Austin American-Statesman Tuesday, April 26, 1988 EMPLOYMENT -MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE 445-400f CAteCLLATtONBCORftECTK)ft8i MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY tUMOAV-1 TO 8 I'd ti.n MERCHANDISE 653 Sltroa, TV, AccMtoritM TV REPAIRS All brands, used'' TV's from 8100. Buy repairable solid 5 State TVs. 452-4892. trAKAl 646 Reel-to-Reel 4-Track Recorder excellent con- dltlon. 5325.
892-6306. 12" ZENITH COLOR TV 8125, OR BEST OFFER. 388-1063. NEW TEAC Auto-Reverse Cassette Deck, Dolby 8, 8)25. Call Patau, i 476927.
SANSUI AMPLIFIER, synthesiser, speakers ISP600 1 SP300). Akal SOD SS, Teac Dolby system. S45-5SC. meapi lbii wi-ojj. AKAI 100 Watt Receiver, Tepe Deck' 1 and Turntable excellent condl-Hon! 8400.
454-6244. AIWA WX220 double Cessette deck, $275. NAD 7140 stereo receiver amp, $250. Phillips speakers, $225. Or an a offer for all.
467-1805. POLK AUDIO Model 4A BooksheK -Is Speakers brand new, In box. Regularly $180 asking $150. 444-2098 COMPLETE KENWOOD Rack sler-: eo system with glass cabinet. sell Immediately, moving to York City.
Must see to appreciate. 335-8381, leave message. BOSS 901-IV -1, 4 With equaliier, $350 each. Joe Mabarak, 346-2012; 465-2555. 25" COLOR CONSOLE Excellent condition, electronic Ing, $280.
321-6956 altar if weekdays. PANASONIC VCR $500 AND CAMERA VHS $500 Excellent condition. 452-4769. ov.i) TEAC AUTO Reverse reel tape recorder, model FOR SALE: 90' TV tower, antenna, and rotary. $200 negotiable, 60" BIG SCREEN TV WITH WOOO CABINET AND BRASS HARD-," WARE.
$495. 266-3431. 8-TRACK stereo recorderrecord player. VCR. Cassette Jembox.jK Clock radio.
815-8120. Microwave trade for refrigerator. 442-1722. LAST CHANCE FOR A BARGAINT 'q a Extra hloh duality loudsDaaker set Only $315 445-0425 BETA RECORDER $75. Zenith-portable 25" color Tv, $75.
AquarTJ urn 75 gallons, $175. 258-3415. -el IN HOME TVVCR Service Used TVs, 850 up. Used VCRs, 5125 up. Buying repairable TVVCR 452-0571 19" COLOR TV.
varv oood. $95'. Electric typewriter with case, SSQ. 441-0468. 11 YAMAHA, NAKAMICHI, Mcintosh, Sony, Pioneer, and other stereo 9.
equtpmem rrom sau. m-wue. TOSHIBA VHS VCR 8125 a.k,k VHS tapes available also. 445-7268. 655 Musical Inilrurmntt PIANO MOVING.
Piano Outlet 453-5968 '0 PIANO MOVING Insured. 441-2622, 9am-9pm, 7 days. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO 5 560 Part Tim OpportuniliM PREFERRED vwu cKWinu, 443-0301. national company and art leaking dependable, self-sterling Individuals to wark nmrt.n. JT.
jng potential customers. No telling Involved. Pleasant working anvl- tt.5fr$4.50hour. Call Charles Cole ei 4jv-eve. WANTED: INSTRUCTOR to teach advanced llteuvina and water 'uctlon course.
Between 28M5B contact Jeff 565 Work Wanted II YEARS EXPERIENCE House Painting interior Exterior Alto Home Improvement, 444-1901 14 YEARS EXPERIENCE Painting and repair) Intlde and out. Tor uanny, 443-8626. 1ST CLASS PAINTING Interior and anterior. 25 yean expe- iciivc. rrw animates.
BJ5-WI2. AC HEATIMtV Ol4imKIAH col, painting, and mora. lbyrs expe-tumt w6rk AC INSTALLER wanting to tub. 5 yeart experience. Can give references, 267-2726, ANYTHING, ANYOAY, anytime.
Unemployed electrician need! any kind ol work. Have trantportatlon. John, 440-8390, HANDYMAN Electrical, carpentry, remodeling, painting, hauling, roofi, all houtehold repairs, etc. 24 hours. 443-05 19.
LADY WITH Yeart Experience would like lo clean home, offices nu gparimems. JW-3I36 WOULD LIKE lo do private duty In your home. 13 years experience. Various nursing tklllt. Will cook 2 meals and do light houtekeeplng, 34-8926.
YARDS MOWED, Lott cleaned, rath, broth hauling. Treet cleaned nd removed. Free etllmaiet. moved. Brush hauled.
Rock work. mainraxes, retainer waits. Free es 570 Potitkm Wanted MANAGEMENT 2ND CAREER Corporate experience. 3M. inter.
etlt: penonnel, benelltt, warehous- ing, property, moieihotoi, 251-8112, BOOK KEEPER ACCOUNTANT. Office Manager. Full Chargel All lacei onice proceauret. Mature, renapto, sell siarier. 443-7933.
NEED ENTRY level bookkeeping lob. Send Inquire! to: 1915 Weill rancn Kkwy, 1U4, AUttln, 78728. no perverts pieate. serious Inquires only. MERCHANDISE 600 Auction Salt IRS PUBLIC AUCTION-1984 White Chevy cergo Van, AT, AC, PS, PB, Approximately 50,300 mllet.
mini mum bid 1562.74. Call Bill Smite at Olz-JJO-iWO. IRS PUBLIC AUCTION-1980 Mercury Capri, AT. AC. PS- PB.
mini. mum bid $4(0 Call Tony Newsome seie gate 4-78-88. PUBLIC AUCIT0N Tues April 26th 102 Benchmark Drive Austin, Texas it Restaurant and Food Service Eouloment PARTIAL LISTING: 60 quart Hobart mixer and attachments 2dr Hol-bart freeier double Biodgett oven miters raoie bakery showcases it donut (rver sta4nsfeel tables and sinks ice cream treeiers sandwich units refrlo. deli box bunrt warmer it coffee maker it hot chesse dispenser small plua oven it 5 whole wok Ice cream dripping cabinet salad bar microwave post mix orm mscninn scales cafe tables it food processors heat lamos diih ware it leon signs it cashier registers it IxlO warn in cooier mio waixin cooler combination walkln cooier, treerer it oscilloscopes and modules it digital volt meters it variablefixed and high voltage power suDDlles it office furniture it tima clocks it copiers shelving it 1979 roro ivurivr nro uogge i ion pickup and much more. Bob Sheehan Associates Auctioneers PO Box 156 Pflugervllle, TX 7B660 251-27M 251 3002 TXS-127-4497 AUCTION TONIGHT, 13642 Research (Hwy 183N) A SUPER COLLECTION OF QUALITY ITEMS! FANTASTIC CONTEMPORARY DINING SUITE BY DIXIE INCLUDING WOOD FRAME DINING TABLE WITH 2 MIRROR INSERTS AND FULL GLASS TOP, 4 HIGH BACK CHAIRS, DROPLEAF SERVER AND HUGE LIGHTED 4 GLASS DOOR CHINA CABINET WITH STORAGE BASE, MAGNIFICENT STANDLY BEDROOM SUITE HIGH LIGHTED BY A 6' HIGH 7 DRAWER HIGHBOY COLONIAL CHEST, LARGE TRIPLE DRESSER WITH 2 MIRROS AND 2 NIGHT STANDS, THIS IS A EXCEPTIONAL BEDROOM SUITEI LOVELY LANE GLASS TOP LADIES WRITTING DESK WITH DRAWER, SERPENTINE FRONT MAHOGANY DRESSER BY DIXIE WITH LARGE MIRROR, NIGHT STAND AND FULL SIZE 4 POSTER BED, PINE GRANDFATHERS ROCKER, HARD ROCK MAPLE DINING TABLE WITH LEAF AND 4 COLONIAL CHAIRS, LARGE FRENCH STYLE COFFEE TABLE, BEAUTIFUL HARD ROCK MAPLE DOUBLE GLASS DOOR CHINA CABINET WITH STORAGE BASE, DINING TABLE WITH 2 LEAFS AND CHAIRS, TRIPLE DRESSER WITH MIRROR AND MATCHING TWIN SIZE CAPTAINS BED WITH 3 DRAWERS, MAHOGANY WRITING DESK WITH WINDSOR CHAIR, ANTIQUE OAK BEDROOM SET WITH WARDROBE, CHEST, DRESSER AND -MIRROR.
AUSTIN AUCTION CO. 258-5479 ROSS FEATHERSTON 601 AntlquM, Art Objwti LAY'S MOVING Sale Bargains! Lease expiring! Oak, walnut, managony. Glassware, collectibles. urnei Koaa at Aim. it AUSTIN ANTIQUE WALL And Restaurant Over 90 dealeri displaying the largest selection of Antiques ft Collect Dies in central Texas, open daily ivtr, uoseq jjjesaay.
nv-ivw. ANTIQUE AUCTION Next Auction April 30, 7pm. Gary's Antloue Auction. In Lock- hart, Texas. l-39t- 3701, 1940 SLOT MACHINES Fully restored, $700 and up 892-6136, 453-4949 INDIVIDUAL WILL pay cash for original Melvln Warrens, Joe Rader Roberts, Garvlns, David sanaers.
5iz-m-w. CHAMBERS RANGE 4 burner, good shape. (400 or best otter. 1-W5-420, DENNY SANDERS The Bald Ea-olel Sinned and numbered. 3x4'.
framedmatted. 1500. 335-J522; 335- .5505. 19TH CENTURY Oak Sofa bed, bookcase, buffet, overmantle, round dining table, bed, more. S50 tWWl nam lor1 UUalrnm! i.t7tft SALE! CORNER Cabinets, tablet, desks, curio, lamps, clocks, dressers, collectibles, much miscellaneous.
Nothing over S495. 171 South i.ongre. aTurQay-unaay, Collector Selling Out Antiques, collectibles, nice furni ture, some selected unk. All items at cost or peiow sa-tsw, asv-MM. NAGEL COMMEMORATIVE Prints.
Must sell, fantastic prices to saw. Murryi sieve, wije, aay or nigni. BRONZE BY Remington. Bronco- buster (recast), IW0 Eight G. Harvey prints, S9M130-S150.
MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD, 6 draw ers, oval beveled mirror. 1475. Tiered disolav shelf, Victorian. $150. Pour rare mahogany cane-seat cnairs, Mv-iaw.
FAMILY HEIRLOOM Havliand china, stamp collection, rorlng 20's wedding dress; old books: 1912 first edition Wreck of the Titanic, 1894 leather bound history books; 1690' hand-made doll clothes, lace cur tains, table cloths; wood burlng WANTED TO Buy Antloue fur niture. Can reflnlsh. Also will buy odds and ends antiques. To $500. aOO-YOUi.
GOLDEN OAK Secretary Desk -Excellent condition. Sacrifice I Moving. $450best offer. Call 495-9489, leave message. LATE 1800's Country French, antloue curio cabinet.
Dark oak. Queen Anne style legs, Ideal for COilflCTIOn, JB-l44, OAK CHOPPING BLOCK 38" diameter, 18" thick, 3 legs, 1350. After 458-8452. ANTIQUE DRESSER ROUND-TOP TRUNK S100 tor both 288-0163. 602 Appliance Reconditioned Appliances RefrigeratorsRanges WashersDryersACS 6 Mo 1 Year Warranty APPLIANCE ASSOCIATES 814 R0MERIA DR 454-5896 ACROSS FROM DPS WEST OF NORTH LAMAR WANTED Working or not, refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, i stoves.
836-072O WANTED Working or not. Refrigerators, washers, dryers, stoves, freezers, AC'S. 833- APPLIANCE EXCHANGE 8235 N. Lamar, 837-9887. Clean Reconditioned Appliances.
Guaranteed. Priced to sell. Free delivery. me puy appliances worningnow SAVE Reconditioned Appliances "Best Selection Prices In Town" Over 150 Refrigerators, Freezers, Washers, Drvers 8 Stoves. MANY LIKE NEW) Clean Guaranteed Free Delivery visa master taro Accepted Dependable Appliances Rundberg 8 IH35 (behind Exxon) 836-0720 kWeDo Service Calls Tool it tSDOLLAR SHORT? Will buy your broken down and used appliances.
ALSO SELL used appliances, guaranteed. 90-5066. Reconditioned Appliances Refrigerators, Stoves, AC'S Washers, Dryers, Freezers 1 Year Warranty Dial One Manry Sons Appliance Center ell WEST POWELL LANE AT 183 NORTH LAMAR 834-0238 We Buy Appliances ALMOND REFRIGERATOR, Wash- Dryer. White Freeier, AC, wa ter Healer. iM M37, 1-82S-3W.
FROSTFREE 22CUFT Refrigerator 3door, water and Ice In door. $325. Frostfree 17cufl refrigerator, 1171. Can deliver. 251-3958.
17FT GOLD Kenmore froit free re- frlgeretori, Icemakers, Gal or electric dryert, WO, 836-2061. MAYTAG, HEAVY DUTY New, asking $325 Kathleen, 454-7463. 20CUFT WARDS CHEST FREEZER. Warranty 3250. 44.yoo.
REFRIGERATOR, GAS Range, dryer. GE, Malic Chef, Kenmore. New, like new, not new. $500. $150.
375. 477-3553 atter KIRBY VACUUM Cleaner with all attachments. Excellent condition. Must seel $100. Call 320-5546.
Atter 2824372, MERCHANDISE 623 Furniturt DINNETTE TABLE, four Chain (with rollers), si 00 King bed frame, $10 Call Kay, 837-1596; 7 LIGHT Blueyellow floral sofas by Drexel, excellent condition, recently cleaned, $200 each 250-9803 BEDROOM FURNITURE Full bed complete, $50. Like new twin Deo, chest, dresser, $too each, 836-3064. NAVY LOVESEAT. Makes Into dou ble size bed. (Bed never used) 1 year oio, hop, w-mv.
QUALITY FURNITURE Drexel dlnlna tenia, $300. Match no chairs, $300. Queen size Stearns rosier bed, Queen size, fabric covered headboard and bedspread, $125. Sofa, brown and blue cotton orlnt. S250.
Chrome a ass coffee ta ble, $85. Large custom library table ano sne ves. vis. Leaar cnesi. ix SACRIFICING BRAND New, first quality Imported furniture due to moving.
Round onyx coffee table, B'x5' textured oil painting. Also watner, oryer, refrigerator ana lawnmower. szmj-iwu, ini-wr, COUCH a. Loveseat, stereo system, artograph protector. $150-1300.
250-5762. MUST SELL! 6 piece living room sct, hw, luxu oonoeo rugpaa-dlng, $200. Lawn mower, $110. W-UZB3. KING SEALY Mattress and Boxspn Ings Mint condition.
Extra firm like price $500. 258-2464. EASY CHAIR and ottoman, beioe scotchgard fabric, never kids or pen, txceneni, w. t-oiaing arop 8.1 tnHIa Inn JV'vU'J blond solid hardwood. Good condl tlon, $45.
892-3460. BEAUTIFUL BASSETT Queen Anne Pecan Bedroom Suite, Triple Dress er, Mirror, uw. cnest queen Full Headboard Frame, $50. 2 Bed side Stands, $100. Solid Older Maple bearoom sune.
Triple DresserMirror, Head Footboard, Frame, Bed- side Stand, $280. Stratford Earth tone HI den bed, $300. 17cutt Upright Freezer, $150. Sears Work' pencnvise, zxy, s. w-wi.
OFFICE FURNITURE Desks, file cabinets, chairs, tables. 450-1612, Monday-Friday. ipm-6pm. TELEPHONE SYSTEM 20 Incom ing, 30 extensions. Intercom, call, 4MH61Z, Monday-Thursday.
lpm-6pm. ONE SOFA, one chair. Herculon. Neutral color. Good condition.
$100 negotiate. 452-6182. MOVING SALE Sectional iota, oak end and coffee table; queen waterbed and morel $75-1500. 3B5-7235. GE NO-frost ISCuFt refrloerator $250 negotiable.
Corner day bed set (storage unoerneatnj, simi negoiia- oie. ini-im. SOLID OAK, king size waterbed, dresser, armolre, nfghtstand. Cost: $1900 new; sell: $700. 255-7901, KING MATTRESS and box springs, $125; vanity, chests, stereos, end tables, booxsneives, Curtis prints, sola and matchlna chairs, child's table with chairs, maple bunk teas with mattresses, $w-si6U.
Day: 476-0472; weekday evenings: W-WI3. EXCLUSIVE DINING room table. Glass and wicker. 6 suede chairs. Size reasonably priced sW.
UO-lH. TWIN BED, Sealy Posturepedlc. excellent condition, $100. Sota, com tor ta Die, overstuffed, uw. 457-0264.
FULL SIZE mattess and box- springs, $40. Two twin beds with mattresses, sou eacn or siwootn. chests, $15 each. rend 288-5317, 288-0185. FLEXSTEEL SOFA, gold floral print, firm, comfortable, oood con omon, lira, wine jh-wm.
MATCHING COUCH, loveseat, $40 Woodbrass dresser, $50 Doble bed, $40 Woodglass etagere, $40 Lottee taoie, siu wina ma- cnine, cnerrywoog caoinet, mu 320-8027. LARGE METAL oftict desk, drawers, great desktop, $75. Twin size trundle bed with mattresses. sw. win aeitver.
BBBBQE3BE1 BEDS TO GO New Firm Full Slied Bed $78 New Twin Bed Set $68 88 New Queen Bed Set $102.88 New Bunk Beds $59.95 New 5Pc All Wood Dinette New 4dr chest of drawers $39.95 BlaJohn 'sJOWIlioameLjitSSB COMPLETE KING Slie Waterbed. $135. End tables 8. coffee table $25 each. 454 3820.
WATERBED KING OR QUEEN with mirrored bookcase headboard, still boxed. 8165 cash. 459-4700. TWO LARGE Easy chairs oilman (red) 5175 patio table 8, 4 chairs $90, ehllds oak table 8, 2 chairs $70, Electrolux shempooer $75. Ladies 5 spd.
Ross Bike $150. Discount for an. wa-vi i. STEEL CASE chairs, $20. Melal desks, files, executive chairs, wood desks.
Excellent 462-252 2 DINING Room Host Chairs Beautifully hand carved mahogany. $730 eacn or pesi OTTer. n-m. MUST SELL TODAYI Hldeabed, wall unit, glasstop coffee tableend raoies. su-sw.
lyyvtw. WE PAY CASH Furniturewhole housefuts 258-547 633 Garden Supplies, Nunwies NATIVE BIB Trees Live oak, cedar elm, vauoons. Trees healed- In and guaranteed. Call CG Asso ciates: 5 1 j-iTT-oMT, aaynma; uv-4jui, evenings. ARIENS Lawn tractor.
Electric start. 38" cut. $475. Gllson Lawn tractor, electric start, 38 cut. $475.
WANTED: POWERED REEL MOWER with catcher. Pay up to S3W. 244-345U. SEARS CRAFTSMAN 3WHP Lawn Mower with rear bagger, front wneei arive. excellent conamon, Used only 5 times.
Paid $280, asking GASOLINE POWERED lawn vac uum, excellent condition. $200. Rear bagger, self propelled mower. $75. Vf l-H IU.
RIDING MOWER Good condition. $175. Call Jim, 331-6580. ftifirit USED GASOLINE ftftftft LAWN MOWER Good condition. $55.
836-629. SEARS EAGLE 1 3.5hp, rear baa. self-propelled mower. Runs and loom gooo; i zau-gjvi. WHEELHORSE LAWN tractor, 36" cut, Kohler engine.
Excellent. $925. 250-9754. 635 Gum, Ammunition IP YOU didn't buy your handguns from Ed's Guns you paid too much) 1-863-7831, Georgetown. SWINGER'S GUNS Now open In aouinwooa won, lome dv ano aei acquainted, 10anv7pm.
448-3332. WANT TO BUY: Handguns, machine auns, and military weaoons. Individual Items or whole collections. Call or come by. Just Guns, 1234 South Lamar, 447-4555, iuam-6pm.
PRE-1964 Winchester .30 rifle. SStW .45 snub revolver, Browning it uage nouuie. bvz-uuiy. WALTHER P38 two clips, emulation, excellent condition. Possible trade for shotgun or $250.
Call 282-4749. RUGER 30.0a model 77, Leopold 3.5x10 scope. $450, 251-2141. WINCHESTER COMMEMORA TIVE 1980 Legendary Frontiersman, 1986 Texas Sesqulcentennlal; sacrifice $500 each. Call Kevin 440-0775.
MUZZLE LOADING rifle. 875. 458-4801. RELOADABLE 12 guage shell casinos 84.50hundred. Ammo cans.
$4.00 each. 327-3598. HUNTER ARMS 410 double bar rel shotgun. (The Fulton) 8, J's Pawn and Jewelry, 5510 South Congress. SAVAGESTEVENS Model 77H 12 guage pump shotgun.
Good condl- ion, siw. can i.yaa. REPLICA BLACK power guns. Sharps carbine, $275. Colt Pocket Police, $150.
Remjnoton Pocket Re volver, $45. Also, repllc 1873 Winchester, $275. Crossman pellet rifle, $65. 278-7888. MASSIVE GUN SALE SOUTH SIDE PAWN 4619 S.
CONGRESS 444-0876 VISA, MC, AMX, and Discover. Buy sell trade loan. We want your business. REMINGTON 1100, Mohawk, Aulo 243 and 3048 and other guns and pistols. 175 1150.
327-0871; 482-07W. WINCHESTER MODEL 70-270. Weaver -vx. Basket-weave, cheek rest stock. Sling.
8375. Consider trede. 288-2030. MERCHANDISE 835 Gum, Ammunition RCBS Rock chucker, reloader, dies ano accessories, all new. 8100.
Eve. nings, JJ5-5U18. LEE-ENFIELD Jungle Carbine. 303 642 HMling, Air Conditfonitm AC WINDOW Unit Sean Coldmol 5,000 BTU. 8125.
Call 450-0233, belore earn or atier 5pm. FOR SALE 8' brake, and drive mecnine, 24" splitting sheer, 4 Johnson radios with base station. 8e3-2841. NICE LARGE window alrcondlllon-er, 8175. Nice smaller air condition-er, 85.
Both cool excellent. 452-2271. 22,000 BTU FREDERICH Window Air Conditioner 230 volt. Very good condlllonl 8235. Guaranteed.
44-2423. TON, above ceiling heatingcooling unit. 3 phase, 208240. $1000. Call naren, 458-6171 before 5pm, LARGE SELF-CONTAINED Air Conditioners.
Great for mobile or small nomes. $225. 243-2828 14000BTU air temp window air conditioner, 110V 10EEF, used 1 monins. $400. 288-1W7.
WHIRP00L 8,000 BTU'S 110 volt. $135 cashtlrmi B32-S91 SEARS 7,800 BTU'S Like new. used two years. $275 or best offer. zva-wy.
AC WINDOW unit Alrlemp 5,000 oiui. siw. hive year warranty. 4 TON Coleman Excellent Condition. Must sacrlllce $500 442-0910 WHIRLPOOL CASEMENT AC 4 years old.
Excellent condition. $275. Call 1-321-795, evanlngs and weekends. 645 Hobbiot RC EQUIPMENT, 4 channel radios, airplane stend, starter, engine, 4WD car, radio, many extras! 385-20W. 646 Jewlry, Gold, Silvtr $110 I pay cash tor old high school rings.
Paying $40-1110 (men's). $15535 (lady's). Also buy 10k, 14k ISk gold lewelry. Any condition. James Lewis 458-2639, (vam-opm).
ROLEX WATCHES New pre-owned. Service guaranteed, unbelievable prlcesl DIAMOND SOLITAIRESengage-ment rings our speclaltyl Mr. Stern, J. Stern Diamonds. First Republic Bank Tower, Congress6th.
478-4549. Diamonds Gemstones BUY DIRECT FROM BROKER SAVE MONEY! Call 445-1764 CA5HI CASHI CASHI 111 Don't give your valuables away! Sell your unwanted lewelry, coins, diamonds, gold, etc. to Texas Internatlonar Gold 30th 8 North Lamar, 320-0191. REAL DIAMOND 1:18 ct Man's 14k ioio ring, sacrifice $500. 817-947- 54, 817-770-4669 anytime.
BEAUTIFUL MEN'S ring, 5 diamonds set In 14kt gold, $395. Thick I4kt oold rope. 9" bracelet. $250. Must see.
255-6640. GETTING ENGAGED? Ladles diamond solltelre and weddina band. Cost $439, sacrifice for $300. 458-4803. MOTHERS DAY SALE SOUTH SIDE PAWN 4619 S.
CONGRESS 444-0876 Many one-of-a-kind nieces Layaway available CASH, CHECK VISA, ML, AMX, AND DISCOVER We Buy Gold Diamonds TOP 88 PAID Local Austin Factory: Etc Jewelers iBj'purnei kobo o-bi, 648 Machinery, Equipment FORKLIFTS $99 monthly and up. Assorted sites. Bockhoes, Skid-steers. New Pallet Jacks. $395.
1-285-3339. SPEEDAIR 5HP, gasoline-powered air compressor, completely rebuilt, sau. lbii toreg, hmb2u. ALLIS CHALMERS 816 Backhoe. 32' Husky gooseneck.
1969 2V ton GMC. Asking 812,000. Dusty, I'tfS-OUIO. WANTED: WAVE SOLDER MACHINE Also need related equipment. 214.757-3001.
INGERSOLL RAND AIR COMPRESSORS 2hp 20 gallon, ,...8299 5hp 60 gallon, 8559 5hp 60 gallon, 81049 lOhp service truck $1299 Call 835-4859 while supplies lasll ROCKWELL Jointer, new culler- head. $300. 12" craftsman band saw. excellent condition, $250. 10" Delte motorized table saw with accesso ries, $28a24M165.
CLARKE BUFFER Model 1700, $500 cash. Or trade for Colt S8.W automatics. 835-0100. METAL CUTTING BAND SAW A most new. seldom used, sacr flee: 8225.
892-1234; 258-9435. 10" CRAFTSMAN RADIAL ARM SAW Electronic control, 8300. 836-6021. 10" DEWALT Radial armsaw. car bide blede, work station, 8250.
Eve- 1, 335-5018 650 Mitcsllarteout lor SsHt I BUV ANYTHING of value. Refrig erators, treeiers, wesners, oryers, AC'S, tools, boats, trailers, seddles. eutos. Trades welcome. 206-9437, i 825-3209.
WANTED Old Slot Machines Any Condition 892-6136, 453-4949 ARCADE VIDEO GAMES 250-9621 ELECTRONIC CONN Organ bench, $350. Table-top stereo, l-track tape qecivspeaKers, w. zyMJBi. 25" QUASAR TV $300. 25' Zenith TV $150.
GE VCR $175. Microwave $250. Calculator $50. 447-0903, after STROLLER CAR I AGE, $30. Toaster, $10.
Suitcase portacrlb, $10. Kangaroo carrier with cushion. $15. Breast pump, $5. Super 8 pro ector ano camera, i.
wv-iv. POOL TABLE, $250. End cap shelf unit, 6'x3'x4', $75. Jewelry display spinner, ynit sju. bz-pji.
WHEEL CHAIR Remove a ble arms and leg rests. $225. Collapsable walker, excellent condition, $30. 288-0037. 35 CASES Lily 4 oi.
cone cups, 5000 count, ii4LK roiied rim watercup, $350. 1-3? 1-6869. 10 GALLON Aquarium, 3sDd bicy cle, lighted cotfee table, deluxe waterbed, 19" color TV, Iron BBQ pit, barrel) bar, dining table and chairs, 6x4 metal storage cabinet, 443-1409. DOUBLE ELECTRIC oven. Bath tub.
Sinks. Refrigerator. Antique wardrobe. Brass lamps. And more.
836-1470. 3-POSITION ORTHOBIOTIC RECLINER Almost new $350, ir oei! oner w-tJ, wna, mytime. COLLECTOR WANTS German Mill- ry Relics WWI and WWII. Hel-efs, daggers, beer steins, medals. S5W).
335-1035. SELF-PROPELLED lawn mower, $65. 2 Toro Industrial push mowers, 180 both, 1977 Trans Am rims, StOClt, $65. 258-4073. P225I75 R15 Radial tire, mounted rm, tess than tow miles, $40.
One Studio couch. In oood condi tion, $35. lOspd bike, $50. 447-9189, Ron or mine. CARB FOR 225 Mopar, Electric Trolling Motor, Garden Tools, 35mm Camera wFlash, 12V Battery, 7 Pioneer Car Speakers, Ca-maro Rally Wheels, Bottle Jack, 2 New Radial Tires, 2 10" Bicycles, 1 Cat Carrier, S3-S50, 443-0259.
ELEGANT BRIDAL Gown Size White, scalloped neck, saltwa ter pearls, Iridescent sequins, embroidered tace hem Veil and slip Included. Paid $650; sell $235. 288-0860. MATCHING SOFA sleeper and chair, $100 or best offer. Tan, brown anq orange piaio.
bvz-6145. WANTED TO Buy Used tornado foosoan taoie. Mi-sew. SAFES: 1 Hopper sate, 27" high, tale, $175. $375.
I Major fireproof safe, lan jja-yia. SONY camera and monitor system, security at nome or Dusiness. Monitors work areas, enterances, in nox. 2-sansu 5-wav SDeak S200-S400. 327-4855.
CHARTER ARMS Explorer rifle with extra clip, $60. Brunswick antique phonograph, $175. Bicycles, $25. 459-8424. SOLAR WATER Heater Only $299.
Save on your electric bill. 440-7448, Austin. 1-321-2491, We ski. ball MERCHANDISE 650 MitcHanoui lor Silt FOR SALE Dining table, antique chandlller, lawnmower, weed eater. Treddie machine, silver hollow ware, imall refrloerator, tttreo, qepremon gia.
iiMauu. -wi. SUN MARK WHEELCHAIR, Standard $300. Oxygen concentrator, Summit, SI WO. 4W-qM7, 4M-W41.
Collector Selling Out Antique, collectibles, nice furnl ture, some selected unk. All Items at cost or oeiow ss-isw. jtay-xw. NEW METAL Front Door, solid, colonial canals. 160.
Panasonic an swering machlng, SS0. 251-5999; PORTABLE SPA Fiberglass, needs heater, $500. Call 454-9285. BUTANE TANKS 500 4 250 gallon wnn aoor cut in rnem. seu pus.
sjm) a. wu. wt-m-ify AM I GO J-WHEEL SCOOTER Like new. Call after 442-4161 WARDS AIR Conditioner: iiOOOBTU's, very oood condition. $200.
Dearborn Heater: $50. Weight bench: with pulleys and weights, $75. Alnsley Torchlere floor lamp, all brass, $45. 9207 Briar wooo Lane tort 5 teen Avenue). MONEY MAKERS Pay phones, new $900.
Used, $500. 924-3697. 77 Hornet, $100. IBM typewriter, $75. Twin bed, $35.
Table, $15. Dry er, $60. Screw gun, $30. 4 white kittens, free. Call 136-0053, ask for JUdiT SWIMMING POOL EQUIPMENT.
Tetedyn Butane Heater, 325K, auto matic niter, automatic cnionnator, 2spd pool pump. Hcemaker, free standing, Scottsman, makes clear ice, sun unoer warranty, w-wuu. ZWH672. BARRELS: Sleel Plastic Food products. 8401 So 1st 282-1328 PURPLE MARTIN HOUSE 2 Story.
12 Comoartments 880 836-0938 BEE HIVES ($75) Delivery available. 1-321-4925 IBM-C TYPEWRITER, $59. Ken more vaccuum, $49. Bookbinder, $199. Mower, $39.
TV, $29. Singer tigsag, yr. r-wi3. HAMMOND ORGAN model L-100. Excellent.
S500best offer. Oak arm less rocking chair, $75. Kenmore window AC 4,000 BTU, $100. 345-8199. ALL NEW Bridal gowns, $99.50.
prom and bridesmaid dresses, $20- $75. Were store closeouts. 836-0744, or 459-4188, lor appt. FOR SALE: above ground swimming pool. 21x4.
Used two seasons. Very good condition! $400 -863-2264, after 5PM. F0RMALS Slies e-8. Very unloue. Several styles to choose from.
$50-175. 335.1862. DUAL ACTION exercise bike, wlno- back chairottoman, VCR, Scandinavian chalrottoman, writing desk. 8100-8420 251-3663. THREE ELECTRIC Typewriters: 550 each.
ttLltton Digital Microwave: still In box, 8100. 'frTape Recorders: 87 each. 280-3441. USED VIDEO Movies: Bought Sold Traded. Thousands; All Ratings.
VHSBETA, (Also Target 441-5648. SWIMMING POOL slide, $125. 3 wall units, woodglass shelves, $75 each. Excellent condition. 836-5626.
RAINBOW VACUUM Like new. Excellent condition. With power nonle, $550. 459-8413. 3dr refrigeretor with Ice, $150.
Game table with padded chairs, $75. Daybed with bolsters and covers, $45. Conture chair (rocks), $20. 331 1724; 465-5107. EUREKA VACUUM cleaner, canis ter, $45.
Sears venthood, $8. Dining light fixture, octagon, glass, brass, 8 bulbs, $35. 2 blue throw ruos. Sears. $10.
Parakeet, cage, 15. jaa-zrw. WEIGHT BENCH With cast Iron weights, $65. 27" schwinn bicycle lOspd, $60. 343-1944 SNAPPER 22" mower with grass catcher.
Used one time. $165. 282-6904. WARDS 22" lawnmower with grass catcher, excellent condition. $75.
282-6904 MUST SELL by 27th. Whirlpool undercounter icebox, $125; New 5 marble whirlpool tub, Marble counter tops wslnk, $25; Elegant Kiiia hr execuuve an wcnairs, $400; Very nice drafting table, $225; Counter top microwave, $100; shaped couch 7' 5', $125; Mlsc flOOrS, Wif-BBIU. PHYSICAL THERAPY mat, Clinton Industries no. 2430 folding 7'x4', brand new $400. 1-321-6869.
CARPET GOLD Shag 60sqft, plus remnants, $25. Polaroid cameras, B8w, $8 each. Contemporary Sisal hanging light fixture, new, $25. Cash Please. 453-3922.
WHEELCHAIR Invacare Like new, 8160. 250-8948. SEVERAL SETS Proline golf clubs, cenoe, small outboard engines, 30.06 with Redfleld scope, 110V window AC, 5x8 utility trailer. $100-1395. 288-3560.
WANTED: 2 Mountain Bikes -Men's, women's. Must be smaller frame, good quality. Under $200. 385-4981. GIANT SIZE wall maps, United States.
Asia-Europe. World, elc. S10- $20. 7004 Guadalupe. WEDDING DRESSViel Brand new, never worn.
Bought for $800. Will sell, $375. 251-8701; 255-2534. MILITARY SURPLUS Buy 8, sell. Patches, knives, khaki and camo clothing.
Khaki Tiger, 2919 North Lamar. ry-iua. 6210 SOUTH 183 Freeier, TV, lawn mower, books, weshing machine, beds, tablechairs. 82-8125. 1-764-2037.
CARPENTERS RACK, $45. Metal roofing, $5sheet. Manual tire changer, $90. Air compressor, $80. 350 Chevy transmission, $90.
6cyl 250 Integrated head, $100. 282-5817, 280-1133. LOTS OF everything Cheap! New car parts, antiques, clothing, misc. and etc. 81-S20.
10am-5pm. 258-6969. 6vixl6 Tandem Axel Stock trailer. Top and sides are removable to make utility trailer. 8950.
251-5000, 267-1785. NEW COLLECTABLES from England, Scottland, France, Italy and Spain. Dolls, Colport pottery, silk scerves, unbrellas. Also cock-tall table, swivel choir end king softslde waterbed. $10-5400.
345-3941 JUNIOR FORMAL DRESSES for sale Various slies. $50-5100. Call 837-1554 for more Information. FOR SALE ZENITH VCR, 4-head, $240. Herman Cardon stereo receiver, 160 watts, $160.
Profile speakers, $75 both. JVC RX350 comouter mon tor, $65. Hotpolnt microwave, $70. 442-1142 AM or evenings. SPA 7' double lounger (demo) with new jg equipment, svuu.
SPA 7' octogon with new 220 equipment. 81450. f.778-5247. TWO WEDDING or formal wear full long slips. Worn once.
835 each; 850bolh. 835-4523. BBQ. PIT ON WHEELS Hardly Used 8285 Call 321-1234 Bastrop STORAGE AUCTION Thursday 9am, April 28th Carlson Self Storage 4714 Nuckols Crossing Rd have been commissioned to auction delinquent storeoe units consisting of furniture, tools, glassware, appliances, mlsc household irems. COL KORNS AUCTION 832-0610, 442-2284 TXS-I1S406131 FOUR CHEVROLET GMC IS" 6 hole rims, excellent condition.
$40. Antique press argus 35mm camera, excellent condition. $35. 442-1051. STEARNS a.
FOSTER. Twin. $80. 10 ounce bottle box Coke Machine. $125.
835-7433. TAPERFLEX TRICK skis, $125, pair; 2nd pair, $75. Joe Cash slalom $27.50. Ice skates. $25.
Shoe skates, $100. Car redlo, $40. 10 point oeer neao mourn, sjmi. n.iroy up loht vacume, $50. Heevy belveo mirror, 24x34, 835.
Men's bowling with case, S25. 328-1721, after 7pm. 653 8tro, TV, AecgorhM PIONEER SPEAKERS 8, Nlkko receiver, $75. MCS receiver with turntable and 4-way speakers, 8150. 385-9238.
I 2 4 12 lent S1IM Ail The 623 Furniturt COUCH, floral, 3 cushions. 6123. Recllner, Ethan Allen, $60. Both good condition, 2M-O037. THOMASVILLE SOFA 3150.
Exer cise mechlne, 3150. Black laquer Italian Queen Anne dlneltt labia. 836-8960, 835-7020. VLEATHOR COUCH and chair like new; puffy, gray; 8500 for both. lounge excellent condition; brown velour; 8200.
Wade; 892-0613, 385-5658. CONTEMPORARY EARTH toned sola and loveseat, $350. Dark brown chair, $75. Upright piano, $200. 258-7060.
SAVE Buy direct, nam brand lines ilralohl from warehouse, five dav oenvery. w-tiwi. ANTIQUE WOODleather table. SIOO. Like new rattan sofa, 1250.
Large Peoasan chair, like new, S80. Woodoiass sofa table, 1100. Floor model, 4spd humidifier, 135. i matchino oriental ruos, ss. otner miscellaneous.
Sale, Saturday, 423, 2804 Leeds Cove Westgate, between Stassney William Cannon, EXTRA STURDY Sofa 1100 EXTRA STURDY Dinette Table $50 CALL 476-1470 EXTRAORDINARY OFFICE Furniture Bargains! Steelcase series 9000 Desk, panels, chairs, files. Ma hogany conference table with leather chairs. Drafting equipment and much more at liquidation prices, jzb-juw. ANTIQUE WARDROBE, Stereo combination wood cabinet, Laiy boy recllner, swivel rocker, couch es, refrigerator, maple table. $1-5500.
136-1470 BEDROOM SUITE, Dinette Set, twin site bed, washer, dryer, vac uum cleaner, cottee table, lamps, small appliances, stereo, baby chest, pots and pans, all sorls of dishes. 42-136). WATER BED WITH caotalns oed- estal, $225. Sewing machine, in wood cabinet, $125. Looking for aayoeo.
ajwow. WHITE DAYBED Gold trim, nev er used. Sell tor $100 or best offer. 444-2894 or 473-9554. LARGE WALL unit, entertainment center.
Solid wood, excellent condition. $150. 368-2866 or leave message. HEADBOARD, DRESSER, mirror, two nlghtstands, 1500. Oak round dinette, four chairs, $100.
Full Hie mattress, box springs, and rails, $100. All excellent. 335-0477, after 6pm or weekends. GOOD QUALITY Beds various sizes, good condition, other assorted furniture, $50-5250. Ask lor Doug, 441-8217.
LARGE WOODEN Executive style desk. Excellent condition. $95. Small coffee table, $10. Several twin headboards, $5 each.
280-0985. KING SIZE water bed and large dresserhutch, $500. New student size desk. S225. Solid maole server.
$200. 288-0860. LARGE OFFICE DESK Wood, decent condllton. $50. 322-OWv, after 5pm.
OAK BEDROOM Complete for use as kino size waterbed or plat form bed. Chest, mirror, high boy, 16 drawers, line new, im 1-858-7413. QUEEN SIZE extra firm Inner-spring mattress and box springs. Still packaged, never used, worth $450. Selling: $105, Including delivery.
Also three piece king mattress set, brand new, selling: $717. Usually home 192-7060. RUSTIC SOLID Pine Dining Room set witn douoie butiet, S5weest offer. Retails for $1100. 836-6769.
SOFA AND LOVE SEAT: NAVY WITH PEACH FLOWERS. $400 NEGOTIABLE 280-3921. LARGE, STRIPED velvet couch. Good condition. $125.
Home, 251-6687; work, 454-0664. UNFINISHED double bookshelfca binet. 6x5. $200, or best offer, can 258-3748, after or weekends. SONY SECURITY cemara and monitor system, 6-plece all wood bedroom suite, rattan king headboard, TV pedestal 2-speakers 5-way (San-Sul), $15-1500.
327-4855. WANTED: Accent chairs, brass floor lamps, wall hangings, girls white mellmene bedroom furniture, contemporary casual dining room sei. sau-ssuu. jiV-ma. NEW SOFA, love seat and chair $229.95.
Ladd's Furniture, 201 East Anderson (Beklns Building), 467-7)01. BEDROOM SUITE Beautiful 6 piece, cherry finish, king size, 4 post bed. lighted oak, bedroom pier group. New contemporary black Tacouer bedroom set, queen size mattress and box spring. Black acauer na set.
oak tab and chairs, contemporary lamps, excel-lent bargains. Cat) 250-5947. DOUBLE BED. Mattress, bo sprlno and frame, $130 Queen comforter and dust ruffle, 860. 836-5414.
MASSIVE GERMAN Buffet and chl na cabinet, $325. Thomasville chair, occasional chair, $45. 282 4870. I DOUBLE Bed Wall unit. 2 double beds.
Desk and cha r. $75-8500. 473-24B0. WOOD WORKER has new Oak and hard Maole writ no tables. 50- 8200.
Free delivery. 1-858-7726. COUCH, END tables, throw pillows. Ail in gooo conomon. musi sen.
$150. 343-1343, leave message. QUEEN-SIZED MIDE-A-BED (. MATCHING LOVE SEAT $400. 6924691 HERITAGE DINING table, $450.
Four side chairs, host and hostess chairs, $500. Sideboard, $350. 327-461L OUTDOOR WROUGHT-IRON table and four chairs, $125. 2 matching chairs, $45 eacn. 327-4611.
MOVING SALE: Tables, chairs. miscellaneous. Heritage, Ethan Allan and other brand names. $150- $500. 327-4611.
QUEEN BED, TV, Bookshelf, stereo, other Items. 11 0-1250. Call J.R. 276-7248. KENMORE WD 3vrs old.
excel lent condition, $300palr. Queen bed $75. Glassblack chrome dining table 31x54, $150. txercise oixe 875. 929-0762.
FORMAL LIVING Room sofa Oversized livlno room chair. $150. New condition. Call 459-8050 after LUXURIOUS MATTRESS King, Simmons olllow too (damask cov- er) set. Excellent condition, must see.
S35U. 472-5095. QUEEN BEDROOM SET dresser with double mirrors. nlghtstands, headboard. $300.
345-7515. OVERSIZED SOFA with pillows and iiass and wood coffee table. $150. 44-3450. FOR SALE: Couch and loveseat, tweed earthtones, $125 or best offer.
447-3011 after SOFA, EARLY American by La in mauve, $200. Cherry wood 18th Century reproduction oval coffee table by Sidney, 8125. 2 blue floral lamps with gray shades, $50 each. All excellent years old. Also 6 drawer dresser and mlr.
ror, $75. Queen mattress and box springs, $85. Four chairs, chrome marble top kitchenette, 875. 442-7351. ANTIQUE PIECES Round table (3 leafs).
6 chairs. $495. Table, 4 chairs, $395. Must see. 255-6610 AVOCADO areen, velvet chairs.
$100. Orange velvet and cane chair, $50. Reconditioned Electrolux vacuum with tools, $50. 453-7429. TWIN lonobov mattresses 8, boxsprlngs, 850 each.
One cher-rvwd. dbl bd. $60 00. Antloue potty chair, $65.00. 453-8605 after 10AM.
LIKE NEW, Rattan, large sofa, loveseat, swivel high back chair Navy, beige, brown. $425. 255-0425, MUST SELL Larae convertible couch. Opens to comfortable full sue peg. Asking szsu.
tall so-rin. WAVELESS KING slie waterbed with accessories, contemporery light oak frame and headboard bookcose. top Qualify, exceueni condition. $300. Call 441 5652.
EARLY AMERICAN-STYLE Sleep- sota with matching rocker, $375. Call 280-4032 evenings and weekends. BEAUTIFUL BLUE loveseat, 8175. Brand new, queenslre Spring Air boxspring and mattress, $125. Glass and wood coffee table, $40.
6-drawer dresser. $50. Moving, will consider offer for all. 331-6511. BEAUTIFUL OAK DESK Flat top, antique, $250.
Excellent condition. 331-9193. EXECUTIVE DESK CHAIR, Swivel tilt, arms, solid oak base, white fabric. Like new, comfortable. A bargain at $120.
343-0950, LOVESEAT Oak trim, beige. Very nice, like new condition, $125. Pfiugervine, yw-2251. ONE BEDROOM Set, living room set. Miscellaneous turnluture.
Please call, 282-7963. WHITE SOFA Tufted back, oood shape, must sell 6100 331-4831 SOFA, $225. White Naugahyde swivel rocklna chair with ottoman. $75. Typewriter table, $30.
832-1269. SUPER SINGLE Welerbed. Six drawer under dresser, mattress, heater, bumper guard. $125, best Oiler. 452-8736.
WHITE IRON DAY BED With pop-up. $125. 346-2437. 605 Boats, Motors MUST SELL: Three Year Old 28Ft Pontoon Boat Perfect party barge or tor family outing. Extras Include: captains chairs, table and couches, large tundeck on top.
95hp mvnwiT. naiier also avanaoie, sll.OOObest offer. Serious Inquiries 1984 HIGGSCRAFT. 15' family ski dubi, itm np ouiDooro motor, runs and looks greaf, 83250. 212-4571, 17WT MFG Boat U5hp Merc with hydraulic tilt.
Also Includes Shorelander frailer. 84,000. Call 55HP MERCURY Outboard Engine Call 263-3741. 1912 18' Chaparral Ski Boat with 140hp Mercrulser. IO, 87500, negotiable.
474-1955, extension 237 or 339-4272, evenings, weekends. See at 1401 Baronet's Trail In Norlheast Austin. 1973 SLICKCRAFT, 71' with trailer, tu, like new, sew. call 389.1210. 11 WELLCRAFT 21' Cuddy cabin.
260 Mercruslser, Tandem trailer. Skis and accessories. Less than hours. Excellent condition, 817-848-4022. 1965 BAYLINER Capri Very clean, low hours, 50hp Force, IralL er, cover.
negotiable. xor-iB4j; zap-13. (82 SEARAY 24.5' Cabin Cruiser. 260 Merc 10, gaivanneo Trailer, siswwmi ti- nance, itai-uw, '72 14' GLASTRON (BASS) BOAT Whp Mercury. Set-up to fish.
Good conanion. ua-yax. )v85 4" Wlnns, 17' lnboardOut board, 140 Mercrulser, low hours, vagnum iraiter, tuny loaded, stereo system. Excellent condition. 17995 or best otter.
Call after 6pm, BOAT REPAIR Flberolass, oeh coai, Donom worn. an or motor boats. Quality work. Reasonable rate. i Atter spm: 331-6534.
75 ARISTOCRAFT Runs good. loom on, worn, nome, o'-yup, or jn-sn. 19U SUPRA 19' BOWRIOER 454 Inboard, stereo system, cover, gooo conainom wu sen, w-bbiq. 15 9" THUNDERBIRD V-Hull and outer tilt trailer, MOO. Call 282-6496.
1985 16' INVADER 115hp Johnson, beautiful blue, sacrifice. 288-2840. 1984 CHAPARRAL Volvo PentB V8 motor, Magnum trailer, must sem laii zw-hu. 1976 COBALT 17' Sklboat, 242 hours. wi f-oro engine.
Mini condition. IW5. Z55-U7W. 16' STARCR AFT Fiberglass 120hp iu voivo ouiar va in ira er. S15W.
264-2960. 14' ON STAR Seml-V aluminum boat. 3ho motor. S350. After 5om.
606 Sailing Craft 15 CAPRI 22' SI4K Invested, sac rifice, 19000. 6 Hoble 17', excellent condition, 83758. 339-7825. SAILBOAT SHOP AT Highland Mall New and used sailboats. NEW HOBIE 21 ULTIMATE YACHT RACE BOAT save S2500.
only I left at 86790. Other Hoble Models from S99S. CATALINA 22, trailer, motor. 14950. Windsurfers, 8469.
Boardboats, 8175 5AILBOAT SHOP 454-7171 WINDSURF BOARD older model. Ideal for Lake Travis. Complete. S2Z5. 472-4957.
1986 HOBIE CAT 16' Colored sails. Make offer. 259-0591, atter 4pm, WINDSURFER O'Brien Free Sale 1. 8350. Good con dition.
1-693-4871. KRANSKO SANDPIPER Sloop, 11' LWL. 4' beam, mainsail and lib. Holds 2 adults and 3 children for comfortable day salllno. Car top- BDie.
3W, 43-4I4. FANATIC FOX Sallboard. Carbon, poxy, like new, 12' board only. 8475. Aeroforce 7.6 meter sail, 5225.
17' KQIhO mast, SSO, 266-9758, FOR SALE or lease sailboat slip. Lake Travis Lodges, 458-5631, eve- nings wwT, 29FT ERICSON EXCELLENT CONDITION. Five sails. Inboard Atomlc-4 engine. Sleeps six.
Call COLUMBIA 22 on Lake Travis, Sleeps 4, Evlnrude 6HP. oood cond tlon. Priced at only $4250. Spinnaker rig ana leu oenoa available. 346-5166, 443-0105, 454-2038.
1980 KORRALE II 13' Daysallor with trailer, lib 8, main sail $6I 339-6426, after B1C WIND SURFER Like new. 8373, 343-1944 READY TO board sail? Choice of 3 boards (9.5, 9.8, and 11.7). Choice of 4 Nell Pride racing sails. Fully riggeo, per rig. 4-UW.
SAILBROAD F2 Bullll. Nlel pride sail. Hardly used. 8700. 476-5440, before 3pm weekdays, anytime weexenos.
607 Boat Aecfjuoriat, Storag FOR LEASE M'-SO" Covered Slips. Security. Lake Travis Lodge wanna. aoe-MJi, tbb-twt. DILLY TILTS TRAILER with spare tire.
Fits boats to 16' $250. 258-5953. 16' GALVANIZEO Trailer, $250. H'Axl prop for OMC, $40. Both In excellent condition.
WANTED. X-16 Lowrance Greft recorder, depending on condition willing to pay up to $500. 212-3752, aner apm. D0DD STREET DOCKS Sailboat sllot available. Close proximity to both main body of lake and city of Auitln.
Ask about our springtime special, 258-0811, COVERED BOAT Silo for rent. Boat Town on Lake Austin. 5 months for $400. contact 327-9432. 40HP JOHNSON motor, with controls.
1500, Boat, your choice, 255-2783. NEW 24W all steel, covered boat dock, boat lift, walkway. Lake ravis. hw. 2tm 610 Building Materials KITCHEN BATH Cabinets Tubs Tops Whirlpools.
New, Surplus, seconds cose-out caDinets. weekdays; Saturday. Gold Star Mar- Die, i4u Nortn im. aOi-ny, 2512463. PRE-HUNG DOOR UNITS it it Exterior Inter lor Best prices In Texasl Cen-Tex Doors: 251-4440.
3 TON AC. Never Installed, attic type, duct work, feron lines. Bought wholesale $2500 will sell for 11800. 264-2476. CABINET MAKERS, builders, hobbyist.
Wholesale retail hardwood, plywood, moulding and Industrial particleboard. Various thicknesses and species. 813 Airport Blvd. 385-2016. TRANS TEXAS Factory Surplus 2015 Lamar Drive Round Rock, Tex.
244-1103 Weekdays M. Sal 9-4 Leaded glass doors 8100. Pre-hung masonite doors 815. 6 panel Interior doors, $10-840. Hall glass metal doors, $69.
Louvered doors, $15. Ash nonow core 146, sto. Masonite hollow core lis. $10. Wood storm doors, $60.
Ash mentle, $150. Full light doors, 40; 6 glass, 890. Louvered bi-fold doors, $9. Vi louver, fi panel, bl-fold doors, $10. 3 panel bi-fold doors, 812.
Solid core exterior doors, 316. Kitchen cabinets, uppers $35, bases $40. Super discount price on 4 complete oak kitchen with lots of deluxe features. CLEAN FILL materials available North Austin, 11928 Stone Hollow FREEI 836-6064 NEW 1x8 ROUGH CEDAR 20" long. $6 each.
Call Bryan, 247-4938, leave message. 17 ALUMINUM Storm windows (30x60), 2 storm doors. $15 eech or 8250 for all. 450-1506. WROUGHT IRON circular staircase.
Never used. For old construc tion. $325 firm. 4434428, afternoons evenings. HISTORICAL CONGRESS Ave.
brick. 50t each. 288-3277. 4 SKYLIGHTS, new, double dome, 36" square and smaller. $25-150 each.
442-2136. SLIDING PATIO GLASS DOORS. Excellent condition. $175. 474-5929 INSULATION 50 oil WHOLESALE R-ll to R-13.
Commercial Residential. Call 244-7624; STRUCTURAL PIPE 1W, 54foot, delivered. Pump rods, 29tfoot. 526-4786. 611 ChiMrori'i, bifant'i COMPLETE CRIB sal, $100.
Bass net and beddlna. 830. Playpen. $20. 192-3011.
802 Appliance HEAVY DUTY Washer, Dryer. Both iook ana worn tine, uwpair. 201-774, weenoayt atter FRIGIDAIRE DRYER 2 years old. 1150, Call 441-5364. Working Refrigerator 7p.
call 385-363? after 5pm. KENMORE GAS RANGE. GOOD CONDITION. 1200, NEGOTIABLE. '28-0276, COOL BUYI Amana uprloht freei er, 13cuft.
Excellent condition. Paid 17W. ASKing 1W5. HEAVY DUTY GE ELECTRIC DRYER Brand new, 5225, 255-6126, 1 YEAR OLD Kenmore heavy duty washer and electric dryer. 1300, or DeSI OTTBT.
4H-J4QJ, KENMORE WASHER With aer- maneni press care, (100. Also, dryer wtin primeneni press care, SIW. Can deliver. 134-8064. KENMORE WASHER and dryer, Kenmore ivcun refrigerator, WASHERDRYER 1,120 ech.
Huge Kenmore Ireeier, 1295. Frost-free refrigerator, 1250 can deliver warranty, ikH-yitj, anytlmel NEW GE DRYER Won In contest, new or usea. warranty, 1350, best offer, 288-4527, GE POT SCRUBBER DISHWASHER Portable. Can Be Built-in. 8100best offer.
455M589, DRYER: KENMORE, gas. Works perfect, S80. Hoover upright vacuum cleaner. Like new, S40. 44-66J), GAS DRYER works well.
S75 or will trace tor electric. 331-5884. REMODELING GE electric cook- topvent. 839. GE electric dou- pie oven, ws.
Must see, 345. 1989. REFRIGERATOR. WHIRLPOOL Side by side, 19.3 cubic feel, wlce maker, stw, pn. 327-9805, MUST SELL Kelvlnetor "Masterpiece" Frostless Refrloerator.
Al mond No-Smudge. 1300. 328-2960 anerornn. GE REFRIGERATOR Good Condition. 175 or bast offer.
Call 440-1179. 22CuFt Sears Coldspot refrigerator with Ice maker water dispenser. 8250. Kenmore trash compactor with cutting board (both gold). 258-8118.
GE REFRIIGERATOR, runs good, 850. Aqua vent-hood, 820. Aqua elec- tnc stove top, im. ajo-uoye. WASHERSDRYERS 30 day guarantee Call 454-9145, dally.
Also repair washers. gryers. iyj-sw. Maytag Washer Dryer bOS. S4V9, 328-0970.
TRAULSEN ROUND Show Refrigerator. Needs new compressor. 875, 926-4620. GE WASHERDRYER White, all features, 1400. Weekends, 288-2321; weekdays, 447-2225, MATCHING MAYTAG Electric washer end dryer.
8400 cash. Call qulckl 338-1081. KENMORE WASHER with permanent press, 8100. Also: dryer, 890. Excellent condition.
I will deliver. 339-9208, North Lamar ALMOST NEW Jenn-AIre labia top range and dishwasher. Used In Demos only. Value 31200. will sell tor 8600.
Do not call Sunday. Muriel, 478-7053. LATERAL FILE With lock Five drawer, pulty color, Cost 8700, 3 years old. Sacrifice for 8265. 445-5400, 445-7007, or 343-7355, WASHERDRYER Sears, white.
Excellent condition. Set Is 1350 firm. 388-2720. KENMORE PORTABLE DISHWASHER Used one year. 1200.
443-8012 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC drver with delicate cycle, 840 Hoover upright vaccum, 835 Call Kay, 837-1596; 338-6596. NICE ALMOND Refrigerator, like new. S225. Almond dishwasher, new. 5150.
Kenmore washer and dryer, 82O0, 443-6989, ALMOST NEW Kenmore, slde-by-slde refrlgeratorfreeier with automatic Icewater dispenser. 8395. Kenmore upright freezer, 865. Call 458-4733, after MAYTAG WASHER SI75. GE Dryer 8100.
Large microwave SOU. KENMORE 17cufl Refrigerator with Ice-maker, verv oood condition, 8250 258-6740 HI YEAR old Frlgldalre washer, 850 Eloht year old Mavtao oas drver tas ssu lasn oniyi su-iiM. WASHER, DRYER, butane kitchen range, 865 each. Manual defrost refrigeretor, 855. Fiberglass boat, 375, Frank, 276-7724.
Whirlpool Upright Freezer 3150 eech. 331-7238. FROSTFREE REFRIGERATOR, 395. Excellent Window AC, 8125. Upright freeier, 8125.
Excellent clothes oryer, vn. evf-oaja, 8180 KITCHEN Aide Multl function mixer, K4SSSAL, new, still In box, 8130. Culslnart food processor, DLC-BF, like new. SIOO. 459-7807.
CASH PAID Working or non-working ances. 454-3527. appll- AUST'N'S LARGEST USE APPLIANCES, OUTLET Refrlgs, washerdryers, ranges, dishwashers, AC'S. Warranties APPLIANCES UNIQUE 1912 Anderson Ln. Next to Edlsons 454-3527.
WASHERDRYER set (with warranty). Excellent condition. 3265. Appllences Unique, 454-3527 (next to fcoirson'st. REFRIGERATOR 14CuFt Frostless Sears Cold Soot.
8100. 452-0264, KENMORE ELECTRIC DRYER Like New Condition 8150 Call 454-8900, EveningsWeekends ROPER ELECTRIC range Self- cleanlna oven. Ceramic cooktoo. eye level microwave. Aimona wirn black glass front.
S325 250-9754. SEVEN YEAR GE WD. Great condition. Paid $900; asking S400both. Will sell separately.
WHITE KENMORE GAS RANGE With Self-Cleaning Oven, $125 Evenings, Weekends 388-2891 HOTPOINT REFRIGERATORS, 380. Gas stoves, 850. Dishwashers, 835. Variety of colors; Yellow, brown, green, 443-8142, FROSTFREE REFRIGERATOR, clean, excellent working condition. looks great, sibs, ass-me.
MUST SELL One year old, I7cl refrloerator. $350. Washerdrvar. $200. Dish washer, 350.
339-1708. KENMORE GAS RANGE, like new, 3200. WARDS 5000BTU AC. 375. 462-3330 SET OF KITCHEN APPLIANCES All work.
Harvest gold. 8350 or make oiler. 288-0163. 603 Bicycle, Repair BEAUTIFUL RED Blanchl Sport tosDd. Brand new.
Perfect cona tion. 8265. Call 3354123 or 328-1330. (Vlckl). TWO 26" COASTER BRAKE EACH.
444-9455. TANDEM BIKES. 875 UNIVEGA GRAN Rally racing lOspd, 56, rarely ridden, brand new, Shlmeno 600 system, 8380. 474-0141. RALEIGH lOspeed, 502 Chromemo-ly frame, Suntour shifters.
Derail-leur, quIcK release wheel. 8125 negotiable, 440-8135, 15 SPEED Univega Viva touring bike Includes lock, lights and rack. 3350 negotlble. Call Esther 479-0506. STATIONARY EXERCISE BIKE Deluxe, $50.
929-0602 $05 Boat, Motor SEARAY The Sail I Ski Center fs now Austin's exclusive Sea Ray Dealership. Featuring models from 16' to 30' powered by Mercrulser stern drives. The best boots money can buy starting at $7995. Excellent II-nenclng with no money down and 11.99 Interest tor qualified buyers. THE SAIL 8.
SKI CENTER 12980 Research Blvd 258 0733 JET PUMP Blueprinting, ports, cables, headers, accessories. Mike's In Houston: 713620-15S A BEAUTYI MIAMI VICE STYLE Never been In saltwater. 377 Scarab wtwln 330's heatair 5 hydroholst, trailer 213-981-5609 or 267-1663 1983 GRANDDECKER, IS' deck boat. 170HP OMC Inboard. Only 94 hours.
$6975. Financing. Lonnie, 444-1801. 1904 SEARAY 24.5' Cuddy Cruiser 260 Mercrulser, low hours, trim tabs, 113,500 bell offer. 345-2108.
SEARAY 19-Open bow, great buy. offer. Coll 255-7195. BOATS AND MOTORS 8150-5500 250-9621. PORTABLE CtllulT PHONES Car Boat Okl.
Panasonic 345-6962 611 ChildrtM'i, Inltnt'i SIMMONS CHEST natural mao e. 3-drawer: excellent cond tlon; 8195. Antique white Iron twin oeo inciuoes neaaooora, toot board; 6120. And miscellaneous 50 $)0 327-2674. 612 Cameras, Photo 6upfHM AUSTIN CAMERA SHOW Buy, Sell, Trade Aprlt 30 a.
May 1st, 10anv5pm Adults S3 SO Sheraton Crest Hotel Conaress 8 1st Street OLYMPUS OM-1, 28mm, 50mm, 70- 150 loom, 2x te econverter, autowfnder, and ban. Asklna 1500. 3e-PM, leave message tor nem. ALL CANNON Cameras. 1150 each ft Pawn and Jewelry souin congress 180MM 2.5 Tamron with bianl warranty card.
Mint condition, YASHICA FX-D 35MM camera with automatic F-stop option with cast ana automatic tiasn. negotioie, tan tstner 4y-uwe 35MM MINOLTA camera, steel case, motordrlve, electronic (lash. strap, 40mm lens. S175. yw-0W7.
614 Collector Kama 1988 TOPPS Vendlna boxes 110.50, case S225. Sets, S22. Ill Sussex Drive. SaturdaySunday, BARBIE ACCESSORIES I960' doll. Barbie and Ken case.
Midge case, snipper case, ana cioining, BUYING: German, US, Japanese War Relics WWIWWII daggers, sworos, neimeis, meaais, uniiorms. 9 Disney Musical Figurines ana otner items. wu. zu ih, 30 Collectors Thimbles $200. 244-2752.
WESTERN SIGNED Limited Edl tlon Prints Summers, hodes and Dyne. 8175-8275. 287-6052. baseball CARD Sale Collector selling leroe collection, Aprlt 30, yam-6pm. 307 Powell, Coupland, texas.
x-sjw. COINS FROM ROMAN TIMES, his torical, Interesting, nearly 2000 'ears oio. S5-S5. Bin, aawtw. 615 Computers), EDP Equipment IBM PCAT CLONE, EGA Monitor, 20MB Hard disk, Epson Printer, sottware.
wr-ivw. BUY-SELL-REPAIR-EXCHANGE Your computer system and periph erals. AB Computer 448-I112, 244-209O Mc COMPUTER We buy, sell, trade and repair PC'S. 2105 Justin 111 459-yow. SOFTWARE For All COMPUTERS ALL AT A DISCOUNT ALL THE TIME SOFTWARE EXCHANGE New Used Rentals 2520 Guadalupe.
476-7171 WE BUY USED COMPUTERS BYTE SHOP 3016 NORTH LAMAR 45V-I801 COLLEGE STUDENT Must Sell Commodore 64, Keyboard, disk drive, coior monitor ano printer. $350. 441-0634, leave message. IBM PC CLONE 640K RAM, 2 disk drives, DOS 3.0. 35W.
287-7433. COMMODORE 64 Color monitor, disk drive, printer, lots of software, including two word processors, saw, lbii 4M-WU, leave message. BRAND NEW INTERNAL MODEM WITH SOFTWARE $5 358-460. DIABLO 630 printer with paper tractor, $4su. can (ary, 40-1129, leave message.
ZENITH Z1S1 laptop, large display. two 720K disks, 640K RAM, battery pack, case, external floppy oisk. a montns oio. sn. zao-Bi.
APPLE II Plus computer 1 drive, monitor, manuals, disks, casn, S325. HeathkltZenlth dot matrix printer with RS 232 cable, $65. 443-7675. TI 994A Comouters Basic key board or expanded system. 865-8350.
sell or trade, can 444-ettz. IBM SOFTWARE Great prices. free delivery. dBASE, RBASE, and Word, WordPerfect, 1000 more. Installation available.
Infoquest, 346- COMPUTER DESK, 30x60. Printer stand. Printer quletlzer hood. All new condition. 636-6248, 10am-7pm, MACINTOSH 512K enhanced computer equipped with keyboard and mouse, reflect conaition.
sew. 327-55W. WORDPERFECT, MICROSOFT WORD. IBM. Never used.
$100 each 280-6023, IBM APPLE software plus hard- ware Hems. Changing home system, everything must gol jr-eaj. WANTED: IBMCompatible equipment. Pay up to $500. 467-9355, weekdays 1-321-6570 evesweekends APPLE lie Computer System 10 column, monitor, manuals, $500.
2 dr ves. S150. apd imaoewriter 11 color printer, vm, casn. uyiin. AUTOCAD THREE IBM PC Turbo CLones, 512K640K, 10.20megHD, ember monitor, 8750.
192-5809, 872-0344. MacProducts AUSTIN We carry the latesl software and hardware tor the Macintosh. We elso buy and sell consignment goods. Microsoft wore, oniy uw. DOBIE MALL 469 5000 COMPUTER PAPER 1 carbon, standard size SI2 per box.
250-8946 DIABLO PRINTER with tractor feed. Feeds 500 single sheets and ggminuouj. LCiier quality. Eric, 250-8847. IBM COMPATIBLES Also consulting service and busi ness setup.
Low prices $500, nego- tiapie, trie: aau-ww, petore ywpm. TI PPC, monochrome 256K, I disk drives. Internal modem, serlel com munication board, wk. lbii Lvnn, home; 817-774-6546 work. COMMODORE 64, BW screen, printer, disk drive, softwere.
ernes including jeooarovt. $350. 58-6501. TI PRINTER For Sale Model 840 RO 476-1636 REAL IBM AT Bmhi. 44Mb hard disk, 1.2 meg floppy, monochrome, enhanced keyboard.
31950. 445-0475. MACINTOSH 512K with external drive, keyboard, mouse, numeric xeypao, soitware end accessories. saw, can Greg, 343-2464. DIABOL 630 PRINTER WITH TRACTOR FEED.
251-4137. COMMODORE 64 Disk Drive plus software, $300. Call Jeff, 132- message. APPLE lie, 128k, tOcol, RGB, DuO- disk Drives. Apple RGB color moni-tor, Modem, more.
$675 4454472. 622 Flooring, Mwcrumdit MILL DIRECT CARPETS TO THE PUBLIC PHONE 512-282-8893 Give manufacturer of the carpet style, color and tne sqyd'S. CASH PAID for old oriental ruos andor European Tepestrles. Call 442-53S4. 623 Furniturt BUYSELL FurnitureAccessories Including Households, Apartments.
K8M Fur nlture. 13629 Research, 331-1302. BUYING Furniture 8, Housefuts. 258.5479 BUY SELL USED FURNITURE 4 Antlaues. Best Prices In Townl B8.S, 11423 NORTH LAMAR, 834-9893 MOVING SALE Couch, end table, lamps, table and chairs, bed, dress er, night table, and TV.
All In good condition. 4414452. LIVING ROOM furniture and plant salt. S5-I7O0 negotiable. 443-2724, after weekdays, all day weekends.
SOFASLEEPER, $200. Dining table, $75. Chair. $35. Chair and otto- man, $43.
632-1229 alter 3pm. SOFA, gold stripe, like new, $100. 6' blond tormlce coffee table, palate shaped, $25. 331-8593. SECRETARIAL WOOD Desks.
wFlie cabinets. Secretarial chairs, copier. wComputer stands. 338-9175. Piano Outlet 453-5966 STEINWAY GRAND Regular 512,500 sale 89,825.
335-8050. BEAUTIFUL, ONE year old parlor grand Stelnway piano. Pecan Asking $13,800 328-5061; 477-6155. GOOD MONEY FOR GOOD PIANOS. 3354081 WE BUY USED GUITARS AND AMPS 478-0095 PIANOS: The finest new and usedt Pfennig Piano, Karla Pfennig MMr ownertechnician.
1202 West 5lh. 477-6468. AUSTIN PIANO .1 Excellent pre-owned pianos at sonaoie prices Pianos from $295, All styles and malor brands 335-8050. FOR SALE: Beautiful 6' Mathushak Grand Piano Made by German craftsman. $3500 Includes delivery and tuning.
Call 472-2207. FULL SIZE Smith and Barnes utf right piano, recently tuned, serviced. $500 delivered. 926-5880, leave message. YAMAHA TX8IZ FM Reck mount synthesiser, $295.
TWIN 15" Bass Cabinet, $100. Charlie: days. 892-6161, evenings. i POWER AMP: Hell, 200 watts mf r. channel.
8250. Good condition. Mgv ing, must sen. 472-7053. -t FOR SALE ELECTRIC GUITAR (124 njnntlhlM v'4 Coll 445-5156.
PIANO INFORMATION Absolutely Free of Charge 452-8TOV LOOKING TO buy a Fender Bass, any model. All offers considered, Call Steve, 9anv7pm. 892-0016. LOWREY FESTIVAL ORGAN Two keyboards, rythm section, bass 4 Eedals, instruction books. $500.
36-8577. D45 MARTIN guitar, 1970, Broilllarf rosewood, bond fingerboard entf headplate. Mother of peart Hardcase. $2000. 1-333-0875, EFFECTRON JUNIOR Rack Mount.
Digital delay, Boss chorus; Tom Scholtz power soak, Morley' echo. $50-8150. 282-6355. OVATION FOLK GUITAR WITH HARDSHELL CASE, 8375. r0 459-4624.
WANTED: PEAVEY Keyboard em" pllfler. Will consider other brsnds 527-1929. BRAND NEW Yamaha guitar and SO watt amp. 6450. Both great condl- tlon.
258-1852. S-STRING BANJO Gold Star, with case, never played. New, over 880W sacrifice, 8375. 251-4614. s'u FULLSIZED MAHOGANY UP RIGHT PIANO 7545 years old, Excellent condition, needs tuning.
8500, 990-1718. BEAUTIFUL KAWAI Upright PI- A ano. Black lacquer finish. Great condition. 81950.
346-5237. FENDER RHODES electronic key. board. Immaculate. Completely done.
$350 Upright pleno, five 'o yeers. Immaculate. $300 CatJ-o I-32I-I979, Bastrop. PA EQUIPMENT: Sunn Alpha Slav 1O0W power amp. $150 or best Cerwln-Vega C-30 Cabinets -needs $90 In parts.
Make offer. 452-2064, leave message. FENDER TWIN REVERB Good condition. $32S. 835-5538 or 266-1235.
TRACK Recorder with Dolby. Clarion XD5. Perfect condition. 8250. negotiable.
459-3058. ARTISAN CUTAWAY Guitar. set. Cedar top. Looks and- sounds Ilka a Lowden.
Excellent to even tone. Hardshell case $500. 459-3058. 3t; ORGAN: LOWREY Meglc Genie 44 Excellent condltlonl Almost nejwi 339-70l2J 6' KAWAI Grand KG2D Three years old, Perfect condition $6000 343-1940. PIANO FOR SALE Upright Windsor.
$300 beet 441-9158. GULBRANSON UPRIGHT PIANO -7 Mahogany, beautiful sound. 81200. Call Yasmln, 474-6318 evanlngs. 1937 STEINWAY Grand 611.
1 Sony, signed by Stelnway. Mint cen-n lllon. $10,000 negotiable. jji-wh; wjuaa. Ml rlANO MUVtKV Formerly with JR Reed 453-5103 LOWERY PORTABLE Stereo board, model V120.
14 drum voices, keyboard voices, $800. 832-0705. leave message. BEAUTIFUL UPRIGHT PIANO $395 Call 489 i 4j 1963 FENDER JAGUAR Original condition with orlglnilt case. 8450 negotiable.
444-4941. LOWERY CELEBRATION oroan Perfect for church, teecher. ExceW-e condition, vs new priced 258-3991 after FENDER PRECISION Jan busies. VlbroChamp, Gretsch emp, Shure microphone headset, Squire Telet.v cosier, Schecter Stratocaster. $75, 445-7294 -4H 658 Portlbrt Bulldlngt Attordeble Portable Structures wood, top quality, Color coordinated.
100 financing, 10x12x8, 8769; 10x16x8 8999; 12x20x1. 81399. North 251-5757, South 441-8011. Portable Buildings AAoved Reasonable rates. Prompt service -of 451-0514 329-4885 477-7)40 .11 COD TRANSPORT 'i only independent certified building mover In erea.
441-4009. V. STOP SQUA WKIN'AND START HAWKIN THE AUSTIN AMERICAN STATESMAN says, "Lets go as an -independent contractor. Sell the American Statesman from the street corners in your neighborhood and possibly earn up to $100 a week. Must be 18 years or older and have social security number.
Transportation provided if necessary. CALL: 385-2829 6AM-1PM.