party. Austin 5332. NEWCASTLE 3664 open tor new lines. What do you have PRESS WORK WORLD FAMOUS 20" Varityper. Superior lingerie- tables.

chairs, lunch atm. OLD violins-Very-Bete tone- Cal 1O0 at stand I night mornsoor a for XMAS Air Malls. U. S. and Foreign.

$425 BUYS-line-mahogany baby-grand 3-7----- to cffer? soutbwest Eneineering NEW-ANDUSED tables, booths. bun warmers. bar stools. Independence 1959. A-1 condition; lute tone.

fi21) Ft. Worth. Tex. WANT strong, willing vet. sot partner IT-1 Automatic or hand operation-on long COTTAGE STAMP MART.


FURN1- Billigheim Store Eqpt, 126 S. Halsted. North Shore Piano Mart. 6230 Broadway PRE-WAR Conn Suraphone and case furniture moving business-Some cash or short runs- Minimum cost. Long-ay.


o- oPORTING lock's -and fixtures. Exe. cond. Call Sun-. Moh.


W. bleGRATH. Practically new. Butlt of plywood with work wanted; mechanical and electro- RALF Interest-In radio, refrigerator. and ARMITAGE 3479.

see us before you buy or sell. dle sized. ace ent con on. II dirt Sunday. AcCOPDTON-120 bass white pearl; 'abiS mertanieal devices, any materials ex- electrical appiance store; silent or ac- OPEN TIME BARGER-FORREST CO- in 1855 OGDEN-AV.

SEELEY 408n I Co --o maple flnish. De Lott Tire A. Supp 1-6. 1342 Forest as River Forest. grand; 2 switch; case; $300.

Reg. 5198. STEEL Ales and blueprint cabinets; lath- 4730 N. Kedzie. Keystone 5044.

per4 done: patent rights respected. rive. Lakeview 7077, S. Dearborn. Chicago.

Andover 31.26. ty-ALFTIFUL grand pli-Like newt-IIX i20 BASS professional soprani Castel On metal spinning. er davenports and chairs: wood office MEAT Mise-8 ft. 3 plate double duty: Address A 412. Tribune.

BUTCHER shop-Fully equipped; will TRIPLEX DRY CLEANONG BEAUTY CULTURE desks and chairs: all finishes. excellent condition: ion; 3400. Anderson vate party. Stephens. 5101 S.

Drexel. 9 MOW. -Alb. 5458, WHAT itave you that you want to sell rent or sell; Austin-Chicago-ay. MACHINERY CO.


Ill Phone Butterfield 2121. 80 BASS Rohner accordion-I-Lce new. In Ei mine. either staple or novelty the Call Mulberry 6291. O601 S.

Racine. Vir. 4500. 127 IDEARBORN. RM.

731. A qualified Burnham graduate is 'as- lured of steady work in refined ur 217 W. Mnnree. Randolph Elgin 5635. RENT a- a mo.

Apply rent If i Hemlook 6713. yeIF aroundO I Want either an ageney GArit-iirm to-rent-9367 South Chicago: work wanted-Have pi-TiiiiRINEW arrived-All philatelisi-autipilig-la 1 She Well. ROMR NE-Holten like new belief', rounding' with an income limited only NO EICEPTIONIST WANTED sets St bar natures. 1 you buy. Chicago Rental I O.

ol a. streicet telling. Clive Intl Darden- busy corner, heavy traffic; Suit. many up to 30 tons. Can get material; have precance Is; 6 collections trom 10- city suburbs.

brass finish: reasonable. Unlversite 4039 to her ablitly and ambitinn. This tn the Photo lectrie announcer tor offices. bars, wohoon icebox. stands.

tables, 21110; all parts lats. Mires 0 222. Tribune. kinds business. Ludt.

State3970. 24 ga. steel and brass on hand. We it125. Garden Washington 4 face of 'rowing competition for jobs In stores.

Interruption if light beam an- chairs. priced to sell. dRANDS----Kimball. Story Clark. Cable-it OMPLETE set of AT nruias---eur ione.

r1.4 elders, SiOs expertly plannf -d quarters: lo rent! can make riles to your specification. rbo-0 GRAB-Ad-13-, 15c every line of Work In every part of nounces person entering be ringing 1157 E. 63d-st. Dorchester 4SSI1, Nelsen, Chit-kering. new epinets.

Mtdway 4852 ler Information. od produred. scat, Fro Web. 29e7. I reasonable.

3122 N. Sheffield. MAYWOOD 2180. 25c. Andy, 630 Bingsman.

Reading. Pa. the country. chime. Sturerior 2779.

BARRi-cotty SNEATIVS. 7822 COTTAGE GRDyt. saxophone gold-lectiuer. sii: itacti in ire box. SPACE for meat merket concession.

TIME OPEN FREE NEW XMAS PACKET LIST REMEMBER 2. 4 drawer steel files Visible i ncl. 6 stools and neon lighted Wall PRIVATE -party will Sell medium size cordion. 80 bass. Merrimac 6631.

2b51 W. Harrierin-st. 1542 S. Kedzie. Roe.

8335. ON PUNCH PRESSES. Intercity D7 Port Waghington.N.T. Kardext Acme and treader Wee, gales. liquor shelf.

Belif Oren Greenteat 2469 reproducing apt. grand for beat offer. anted Iiintrianstore tEAurir Side; 10 TO 70 TON. INSTRUCTION A desks. typewriters.

Business Furniture 1405 Valder-st. Evanston. Stone. 2214 Highland-ay. PIANOS! IP of patented tetescop- excellooppor.

for dent perty. PM, 3728. HUF 4243 Roosevelt rd TOOL ENGINEERING CO. Burnham Diploma in Your Co 172 W. Monroe.

Dearborn 1627.. ro ritoL--aity-cold -re-frigerator-Appto-i-x7-S3 too naftY GRAND PIANO: BALDWIN MAKE. Crawford 3241 int steel tube graffoldlne open for Chi- i ftrOD-CONCESSION in cocktail -lounge. moo' -7- Hand Is a Big Bank Roll unit and bx like TY-PICWRITERS-CALORE. cu.

to uke new. See Mon LINE NEw. NED. 7636.. tam Prefer man or company familiar 1 5243 IrvinePark; after 42.

m. voANI mu-Work for turret lathes and HEIM Imm delivery 10 to 18 machines 1824 irving Park-rd or call Wellington s. a tiPRIGHT mithog GRANDEicell. cone': WANTED! sesfrold problems and experieneed RESTAURANT AND 2 DINING ROO-5-1A lathes 35 in. bar cap; 18Sa In.

chuck for Your Lifetime TYPEWRITERS, INC. 2918 N. Cicero. 6521. pet.

pty. Hyd. 9146 aft. 6 P. m.

cant milling, dri I i I ng, and tapping. Can Store open 2-5. Ph Spring 1334. MARKING MACHINE. PRIVATE rty ti--as J.

Bauer-groind lado In cent forting or contractors' sales. kOR RENT. COMMODORE 2100. BEAUTY SCHOOLS LEARN WIT B. electric mime- Monarch standard in on tioketing ME A.

B. 13 4026 Merrimac I otteirmstre tam stork tinder nee hundred 'Jo- -----e-e. make nee. tonic Essn TOni En nOTEL liar rent-uning rouso Co 1255 amp ell. ARM.

4067. worth $800. Kil. 8604. ograpla duplicator with stand and motor.

D. C. 1,5 h. 110 volts: bar- 6 ia rs Equipment is non-comPet Hive. netts.

Telephone Drexel 1.133. offers you the most complete imm.diate dellvery assured because of OPEN TIME 100. gain. CENTRAL S070. EXTENSION I.

STEINWAY baby grand for sale. Hyde iroh CONCESSioNER on' live fnuntain and gin Virginia 1900 to m- E. to Park 0822. Isrge raw stock Inventory, No other env- lunch. BUCK INGHAM P496.

on ene, and turret lathes. shaper and course of Beauty Culture THE LEADER TOP PRICES 7Rel-poiter-slip. ft. b2vok barti.u2Otationnial, 2' Int: bitittrnS111. new B-ari-v-971s alitTi.

a age In I. at present. Party seleet. mww twoewes Ds milling machines. lia berK iron Grass, INDIVIDUAL TRAINING ed mom be Interested in este blishing 157 W.

Wendell-st Miro 8757 sheerer, extra drum large stand Ininwo- 1 3-bbi, elec. direct draw box. MOIST PIANO 5509 Breadway. Ole iti busittere on it permanent baste. OPEN TIME ON TOOL DIES -I- EXPERIENCED INSTRUCTORS Fmk wit steel tube-Vans- ecope and number 711 rninteograpro 6033 Northwest-hwy.

New. 0755. SMALL studio- S373-. MOIST PIANO 5509 litroridtay. loos Is loot term herd work proporittion JIG'S.

RIAMPINGS. PROMPT DELIV. Supply of 81-4001" paper. Brioo8745, to oo, nitro and trOnt bars71-drolidrawirT-5 big, swedging and welding equipment' 0 PRACTICAL CLINICAL WORK SINCE UPRIGHTS, GRANDS, 1-e c.arr Intrested In "senior In direct TKCIINIC TOOL AND MFG. CO.

SELL NOW make pat. collapsible tubular wheelbar- MODEL 1250 Multilith-Piefect condi- rk benches. 12 st001s. I cooler box. MASON-HAMLINExcellen ce7nd.

11,200. ratio to a le. it yvil mollify write us a25 M1LWAUKEE-AV. HAY. 1170, row and outboard ntotor carrier comb.

PLUS MANY OTHER FEATURES tinn, lees than one year old, $1,500. 1400 W. ilutings. Seeley67i40 Phone Longbeach 1936. and Itel flit tat 'OPEN-time' on all types-ilidustriarlinith-- strNo 409 Madison me 2,7 Apply Peerless Press.

518 West x- A refrigerator: lip meat VICTORIAN walnut reed -filieer organ- WHILE YOUR OLD PIANO --s--- Ywo make the HEIM graduate '1871 ootosoy. 1710 Toledo Ins-Wa In japanning. enamel- Milwaukee. Wisconsin. o.

coUnter. 12 h. both Kelvinittors; Originally 13.200, rests, Kildare 2466 ot or to int. larquering. hantmerlo14.

and wrinkle PLASTICS among the most successful in TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHS bar gain. Mer. b23S. hALDWIN -Baby' STILL MEANS CASH l'AKERIES-- POTT it RS- finishes, wood Or motel; modetn plant- Call Virginia 5020 Mr, Rip. Material and press time available.

BEAUTY CULTURE 44 FOR RENT OR SALE. STEWART. The Great Typewriter Man. BLUE FLASH electric cooler-For beer or Independence 745.O. private Part.

Co SUCARINE tVEL.1.-eniti re -Tr hies go ma-cline shop superior 5395. DAY OR EVENING CLASSES. WABASH2344. pop; 1115. 331 E.

69th-st. Stewart 10325 atter II a. m. ARV Grand Piano-Limn Ai Healy. Simonson Piano ewe- soli tool it contacta oe, safe.

free of restrietten, equipped fo light medium stampings APPROVED ---Ti-a00 MANUFACTURING PLANTS OVED FOR Cl TRAINING. bIRECTOR. leather covered- table 9 4 Appt. Graceland 2133. chicagn-s Oldost Used Piano Dater.

a3' OrOR-lite 2 fo-uniain check throwing EVON Mid -licalv-Brambach Apt. Gra-r-rd-. AUSTIN 3023 tn, to 50 per cent Increase diem, assemblieti, t. WANT SUR-ONTACT WORK. Offers ix it, 12 leattn.

uph. elecw chairs; ater registers lenher Pharmecy 100 Bar 7- Eric cond. $550. Cali Rad.5346 eft II NEW POSTC -WAR PRODUCTS votit corm sugar. ADDRESS A337.

ellAwIFIEN oF commnick: Botiotiom STATE ACCREDITED ff All eim Beauty Schools cooler; 3 cosh. lentil. uph. davenport: te 5330 -air' oe av Ed ewater 7260. 6 YR.

old Cable Baby Grand Piano- rim GALLON. X3.50 151-A-1-1-E 3 employ-es. sapeivisor and-571500 OF QUEENS, LONG ISL. CITY sq. ft.

space fro assembling. packaging. LOOP; Exclusive Features check protestor. KorslosakoSta Colsi-PI FTE reetaurant fixtures for si-tre---- ee. condition.

Lakeview 5517. 4-0-SfEEL LOCKERS, 2 desks- witn e. BEST PRICES et 4 yar minimum or what have you. jobs wanted Well ei, Yi s'' GRAND piano-Apt. eke, good condition.

o' ra P. 0. to Chicago plant. Address 0 425 Tribune. equipped shop with finishing dept.

No 6 E. LAKE-ST. CENT.4906 1. Unique system of personal (theirs, Royal typewriter. steel flie.

war 4176 1.11f0O-RV 1 akeview 3O11e. furniture or large atone wo rk, Pauli SOUTH SIDE: posture chair, chrome arm chairs. col- ra NE new all-metal, epr blnet- 0- dfra a- rented to our sectanondation air ne.cisNG wanted-oratner- goods, mantes Mt 426 Amu 1 tutorship. turners: all excel, cond. Buck.

lei. 1 GOOD S. g. C. Armour 1500 west 1 6552 S.

HALTED WENT. 7060 7 I 8 n. i Melt, 36 n. wide, 18 Ito deep; Schwartz Storage, 7012 Stony Island. Spot Cash for LABORATORIES etc, Experienced operator" and super Monroe Monroe .15.

NEW SAFES. $30 AND UP. movable shelves Dear 712n. vision. Large or sniall Iota.

Dearborn Oo-60Dw AND 2. Only experienced authorities For Immediate Delivery 4 re -1r INGSTON baby grand-Gd. condo Siita GRAN SPINETS UP RIGHT3 to 1 0 V. rflw IV Cblearo 51, 6149. Mr Linechuitz.

ORKING plant. employing 36 VSED delicateatten- and-ment eintes-Witn toiEntirrOX 3A03. 1-- ATTENTION. people. available for 6 weeks; contraet 4,9 BROADWAY, GARY, IND.

on our training staff. THE Mosi.KR SAFE Co, units. Bargain. Victor Store Fittures. 2 4 1 1 Rid Winner'', 2 -et.

k. et'. FOR ABSOLUTE BrST OFFER ITAntlIfsT- le.ret Selling MANUEArTilli. Vt'ant limed nate to produee fast selling work on small and medium sized items, COMEIN.CALLOR WRITE. 3.

Only standard nationally r.214...-Wjach--""L --Central. 3748. -Ill'itiGHT-tita ill so- 6'14 Milwau et-as. Including nnishing. et LloTT NO.

150 poet card printing Roc EINEM 228e. American Fiano mart itiolot VFNETIAN boosehoid Arian. lathe necessary, 111-41OHWARE fixtures; Duluth: 1ril-fi7sec- Address 1,20. Tribtme. AMERICAN SCHOOL known products used.

machine. together with Eihsscope tor thins and 2-st ft, bases with dVire. ArrOP. C--- Tifill A tiLI-VONoVFit baby grand-Beau from coast to (two. nonliosoN.

ATLANTIC 6154 --OPEN idly used, Mahogany exc. Div21e14, cn a un rremit led toe eo talhEle 1 lo." manufactureto make a -WANT rid 1011 Olt TOOLS DIES 310 Halsted. Era 7431 Key. 3731. Lincoln 1480 year ectind selling.

Bolin up new patented tooth brush on royalty. AND STAMPINGS. OF BEAUTY CULTURE 4, Much more practice on living Trocomenatan deo t. k-b -I6 ti 'I, 2 'Jape oreall goo rood $500 AO OIC lir-. CO tvernanent Mpineas tor youteelt on full con bo made for Mc each.

STANDARD TOOL models. itistalle I 7557 PORT8BLE photostat- outfit-Complete, work benches, 5 stools, National Regis- or part tient. Thill is an exceilent oppor- Address 17, Tribune. 828 N. MAPLEWOOD.

HUM. 0582. OFFERS like rif.C Rem. Rand. Portagraph: sell- ter.

Baker. 2812 Congress-st iti A SoN AZ.Itantiltt grand Mame-eta hog a cliffe: 3626'. to affiliated with an ag- ALUMINUM PLATING JOHN MUELLER s. Large reading rooms with free Ing for half cost. Ern and custom built, $1,500.

Wilmette 2727. 1201. 111 W. FUR vault, used safes. money chests, it-evils.

organization. No experience re. SPRAYING reading books. Monroe. vault doors cheap.

609 N. Milwaukee. 'ERAS PIANO-GEORGE STECK, 1250- Open time. Known thruout this profession as FOR-sale-Model 40-ilinitigraph dupit- Otermarket 6480. HOLLYCOURT 0746.

quired. Every home, offire, and lectnry LACQUERS AND ENAMELS. Ravenswood 4148 6. More thorough training in 0 and lael Long or abort runs. Bittersweet 2626.

the ountanding TEACHER In cator and 58 folder; both AI condltion. 24 Ej back and-front-bar; 4 booths; BA SY-IC-rand piano In excellent condltion. Vincennes 0076' Or.ivery fur hign quality Liberal --rs sCREW MACHINE- FACILITIES 1908 Belle Plaine. 'farther back and 2-3 faucet coil Phone Estebrook 5585, mmisson. Call or write tor mmint- PORCELAIN ENAMELING HAIR STYLING Permanent Waving available for immedlate PrOdUrtiOn ment.

Ho MP sti()ps. 100 W. on sheet steel: job shop has open time. NATIONAL MANUFACTURERS HAIR SHAPING Burnham Trained slightly TO-LECAL-Eles- steer-With or with-c711 boxes. etc.

Will separate. Elmhurst 4202, LO-oN toeks; used 1 underwriters i Pill-WALK-IN cooler'ivith unit small. $550. Oak. 5790.

TOP PRICES PAID Ptisise net AwARIS Porcelain Enamel Finishers. Bis. 3221. 1622 W. Division -at.

Brunswick 4934 and the FINEST staff of safe 2 dr Address It 102. Tribune, 22 it super-cold meat counter with unit SMALL upright piano-Like new, best FOR GRANDe. uenre.isrm. bai.vsMAN:bl.,,iTletelortOR-WANTIOD. WOODWORKING shop has open time.

STEEL ON HAND instructors in the beauty field. NEW VARITTPER-Anto. adjustifiert car- 116 Main-st. Park Ridge 750. cash offer.

3421 Medill. Albany9062. Ali Styles-All Makes-Cash wroting. 11S SEW IT'S SENsATI oNAL. Peeler long runs.

Routing, shaping, etc. 14 TO 20 GAUGE, OPEN TIME ON A training of the Blithest Quality. PATENTED NEON 6 volt operation now Address A 372, Tribune. POWER SHEAR. Franklin Park 3378 The prestige of Our diploma 1 bon ribbon attachment: 14 type laces.

73 In. Kith. suitable -WttoLiTzER-MIM spinet- Mann: ebony MIDWEST PIANO CO laaa'w Posalbe Illuminated athortiling ErlITATSIVE cut off-Plus or minus .0025 O-PIEN ii-ri-le-on punch Presses-Fast-de- la the prized possenion at Always in Demand. Cali Harrlson 0058. restaurant.

bar. etc. Ras. Liv. 2713.

finish: like new. $395. Lek. 3437, ALL DAY SIONDAY CALL RECEP. rm.

2 and 3 seat chrome settees. Sat- or Went. 6964, Sunday. on book or top of talicabs or businetisl in. fin length plus or minus 1,1 degree livery.

Send prints or samples to Re- our graduates. ditAND player. $425. Gone rosms cars', divert factory excluxive Iran- on angles. Address I.

60, Trihune. liable Metal Stamping Company. 6830 Course offered under GI rights. For Bigger Pay, Learn chairs to match; any color: 5 day de.1:v, POULTRY pickers' new and used scalding cond. Crawford 2212.

BAYPORT 3974 crone avallabie to man with proven miles --i, ENTERLESS GRINDI-NG WA-loitD. W. 29th-pl or part time classes Berwyn. Visit this beautlful school, Darroch's 1131 W. Madison.

Can.77. 2. tanks; tendefeton; new scales: new Isea. aa excellent ciIiiiiiiiiii-t-res- CITT-WME AND SUBURBAN stpriell with ear. in 111nr40 or alhdnincl In-terd.

throb-feed profile: any tolerance. MANUFACTURING and assembly plant Day. evening, ToR-Stile-blot-17 Universal letter folder lop. chopper superior 4896 sonable price. Yards 6786.

9TH FLOOR. The BURNHAM VTay with motor. National Advertising Co 4x5 WALK-IN ice box, $75t 14 walnut guatiriad parties 1.1111 arie neentirei dellvery.Mon.12,391 with heavy machinery. fully equipped. MAllorIANY -G-RAND PIANO-----SUN.

DIVERSEY 2283 re intersiewed by tat-tort "Prfsent1111" Iliac me on Ionia di a. jigs and $6,000 low rental, 3 yr lease. Green- 30 ADAMS Iqi ta Granite. Ind. hol.

seats. SS 'Pao restaurant chairs. UP AFTER 10, KEYSTONE 0153, to a te age, riper fence. iuesent Mrsiness. nure WANTED TO BUY-ADDRESSOG RA PH 17 met.

straits, 12 ea. 3448 Fullerton. si- amsterca51 TOP PRII-ES Matures. spot welding. light stamping leaf 5608.

ire At 'tittles -1Fredericir-SrefFirire e- and will he I light shearing. Euclid 3018. FOR CATALOG MAILING. PiloNE, ititiormoiN Bait ottTEIT-stainiess mesa new; sacrifice. Vietitr.

4809 Lake, FOR YOUR PIANO told In atitorest eenndenee, PRECISION-GRINDING WANTO13. BEAUTY About G. I. Training CALUMET 6800Mit. FRANK, work boards; theirs.

stools. P. tiENT grand 350i, CALL TODAY. WHY WATIP Address 6, Tribune. 'WOOD and meter- .0002 in limits elec.

welding; OUR IIAIR STYLING AND SHOP. Day and Evening Classes DE LUXE pvt. oivned noiseless late model CASSEL SHERE. 1225 MADISON. tat for turnings under 1" diameter.

Plain lapped plug gage; 2-3 risy deity. Management courses give you additionet After 10 a m. Sat, or Sun. Bri. 2808, ATLAS PIANO CO.

Come in and let our Underwood typewriter. Pert. at sODA FOUNTAIN. EXCLUSIVE SALES AND Michigan 4884. ALSO HAND SCREW MACH, WORK.

qualifications. Get your training where steel. STE1NVs'AY grand piano-Modra M. wI-. SOUTH SHORE 7411 SERVICE FRANCHISE WILL OPERATE AND PRODUCE NOW- Dirtztus MACHINE SHOP.

ROC. 4357. It counts the most. Enroll now! 75 YEARS' EXPERIENCE about 1.4 cost. Address 51.

Tribune. Late model, like new. Capitol 0667 Sun. or eve. guide your future.

No. 3049-116-8NSEFTRB' serial No. sso ALL DAY Plastic sheets available for inunediMe PLASTICS MARINE LLO RATIONAL bookkeeping machine-Style 10 malted milk mixers. Can. 3210 sizE: coop- CALL i SUNDAY etedterel requirements make 80 of 111 holiday delivery.

Seeley 4945. MEST OUSE-cooler-30 cu. ft. 'M- IN -I-I S135. 2105 E.

merchants your proxpects end tablenebies Open time on injectinn. compression 3-14606 Sacritice $650. State 1338. C. 1 i tti -r-o-direilTri PEN me re ass cu ny You 'have everything to gainl id id dens tin ions 61x51x DTION o.

201 e. eil i. 1 Misirellanessan ROGERS PARK 2894 to build a pernienent re- moiding Address A 397 ribune. MAHOG. wood, 4x6 card Pract new.

Noritpp 5925 S. Lowe. roar rairritness yeur own, Yu mint be and belt machine work. ill help fur- -Er- Grsduates fi Better ons WRITE FOR cap. 35 000 Rm.

1201 111 W. is nARBER-Beaute equipmto shoe Stands case like new Blue Island 4335 CENTRAL 2a8 ll Paid Pomitit FOR SALE-Conn net trumpet and ---e, evasive one have sufticient capital to ntshoglass. Irving 0937. INDING TIITAE AVAILAB 4 11 000 I Merchandiee Invest- STEEL on-band 16 and- T8 gage galvr. ASSEMBLING AND LIGHT MFG.

The MARINELLO WAY FREE BOOKLET Monroe. YM WIRE chrome chairs. PAIDAR.112o N. Wells. so-, TAVERNS attention-New 26 dice table mit KNNING-basirion-Exeellerit- condition.

Pi dt 11 i ditt 01 9729 ce se mme a at. it HIGHEST PRICES torn' I. Call Mr, Kelly. Saginl. a 87illi 22 and 24 gage Open time on Illd W.

Taylor. Monroe4617, is easy to learn and easy to pa, for. shelving. storage cabs factory stools. for sale.

Reasonable. Capitol 2852. V1 1N. or. 01.

between 1-5 or 7-9 loday sod power shear Franklin Pk. 3378. tbNIBACTS for dies, stampings, molds. Day and eve. classes.

Position waiting. ENRAL. 20 W. Hubbard. Del.

849, or- FOR YOUR GRAND, 3 --I Al! SAGINAW 3050, riIoTRIPUTORSIIIP ores. STAMPING' time open-On 50. 40, 3o. spec, models engineering patents. Approved for G.

1. trainine. urnham BOOKEEPING machine-Burroughs; good 1647 Milwaukee. Brunswick 8620. 3 IMPORTED VIoLINS STS-07-125-, SPINET, OR UPRIGHT Juke boa of superior 20 ton prase.

Everglade 0200. 1L soellritriel to krill capacity. U. E. M.

GERTRUDE HALE SCHOOL working conditton; private party. Celli- --elf- La e-st Ran 2247 sonatruclion and for publit Otandel ToolsCo. NEW sservke shelves and bland dire AND so. BELMONT 173e. HERMAN SAVER SO Malta.

presents big moor." opportuntty ME avatfabIS-In coriVetely equipped OPEN time on production of 'heavy Ver- MARINELLO SYSTEM Mr. Leveht, Franklin 9868. piny stands. Commodore o'. i.

rate AoORD-In perfect conditioril--rill ---ws to local distributorthips, outlets will bottling, packaging, and assembly plant Deal. and horizonal milling drilling and visit, phone or write for Free Booklet, 140 N. State- Ran 3355 518 I an be Selected for erion city Over to ADDRYsel. 3 206, TRIBUNE. tapping.

dies figs and fixture. Advance 162 N. STATE-ST. CENT. 500 Ale, check prot, coin Ma mit acg4 outlets; rea- PIANOS WANTED annals e.

3 71 Clar -111- non iVP In III and Lase time on-eic-wilding-LSteer-c-ii Eng. Co. 215 NoAberdeen. Seeley 3600. LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE.

537 S. Dearborn. Room 008. Wab. 6082.

FOR sale-King trothbone. told plated. ALL. MAKEs-Top prtees courtly. Ina requires min.

eapitol of stainless; prefer stead), RPM. Call Hest- OPEN- Dine- Spraying. baking enamel, Learn Beauty Culture it you are one of the many who are TYPEWRITERS----- 'A'EllEtt Frozen Food Dis pie y--ti--rbinets. Excellent condition. Bev.

2141. Arctic Air 3647 Harrison-st MERRIMAC 2811 'English' horn. $3 750: live Ste. prevnius bus.

expo well Electric. Beverly 3443. and lacquer finishes, Production runs. Planning On entering the beauty profes- FOR SALE. -10-110LE ICE Mueller, 1311 Beron-at nr N.

Clark. ACCORDION name. Wrest and phone. WANT- tube-Mending-Small size. up to Tri-Ed Einisshing Co.

Cra. 3944. EARN BIG MONEY Mon but who are putting it off until MUNSON. 181 hi. Wella-st.

ENGLEWOOD 5108. Addrees 0 470, Tribune. soi, precision bent. Call Beverly 7431 OPEN tiMe-on B. ii- S.

auto. screw ma- APPROVED FOR G. I. TRAINING. after the holidays we have a message AL DRUM SET FOR SALE.

from private Party; will Pay importance for you. desks: steel desks; 84" draft. tables. FIX. for -Drug; liquors or grocery Republic 6226.

sales- highest rash price. cit--Ifir-Specialties Service-Weekly truck a.ter 6 p. tri. or all nay Sunday. chines, Noe.

00 2. Have some brass Day and evening classes. E-Z terms. At the present time we are accepting Anderson Riley A. Sava.

175 N. wens store. Ave. 0531.3148 Cicero. Any sin.

any make cart 48-B ACCORDION-Like new sacrifice. a retalier Trutt popular fast turnover and equi SPACE parent Transfor mer rod rd mat on hand Monroe 8643 enrollments at a new low introductory Ims. 115 to $25 daily print. Dont i winding and electrical assembly. aris and arc welding for VOGUE tuition rate.

In Order to accom WANTED--Five office desks and chairs BEVERAGE. copiers. freezer Cabinets. 1110 5516 North-av George Brosvn. Des.

5700. any enteleoWs modato WANT jeer, Ti -WC-if tables. filing cabinets, steel lockers. ABERDEEN 0100. NEED---SH--AC-RDION.

1- WILL PAY PR ICE unless experienced. Must reside Address 123, Tribune. production run. 306 W. 1081.1a-pl.

those who cannot call during the week South end, $1.350 necessary for late time on production millirirr-md Pui. 4026. a we will be open SUNDAY AFTERNOON eas or 1m aerie. Ask for Anderson. Dearborn 6706.

WALK-IN freezers-R 1395. 5452 OU ENDERSON. FOR YR PIANOS. ninidel truck sod daily turnover stock. 1 turret lathe.

Bar capacity 2Sa Inch. LATHE work wanted-On small forginu New Fashion FROM 1 UNTIL 5. OPFICk-ditsks. Walnut end oak: CheilTi. 950 Madison-st, Oak Paric Col.

461do i--- PriE-WAR- Bluepearl drum set and Easy Terms. Free Placement Service. steel Ming cabinets; retail only. Sub-I 2 -TOLEDO dairy scales. fan-tilae.

trumpet. Cra. 7256. SHELDRAKE 8414 Tour Own business wtth Mod Berilet PLAZA 8866 or castings iron or brass 2 10 12 YOU WILL GE-F MORE CASH PC group. GiVe lull particulars.

references. visrr. WRITE. OR PHONE TODAY. way Store.

Monroe 8023. 2632 W. Division. OPEN TIME. running orders preferred.

Yards 4896 MARTIN: IIKE-NEW; LN YOUR PIANO FROI4 VOSS WEEol your plume in letter ler quid( action. SYSTEM OF BEAUTY CULTURE. Mode Academy bf Beauty Culture. r-NATTIONAT-electriCeash TeilitiTsr6: 2 BRAND new. never used Xelvinator CASE.

PHONE AVENUE 8599. PIANO CALL COLUMBUS 11300. Addrees 145, Tribune. Sheet metal fabricating and spot weld- ALUMINUM foundry has open time for STATE ACCREDITED. 1532 W.

Chicago-ay. Hay. 7884. tinter. 1 and 2 drawers; reasonable Bev.

coolers; priced rightDiy, 6336 I ----4 ACCORDION Imported; like ney77-T 011 elANIST--Neir playing Harver" Whit PEST -D tog. Hudson 1304 match plate work. Ballard Foundry 2553 Milwaukee Belmont 2020. price. Cali Longbeach 0040.

WEBER freezers-Ice-cream and foods $50. 754 N. Xiamen. 1st floor. IRMNVNLe, ere tt -S-- -1' fini hin ov ne- pray lacquer Rt.

1. Box De 136, a Moines. Ill. 3304 Lincoln BUC. 2070.

Joe E. Brown. wants good make granda OR IDIIDUALS IT IN OBTAINING A DEALERSHIP. IN Learn Beauty Culture WANTED FROM PRIVATE PARTY- WoNorttoTueedo 8525. SAX-Coon 7.

1 pity aseembling; by Small wood- B-liat tenor. ixe. ben. high or small uprights; cash. ROG.

5281. ITT FOR AN A CON OPEN time In woodwork shop, cabinet. LEARN SCIENTIFIC. MASSAGE working kin shop Buc 4860 In 5 desks, safe. adding mach table.

file. ICELVINATOR beverage cooler-Ex-celient 1 key Yards 0476. ST IttOT ION APPROVED PRE-FARRI- p. and finishing any kind of molding mak- WANTED FROM PRIVATE cATED ItOLME. CONTACT REVIS CON- ZAN deliver printed cartons-Small sizes Intr.

2423 W. Fullerton. Brun. 3438 1-- centional money making advantages CHICAGO'S FINEST SCHOOL. Will pay your price.

Humboldt 6642. condition. 6500 S. state. 'CONN alto saxophone-Very gond condi- GRAND OR SPINET PIANOS.

ETO cOmPA ERIMETA NY. only-innuantity. Monroe 2272. t- XPNL model an die work for men and omen. Po Fine anions in Elegant-Modern-Streamlined.

E.AVE for sale-Diebold. dble. doors. SODA fountain-Knight; A-1 shape. Mul- thin.

Call atter 6. Cm. 3950. PAY CASH. DEARBORN 6141 RUCTI NEWMAN.

ILLINOIS. OPEN TIME--Sheet metalour own profitable cas fabricating. wanted. Solday Co Cm, 1117 N. Western clubs sanitariums or operate ay hospitals, ciu few Veterans-Approved for and evening classes.

Terms. higsh, 34" deem State 5965. berry it 510 ACCORDION-120 base. tried 3 months; CHAN-Et-PIANOS WANTED Eni---1 NATIONAL concern with branch offices welding, or production work. Arm.

3777. ARM. 8558, office Learn In day or eye. Diplomas awarded. State Accredited.

GI Training. AL CULATING MACHINE FOR SALE FOR sale-Show cases and cigarette case OR RENT. will sacrifices University 1778. WABASH 3335. Reasonable.

Mr. Baer. Jun. 2410. from prtvate party.

Merrimac 8313. 120 BASS Cellini Accordion-Strean spinets. or amilrirp. here will set up several men in business I OPEN TIME-On spot welding. punch Wanted GI training.

Ask for catalog T. Visit, Phone. 00 TYPEWRITERS. Adding Machines- on. Write 1 glass show case.

Glass h-eRes. 2 sw. Sur. $235. 2244 W.

Harrison. riehts: this week. Lakeview S498. in CrAcago sod metropolitan area Vie Inas and aslembling. Ann.

3788, SALESMANAGER-53. will Invest $5- COLLEGE or ftwaritsii MASSAGE. tUrnishert all capital. Your profit will 6PEN time on B. S.

No. 0 auto. screw 110.000 in est. whclesale or retail bus. 100 E.

Ohlo139th year. Del. 7713. GRETA DEAL SCHOOL 1115 to $50. 4523 N.

Broadway $60 5112 Lake Hyde Park. Park 699 5. -00-BASS-ITALIAN ACCORDION. Craletti GRAND OR SPINET-PrANO V--11 depend on your ability; no investment. hand screw.

1 lathe. ADDRFSS 479, oi for fegular. retarded, Ill 5348 N. CLARK-ST. RW "Fieldmaster -Mnd-Tfir 2-3-CASE bottle enolerOLNew; Immediate eacrilice.

$120. 307 S. WabaSh, 24 fist From pH party tor cash. Allatin 41025 Weioter 2000 for appointment. i's WIN TIME ON SIX GORTON ENGRAV- mall n7'1E-or4er bus.

of merit. or problem case: grade and high chord LONGBEACH 2376. slide actioncarteleMss Spa. 4847. delivery.


OAKLAND 3010 51901. BEER DISTRIBUTORS INICMACHINESooRAN. 6957. Give detalls. Address A 443 Tribune, students; your home or our bdqtra.

Nu BEAUTY CULTURE--Fully accredited trade. Address 294 nribune. dition; $30. KM 4687. Adeertteed Chtragn r' exclusive ri-AVE open time tor plitin set-Up chip- CVANT to buy-Currency exchange.

Aug- tional youth. SUp. 3238. school In vacation wonderland. Limited KACRIPICETIrEiga accordion and WANTED ANO RIOG.

WM: board to 6 2 'ea. Yards 22 tin 8314 or address A 351 Tribune. INROCE-now-Recognized college Of enrollment. ApProved for Veterans. But- s'-'isi is Arlen sa ales, 46 nu en 1 -MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS- cox Gee recorder comb.

Spa. 3248 PAY CASH. LAKEVIEW 0714. orttorres radius 200 miles Must be Ott. Call Lin.

7929 or Pen. 3791 LNDIV1DUALS wk. Give PHOTO STUDIO-To Euy or rent-sPaCe SCLENTIEIC SWEDISH MASSAGE. estaMithed and finanoialty responsible. letin on request.

Tamp Conege of Cos- -1. 911110111 SIIIS l'i A ()rite ea usi-4: ANT -CR AND-P1ANns Me -Cittlet Airiness ft tits3, Tribune. 7 ib I I dd 7 ib particulars. Address 23 une. vi equ p.

A ress 30 une. KELLBERG COLLEGE. metology. 1706 Gr. Centrahavo Tampa.

ALL MAKES Typewritir-Repair cm LENTEN Brrsy lit, ss SPINETS. 1419 Darrow Green. d419 ettoM elm MY, SiteLDRAKE 5707. 1881. 32 N.

State. 9th IL Dea.6985 Fla. We buy. 4237 N. Western.

Irv. 4060. 8- OPEN time available-Wire forming and dyeing plant; city or Est. DISTRIBUTuRz soot vieldine. Address 0 482 Tribune.

out of town. Address Is 540. Tribune. cars. 1- SPANISH lessons-For easy bus commie.

WANTED FOR OFFICESZ-DESKS, IMMED. reconditioned Grands. trp. EAUTIF ne str ng ass n. a SPIE a 1tited- tom private par rights.

Norton Plano 91S E. 79th. Kenwood 4274. cash. Amis.

9691 We have open territories for ex- OPEN time on 2 Grird'ins for job and CASH PAID FOR YOUR BUSINESS. GREER COLLEGE. sation and your traveling. Lin. 5643 CHAIRSIFILES.

ETC. DEA, 3371. GRAND planoblahogany finish: Louts 5- HAWAIIAN culTARs77115--toR-Att WANTED-Grand or spinet plants truall siertented soft drink distributors. imprinting. Address 393 Tribune.

Qulck action. Ace Auct Canal 8635. 460 S. State. HARrigen 8070.

OFFICE FURNITURE AND DEVICES tr- a NAL ATI installment Machine-, 15th. After 6 p. Ravenswood 2628. ROL. 7509.

privateparty; cash. Diverse, 0648. baby graild-walnutT $465. PIANO ACCOTRDIDt120.7bass. exc.


LEARN AUTO DRIVING-Borgeson Aldo DICTAPHONE-TRANSCRIBER. AND with 20 totals. 60 W. Lake. Fra.1263.

306 TOTH-ST. IRVING 9820. CALL RANDOLPH 4144, Schooli4116 N. Clark. Key.


JEWELER'S SAFES-Pt ALL SIZES. 10232 St. Lawrence, eve. 7-9. SI95.

Irv. 8014. WILL PAY YOUR prtICE. BIT. 9331, tritOR eistoibutors-wented for Illinota.

EN me-Boliahlng and bullirTF-1--743 WLL buy or sell-estalashed vending flITOR-Elpri--. physics, ANTED-TYPEWRITER-AND ADDING 1647 Milwaukee. Beruswick8620 -a oo tr oaby grand, roe sale; pm. party. 5-Swittli-ACcoRDIONticellent Matt esAVE you uprieht or gland planar Indoiria, Icwa, Wisconsin, on well es- Seuthport-av.

Buckingham 0639. machine routes-All types. State 7943. hi. schl.

and College subjects. Bit. 4314. MACHINE. ANY KIND.

MON. 1237. TYPEWR1TER-Late mod prly. party; Like new. Crawford 9066.

Merrimac 8740. Prefer a large stre. Lar 1300 oft31 tatotetert patented items. $3.000 In- good corset Dearbetrn 3g15 vestment recessart for merehendise. WOO)DWORKING-OPEN TIME.

1.77.77E-Sur7OR st1.1.-sine type business algebra. geometry. typewriter; any make. STEINWAY w-alnut S1-500. phones ti-FLAT d--iarinet---W-nor iliiTto-itaxo PT.E.-AOI-SEI-1.-ME YOCH-PTANCelNe7sCI ADDRESS 2021 RsOine.

Diverse? 2790. CASH AT ONCE Mr. Lewis. And. 5346.

calculus.physica, Eng. GI-implant' 3236. Private. Columbus 8940. Mr.

PrIce. -STORE AND BAR FIXTURES- Saginaw 4650. from 10 a.m. to 3 m. YOUR OWN PRICE icsysTores 951.o.

Chie-sui dealera-tor-fi-no PRINTING on plastica. -TO BUY OR SELL WArettb-onice filinittrre in 2 ICE erearri Mixer for sale-For Intim- vosie-liii-ird----mi-711, geTiid condition: ACC.s.---1-20--)3, lateat-iiiiiiii-r-noTwiet. ilteat.1.--tralid-.:-GC4-77-maiie l'er-entirts 111, Yrititimist vegetable Mends, Webber Co. 2248 Beim-mt. Due.

1037. NNA PARKER. LINCOLN 3383. Arithmetic. reading.

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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.